World Water Forum

Mar 18, 2022  

Location:  Dakar
Event URL:
Hosted by: The International Secretariat for Water and the World Youth Parliament for Water

For this 5th edition, the International Secretariat for Water (ISW) – which is at the origin of the Youth Parliaments for Water – and the WYPW decided to present a new and innovative format to maximize the potential impact of the event and youth engagement while ensuring the health and safety of all participants. The General Assembly has been designed in a bimodal program combining an online event (which took place on March 2021) and in-person activities (planned for March 2022). 

In the midst of the pandemic, the 1st part of the GA held in virtual mobilized more than 600 young people from +50 countries who took part in +40 sessions. To date, this was the largest virtual mobilization of the ‘’youth for water’’ that has taken place and was a key moment to identify priority themes and connect new network members.

 The second part of the GA is planned to be held before and during the 9th WWForum - 16th  to 25th of March 2022  - in Senegal. During these 10 days (5 days before the WWForum and 5 days during the Forum). +60 committed youth will be selected for in-person participation. They will have the chance to participate in training sessions given by inspiring professionals, to exchange with their peers from around the world, and most importantly, to bring the voice of youth for water to decision-makers for rapid change. Youth are thirsty for action and change.

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