Why Can’t Hatchery Salmon Hear Well? with Leigh Gaffney
May 31, 2023 12:00 - 12:45
(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time
Event URL: https://www.exploringbytheseat.com/lesson/cant-hatchery-salmon-hear-well-leigh-gaffney/
Hosted by: Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants
Leigh Gaffney is a passionate animal welfare and fisheries scientist. She serves as an animal welfare scientist on several different committees in charge of developing welfare guidelines for farm and research animals used in Canada. She has participated in fish behaviour and welfare projects around the world. Currently, she is doing research to investigate why hatchery-reared salmon develop higher amounts of ear bone deformities in comparison to wild-reared salmon. Ear bone deformities cause severe hearing loss in salmon, leading to reduced salmon welfare and survival. Determining which hatchery-rearing conditions are causing ear bone deformities to form is important for fish welfare, the success of salmon conservation programs, and the health of stream and ocean ecosystems.