Youth Action Network Meet-Up: Understanding Environmental Justice

Jul 13, 2022  19:00 - 20:30

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Earth Echo International

EarthEcho International’s global network of youth leaders invites young environmental advocates (13-25) to a special Youth Action Network virtual seminar: Understanding Environmental Justice on July 13, 2022, from 7:00-8:30 PM (ET). Participants will explore the topic of environmental justice and join a space of interactive dialogue, networking, and discussion of specific action opportunities to build systemic change toward racial equality and understanding in the environmental movement.

This special event will build toward additional opportunities hosted through the EarthEcho Youth Leadership Summit taking place August 5 & 6, 2022.


Keynote Speaker: Nalleli Cobo — Co-Founder South Central Youth Leadership Coalition and 2022 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner

Guest Speaker: Hermina Glass-Hill — Founder and Executive Director of the Susie King Taylor Women's Institute & Ecology Center, Administrator of the M. K. Pentecost Ecology Fund at Savannah Presbytery, and Georgia Field Representative for Oceana

Guest Speaker: Iris Zhan — Climate Justice Activist

Guest Speaker: Melissa Zamora — Social & Environmental Justice Advocate

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