Livestream: Nurturing nature through culture

May 28, 2022  13:00 - 14:30

Event URL:
Hosted by: Flourishing Diversity

Tune into an inspiring and informative livestream exploring nature’s most powerful healer, biocultural diversity.

Why is it that 80% of Earth’s remaining terrestrial biodiversity is located within territories inhabited by Indigenous Peoples and local communities? And how can this help us to address the climate and biodiversity crisis?

Western science is beginning to catch up with the fundamental knowledge that Indigenous Peoples have known for generations, that the cultural practices and beliefs of local peoples have a direct impact on the health, vibrancy, and abundance of ecological biodiversity within that ecosystem. This concept and way of perceiving life is often referred to as biocultural diversity.

Defined by Luis Maffi as “the diversity of life in all its manifestations: biological, cultural, and linguistic — which are interrelated within a complex socio-ecological adaptive system.” Despite its vital importance, biocultural diversity is only now beginning to be understood by the mainstream conservation and environmental movements across the globe.

We hope you’ll join us and our inspiring panel of environmental advocates and conservationists as we collectively deepen our understanding of biocultural diversity and place it at the center of decolonised environmental action and conservation practices.

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