Nick Underwood | Hurricane Hunter

Nov 17, 2022  11:00 - 11:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants

Nick is a West Virginia born, raised, and schooled aerospace engineer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Hurricane Hunters. Since 2016, Nick has served as an aircrew member aboard NOAA’s fleet of research aircraft supporting a number of science missions including Arctic sea ice surveys, marine mammal surveys, atmospheric river reconnaissance, and hurricane research and reconnaissance. To date, he has flown into 12 hurricanes across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, including Hurricanes Irma, Florence, and Dorian. Nick is also pursuing a master’s degree in physical oceanography at the University of South Florida. He is passionate about sharing NOAA’s mission of environmental stewardship, promoting hurricane awareness, and STEM education.

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