Women Blaze Trails...Fest

Feb 11, 2022  19:00 - 15:30

Event URL:  https://www.womenblazetrails.com/
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants

Celebrating Women in Science and Exploration.

February 11th is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, join in and celebrate with a virtual 3-day festival featuring women in science, exploration and conservation from across the globe, brought right into your living rooms!

This virtual weekend has a simple goal, celebrating incredible women, doing incredible things around the world, day in and day out. From the 11th – 13th of February, we'll meet scientists, explorers, conservationists, filmmakers, photographers and more, showcasing their work, challenges, adventures, research and expeditions.

This festival is 100% free to join in. You'll have an options to donate to Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants, an education non-profit inspiring the next generation of scientists and explorers by bringing those on the frontlines of science, exploration and conservation, live into classrooms through virtual guest speakers and field trips. Since 2015, Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants has hosted well over 3,000 live events, connecting a half million students with scientists and explorers in 95 countries. What we do is and always will be free for classrooms everywhere!

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