NAAEE2022 51st Annual Conference and 19th Annual Research Symposium

Oct 11, 2022  

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Hosted by: North American Association for Environmental Education

NAAEE 2022: Registration is Open!

Join us in Tucson, Arizona for the annual Research Symposium (October 11–12) and Conference (October 12–15) at the Westin La Paloma Resort.

Our 2022 conference will focus on the powerful role education can play in creating healthier communities and tackling today’s complex environmental and social issues. We’ll dig into vital topics in our field such as climate change education and climate justice, the benefits of connecting to nature, building a green workforce, protecting biodiversity, and centering equity in our work. We’ll explore creative new approaches that have emerged from the pandemic and delve into ways in which current research can increase our effectiveness as we work to transform communities so they are more sustainable and just. DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION PACKET

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