A Global Spotlight on Ocean Defenders

Nov 29, 2023  10:00 - 11:00

(GMT -4:00) Eastern Time

Event URL:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtc-Cspj0vGdGMR2TkCv-gu1gijfMNcKbA#/registration
Hosted by: IUCN CEESP

Join the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy for an online webinar that aims to bring greater visibility to the plight of Ocean Defenders worldwide. Ocean Defenders include individuals, groups, and communities of small-scale fishers and Indigenous Peoples who are actively protecting the marine environment and human rights. Unfortunately, ocean defenders are often marginalized, criminalized, threatened, and even murdered for their efforts to safeguard the ocean. This webinar will explore the ongoing struggles and efforts of ocean defenders globally, and shed light on the potential avenues through which allies and organizations can provide support and protect ocean defenders. This webinar will be of interest to a diverse audience of ocean defenders, conservation practitioners, researchers, policy-makers, and funders who are committed to protecting oceans and people.

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