A Green, Healthy Recovery from COVID-19

Nov 18, 2021  13:00 - 14:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/a-green-healthy-recovery-from-covid-19-tickets-164898085613
Hosted by: Smart Prosperity Institute

Climate action in Canada is accompanied by a host of benefits to communities, including investment, jobs and improved health outcomes. The potential for climate action to advance health is enormous, and has been realized in high profile environmental victories like Ontario’s coal phase out. A green economic recovery, and the transition to net-zero emissions, presents an avenue for supporting healthier communities is through investments made in a COVID green economic recovery.

This webinar from Smart Prosperity Institute will discuss the potential for climate action and a green economic recovery to advance health outcomes, and will present new research findings comparing the health outcomes from green recovery investments across Canada. This analysis will help policymakers better compare the health benefits of different emissions reducing solutions in communities across Canada.

This event will explore Smart Prosperity Institute's recent report, A Green and Health Recovery: How different green economic recovery investments compare for advancing human health in Canada.

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