5th International Conference on Sustainability Education

Sep 20, 2023  

Location:  India Habitat Centre
Event URL:  https://www.icse-esd.org/
Hosted by: Mobius Foundation

ICSE was launched in 2019 with the objective to bring out the specifics and intricacies of sustainability education as an agent of change and transformation in a true sense. The 2nd and 3rd versions of ICSE were held virtually to focus on contemporary sustainability education issues such as policies, ecosystem restoration and climate literacy. The 4th ICSE in 2022 focused on building connections and partnerships for a sustainable future to further strengthen the much-needed alliance among the community of educators committed towards sustainability.

To encourage collective action in order to address the global challenge of climate change, Mobius Foundation is now organizing the 5th version of ICSE, on 19-20 September 2023, on the theme, ‘Educating for Climate Action and Sustainability’. The conference will further build upon and consolidate the experience and strength of the network to meaningfully deliberate on the educational imperative of climate change and sustainability.

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