Exploring the Boiling River With Rosa Vasquez Espinoza

Feb 10, 2023  13:00 - 13:45

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://www.exploringbytheseat.com/lesson/exploring-boiling-river-rosa-vasquez-espinoza/
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants

Rosa is a Peruvian Chemical Biologist, National Geographic Explorer, educator, conservationist and award-winning artist. She founded the project MicroAmazon that explores the microscopic universe of extreme environments and unique animals in the Amazon Rainforest to discover new molecules and enzymes for medicine and green chemistry. She's been exploring what is known as the Boiling River, a roughly four-mile stretch of water flowing through Peru’s rainforest. It reaches more than 200°F—hot enough to kill animals that slip into its path. The river has long been the stuff of legend, even dismissed by some Peruvians as nonexistent. She's been documenting what extreme creatures can live in these dangerous waters!

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