Countdown to COP15: Landmark Leaders’ Event for a Nature Positive World

Sep 20, 2022  18:30 - 21:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Leaders Pledge For Nature

Watch the livestream of Countdown to COP15: Landmark Leaders’ Event for a Nature Positive World from Kolektive on Vimeo.

Despite ambitious high-level commitments including through the LPN, HAC and GOA, more is needed to translate them into key decisions for nature, including the negotiations of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to be adopted at the CBD COP15 in Montreal under the Presidency of China.

Grounded on past efforts and political will, the event will:

  • Build momentum ahead of CBD COP15 on the importance of securing an ambitious and transformative Post 2020 GBF that commits to reversing biodiversity loss to secure a nature positive world by 2030, including the adoption of the target to conserve and protect at least 30% of the planet’s land and ocean by 2030, transforming the economy and key productive sectors currently destroying nature,
  • Demonstrate progress and take stock of previous commitments take on achievements and progress on delivering past announcements,
  • Renew commitments from leaders by pledging new actions to deliver on the objectives of the LPN, HAC for N&P and GOA, in particular around finance for nature and people, including resource mobilization from all sources, in support of impactful implementation of the GBF.

The event will take place in person in New York for invited guests, with a webcast option for virtual viewing. Details about virtual attendance and the livestream to be updated on this page.

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