A Climate Change Perspective in Park Management. The San Pedro Parks Model, Mexico.
Mar 21, 2023 11:00 - 12:00
(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time
Event URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NrUJbXu4QqGAqRGs-8GVTg
Hosted by: Cities For Everyone With Gil
One of the biggest challenges in the modern history of humanity is climate change. Urban parks have a very crucial role regarding how cities are adapting to it as well as helping understand and mitigate it. This role can be adopted in many different ways by the management of these urban green and blue spaces. In this webinar German Enriquez will explain how to implement a climate change perspective in park operations through his experience as Director of a large urban park conservancy and a city park system organization from two important cities in Mexico.