Congress for New Urbanism
May 31, 2023
Location: Charlotte
Event URL:
Hosted by: Congress for New Ubranism
CNU's mission is to champion walkable urbanism. We provide resources, education, and technical assistance to create socially just, economically robust, environmentally resilient, and people centered places. We leverage New Urbanism's unique integration of design and social principle to advance three key goals: to diversify neighborhoods, to design for climate change, and to legalize walkable places. We build places people love.
Or annual Congress is CNU’s flagship event: the premiere national event on building better places. Each year, 1600+ attendees convene to hear from speakers, participate in workshops, collaborate on projects, and learn new strategies from leaders in dozens of fields. Outside the conference room, Congress attendees experience inspiring host cities like Louisville, Detroit, the Twin Cities, Dallas, and Buffalo, helping to place national issues in a unique and challenging local context.