IUCN CEC Dialogue - the Power of Photography on Conservation

Feb 16, 2023  17:00

(GMT -12:00) International Date Line West

Event URL:  https://takingitglobal.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsd-ytqDgvG9eDqru-w5gS7GyWKglQKCOa
Hosted by: IUCN CEC / #NatureForAll

As part of the #NatureForAll Love Fest, the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) invites you to explore the impact photography on conserving and protecting the environment.

Join Alaïs Nevert, #NatureForAll Communications Officer, as she leads a conversation on the power sharing personal, inspirational images has on conservation efforts worldwide.

Firas Abd-Alhadi, CEC Regional Vice-Chair for West Asia, Jordan

Tamara Blazquez Haik – conservation photographer, Mexico

Anthony Ochieng –Founder of TonyWild Foundation, Kenya

Register today as space is limited.

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