Research and Conservation of Qilalugaq (beluga whales) in Canada’s Western Arctic

Dec 2, 2021  13:00 - 13:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

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Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Join Shannon as she shares information on beluga whale ecology and different methods that scientists use to study and conserve this important species.

Shannon is a Research Biologist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Although based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in a typical year she spends between 3-5 months planning and conducting field programs in the Beaufort Sea in Canada’s western Arctic. For the past ten years Shannon has been lucky enough to study marine invertebrates, fishes and whales and work closely with Inuvialuit, Inuit of the Western Arctic. The Beaufort Sea is home to one of the world’s largest beluga populations that forms a large summering group following the annual breakup of spring sea ice. Beluga whales are a ‘sentinel’ species that can help us learn about the ecosystem in which they live. They are also culturally important to Inuvialuit. In recent years, Shannon has been collaborating with Inuvialuit Knowledge holders and other scientists to learn more about beluga whales, such as what they eat, how to measure beluga health, and identifying important habitats.

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