Live for Aldabra | Giant Tortoises: Island Engineers in a Warming World

Dec 3, 2021  09:00 - 09:45

(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time

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Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Many islands across the world used to house giant tortoises, until humans arrived and ate them all. An island without its tortoises is an empty place, where many activities grind to a halt. Join Dr. Dennis Hansen live on Aldabra Atoll, the last place on Earth that still has huge herds of giant tortoises. Together, we'll explore how these gentle creatures shape their island - and how they create homes for many other species by eating, moving, and pooping all over the place. With global warming, though, the already-slow tortoises may start moving even more slowly - which could be problematic for how dynamic and diverse Aldabra's ecosystem will be in the future.

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