A Walk in the Park with Gil

Aug 24, 2021  11:00 - 11:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k4B_WoqHRZqwZPvSFZMONg
Cost:  Free
Hosted by: World Urban Parks

Parks are ever more important.

Presenter, Enrique Peñalosa, twice elected mayor of Bogotá, Colombia. During his terms, he led the design and construction of over 1100 parks, planted over 150,000 trees, and built 380 kilometers of protected bikeways.
Author book to be published 2021 City, Equality, Happiness.

Special guests to the dialogue with Enrique are:
Jayne Miller, chair of World Urban Parks, former Head of Parks in Minneapolis and Pittsburgh.
Amanda O'Rourke, Executive Director of 8 80 Cities, and co-chair of Children, Play, Nature committee of WUP.

A Walk in the Park with Gil is a free, bi-weekly 45 minute Webinar series. Gil will invite knowledgeable guests, who will present fascinating stories and successful cases of urban parks (20 min), followed by a provocative and inspiring dialogue with Gil and Q&A session (25 min).

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