Global Lessons on Greening School Grounds and Outdoor Learning Launch

Nov 17, 2021  

Event URL:
Hosted by: Salzburg Global Seminar

There is growing momentum worldwide to make school grounds greener as a sensible and thoughtful approach to increase climate resilience and improve health and education outcomes, especially for those most impacted by systems of inequity and environmental injustices. What are examples of success from around the world and what are the barriers to creating green school grounds at scale?

This online event will launch an 18-month project to identify and disseminate successful approaches to school ground greening from around the world to influence and help us, as a society, make significant progress in addressing complex interrelated problems. This project will be led by Children & Nature Network, in partnership with Salzburg Global Seminar, the International School Grounds Alliance, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, #NatureForAll, and the National League of Cities Institute for Youth, Education and Families. 

The launch event will be an interactive online meeting. The event will be held twice on November 17 to be convenient for multiple timezones. The content of both sessions will be the same. Please register for the event that is most convenient for you. 

The first event will take place on Nov 17, 2021 at 08:00 Salzburg / 10:00 Nairobi / 12:30 New Delhi / 15:00 Manila / 16:00 Tokyo / 17:30 Adelaide

The second event will take place on Nov 17, 2021 at 08:00 San Francisco / 10:00 Chicago / 11:00 Bogota / 17:00 Salzburg / 19:00 Nairobi / 21:30 New Delhi

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