CitiesWithNNature Action Platform Demonstration Webinar: For European cities

Oct 18, 2022  14:00 - 15:30

(GMT +2:00)

Event URL:
Hosted by: ICLEI

On the road to CBD COP15 (Montreal, December 5 to 17), and coming as a request from cities, municipalities and local stakeholders, ICLEI CBC and ICLEI Regional offices are providing regional Capacity building webinars demonstrating the CitiesWithNature Action Platform, inviting local authorities, supporting and enabling them achieving the global nature goals and their commitments for nature.

CitiesWithNature and its Action Platform are recognized by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in the Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity (2021-2030). The Action Platform is intended to support countries which have ratified the CBD in meeting their obligations to produce National Biodiversity Strategies & Action Plans and National Reports to the CBD. It also guides cities & subnational governments to make commitments and take actions that align with their countries’ NBSAPs and will feed into the National Reports.

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