Promoting Outdoor Time in Schools Through SHACs

Oct 18, 2023  15:00 - 16:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:
Hosted by: Texas Children In Nature Network

Since children spend a majority of their waking hours in school it is important that they have an environment that encourages physical activity and stresses outdoor play. Community members, families and others concerned about child health can have an impact on school health decisions by participating on state mandated District School Health Advisory Councils (SHACs). The SHACs address school district policies and programs that impact children’s health and help create a healthy learning environment.

Join Michelle Smith, Senior Field Manager for Action for Healthy Kids and Alice Kirk, Extension Child Health Specialist III, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension as we share what and how a SHAC works and how you can get involved and connect children playing outside to children’s health and academic success.

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