Walkable, Green Streets: Advancing Health, Wellness, & Economic Vitality. Presents: Dan Burden.

Jul 26, 2022  11:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XItecS-kQFuqHQ9t4mTiYg
Hosted by: 8 80 Cities

Dan Burden is America’s most recognized authority on walkability and bikeability and is a pioneer in people-first urban planning. For 40 years, he has helped policymakers in over 3,500 cities around the country create healthier cities, one neighborhood at a time. His work bridges the gap between research and action by using evidence-based policymaking to achieve real results.

Health officials are now, more than ever, looking to Burden’s innovations in achieving better public health outcomes at manageable costs. His work has helped define and shape the future of vibrant communities as walkable communities now start to gain market share over auto-dependent suburbs.

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