Global Biodiversity Festival

May 20, 2022  

Event URL:
Hosted by: Global Bio Fest

The Global Biodiversity Festival is a virtual weekend for the general public, with a simple goal of shining a spotlight on biodiversity loss. This is a truly global event that will bounce us around the globe as we celebrate the weird and the wonderful, highlight the challenges life faces and some good news conservation stories. From the 20th – 22nd of May, we'll share the diverse stories and challenges of scientists, explorers, conservationists, filmmakers and policy makers on the frontlines of the race to save the incredible variety of life on our planet...and ourselves.

Last year was our second year of the Global Biodiversity Festival. We broadcast live for 80 hours with over 160 speakers joining us from all 7 continents and 60+ countries. We raised $30,000 for conservation and published a book sharing the speaker's perspectives on biodiversity from their projects. Join us for year 3, we guarantee it will be an incredible adventure!

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