Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference

Sep 17, 2022  

Event URL:  https://johnmuirlaws.com/wildwonder/
Hosted by: John Muir Laws in partnership with The Foster

Register Now!

Join Us for the Fourth Annual Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference: September 14-18, 2022.
Thanks to the dedicated work of our team and the generous support of our partner and sponsors, we are thrilled to offer our fourth annual Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference, an annual event that gathers people who are passionate about nature, art, science, curiosity, and wonder to share ideas, learn from each other, support each other, inspire each other, and have fun together in nature’s beauty. Our online event will be 5 full days featuring a rich schedule of 30 classes, panels, lectures, nature journaling challenges, social time, journal sharing, and an online auction.

We are so grateful to our Wild Wonder 2022 teacher team, which includes more than 30 teachers, journalers, writers, artists, and thought leaders in nature, nature journaling, and visual thinking, such as: Sunni BrownMike Daikubara, Tony Foster, Catherine Hamilton, Timothy Joe, Debby Kaspari, MaryJo Koch, John Muir Laws, Jean Mackay, Rosemary MoscoAmy Tan, Julie Zickefoose, and more! Check back here soon for bios of all of our teachers and speakers.

Our Early Bird ticket is $85 for the full online conference (NOTE: this price goes up to $95 on July 15). We have a tiered ticketing system, enabling those who can pay more to help support those who cannot afford to attend: the Pay It Forward Ticket is $245 and it includes a donation to Wild Wonder and special gifts for you. See our Eventbrite ticket page for details. If you are new to this process, you may want to review these REGISTRATION TIPS.

Click here to review the Wild Wonder 2022 Class Schedule. All Wild Wonder events are in Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7). We have 5 full days of classes, panels, and speakers, from approximately 8am to 9pm Pacific Time each day. The event includes 30 classes and talks. NOTE: The videos from this event will not be shared later for free.

Thanks to our Wild Wonder auction fundraising in 2021, we are able to offer some partial scholarships for students and others in need, which reduce the conference price to $25 (including full live access and full post-conference video access). To apply for a scholarship, fill out an application HERE. NOTE: We have a limited number of scholarships available, so please apply early if possible.

The Wild Wonder 2022 Online Auction Fundraiser will go live in September and it raises funds for scholarships to future events. If you’d like to donate something to our auction, please email us at wildwonder@gmail.com and tell us more! We are grateful to the many community members who donated to support this fundraiser! Thank you so much!

The Wild Wonder 2022 Video Pass will be on sale on/around October 1, AFTER the live conference closes. This ticket includes access to all of the conference recordings until April 18, 2023. Note: For those who purchased the full live conference ticket, your ticket already includes this access. This pass is for those who missed the live conference but want access to all the recordings. NOTE: Unlike most of John Muir Laws’ online classes, the majority of the videos from this event will not be shared later for free. Only paid participants (video pass or full pass) will have access. 

Please review our conference FAQs and see if your question is answered.


We are grateful for the generous support of our Partner and Sponsors, which helps make this event possible. We welcome additional sponsors. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please email us at wildwonderconf@gmail.com.


  • The Foster: The mission of The Foster is to unite and celebrate artist-explorer Tony Foster’s watercolor wilderness Journeys and inspire connection to art and the natural world.


What is the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference?
John Muir Laws and the Nature Journal Club are thrilled to partner with The Foster to host Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference, an annual event that gathers people who are passionate about nature, art, science, curiosity, and wonder to share ideas, learn from each other, support each other, inspire each other, and have fun together in nature’s beauty. 

Why “Wild Wonder?”
We chose this name for many reasons. We chose Wild, because nature journaling connects us with the wild of nature, and wild because we feel wild and free when we journal, and we also wanted our conference name to give a nod to poet Mary Oliver, who asked in her poem “The Summer Day”: “What is it you plan to do with our one wild and precious life?” The name includes Wonder because paying close attention to nature brings wonder as in curiosity (I wonder…?) and wonder as in awe. 

There are many free nature journaling classes available in our community, including many taught by John Muir Laws (including hundreds of recordings available on his blog). One of the key goals of the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference is to publicize and support the development of more nature journaling teachers across the US and around the world, and in that spirit, all of our teachers are paid for their time. Our evening speakers are also respected professionals in their fields, and we pay them for their time as well. Lastly, managing this complicated live event takes many people many hundreds of hours, and our event team is also paid for their time. Your ticket cost helps support all of the members of this community who work hard to bring you this event, and it also raises money for others to attend our event for a reduced cost. We have kept the ticket price as low as possible–in fact, it works out to about $3 per class or talk, which we think is a super bargain. Thank you for your support!


  • John Muir Laws, Creative Director
  • Beth Kelley Gillogly, Founding Director
  • Roseann Hanson, Logistics Director
  • Natalie Downe, Volunteer Coordinator’
  • Yvea Moore, Pencil Miles Coordinator
  • Lisa Schnell, Logistics & Volunteers Associate
  • Brooke Promnitz, Logistics & Marketing Associate

To receive the very latest updates, please subscribe to John Muir Laws’ newsletter. Thank you!

Please first review our conference FAQs and see if your question is answered there. If not, please help us stay organized by not emailing John Muir Laws with your questions, comments, and suggestions for the conference. Also, please do not reach out to the leadership team members through Facebook or personal email addresses. Instead, please email the conference team at wildwonderconf@gmail.com. Thank you for your help!

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