Kevin Hedges | Arctic Fisheries Scientist

Nov 19, 2021  13:00 - 13:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Kevin has been a research scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada since 2010, studying Arctic marine fishes and invertebrates. Through his research program, he provides science advice to Resource Managers to support sustainable management of commercial fisheries for Greenland Halibut and Northern and Striped Shrimp, and development of new community-based fisheries in Nunavut. He is also a member of the Ocean Tracking Network and has been working with other Network researchers to study the movement patterns, habitat use and ecology of Greenland Halibut, Greenland Shark and Arctic Skates. Kevin's presentation will provide an overview of the fieldwork and lab work conducted under his research program and an overview of how that research supports resource management and conservation.

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