Total: 30
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Hazánk nemzeti parkjai közül ez az első, amelyet hangsúlyozottan a földtani természeti értékek, a felszíni formák és a felszín alatt húzódó barlangok megóvására hoztak létre Észak-Magyarország karsztvidékén – a hajdani Gömör – Tornai- karszt részeként – a Sajó- és a Hernád folyó között 1985-ben.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Zavadskaya A., Veber E., Volkova E., et al. 2020.
South Kamchatka (Far East of Russia) is a place where Nature reigns supreme, an area whish demonstrates possibilities and benefits of the coexistence of Nature and Man. The South-Kamchatka Sanctuary named after Tikhon I. Shpilenok, having UNESCO World Heritage site status, preserves a pristine world of South Kamchatka. Its more than 3 thousand square kilometers are rarely seen by humans – except for a fortunate few thousand people each year, mostly brief visitors to the sanctuary\'s spectacular Kuril Lake.
Mar 30th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park területének bemutatása
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Ismertető a Bükki Nemzeti Park természetvédelmi tevékenységéréről, az egyes védett területekről, az ott található természeti- és kulturális értékekről, a látogatás feltételeiről, a bemutatóhelyekről, szálláshelyekről, tanösvényekről.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
presentado por Silvina Laura Medero: Calendario de escritorio para imprimir, cortar y armar con fechas ambientales de Argentina y otras internacionales
Jul 28th, 2023
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Submitted by Albert Balbutin Jr. Printable, bilingual English and Filipino coloring sheets of Philippine birds.
Sep 2nd, 2020
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park a két névadó folyó mentén, közel 50.000 hektár területen húzódik. A folyókat övező tájak képét a víz munkája alakította ki. Az ártéri területeken rendkívül változatos élőhelyek találhatóak, sok védett és ritka növény- és állatfajjal.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park az egyik legváltozatosabb magyar nemzeti park.Egyedülálló sokszínűségében négy tájegységünk, a Pilis–Visegrádi-hegység, a Börzsöny hegység, az Ipoly-völgy, valamint az Alföld Duna menti darabkája ötvöződik harmonikus egységgé.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
aprende sobre el gato andeno y su ambiente con estas fichas. Este recurso de la Alianza Gato Andino fue proporcionado por Alejandra Torrez.
Jul 16th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park teljes területe 23 731 ha, amelynek Fertő táji része – 1977-től tájvédelmi körzet, 1979-től az UNESCO Bioszféra Rezervátum hálózatának tagja, 1989 óta pedig mint jelentős vizes élőhely, az ún. Ramsari-területek között is szerepel –, 1991-ben nyerte el a nemzeti park rangot. A Fertő vidéke éghajlati övezetek, növény- és állatföldrajzi határok találkozási helye. Ezek az Európában egyedülálló adottságok és a kis területen előforduló élőhelyek sokszínűsége határozzák meg e táj arculatát.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A nemzeti park területe (80.135 hektár) a Hortobágy és Nagykunság tájait, valamint a Tisza-tó egyes részeit foglalja magába. Hazánk első, 1973-ban alapított, egyben a legnagyobb kiterjedésű nemzeti parkjának létrehozásához egy, a többek között Konrad Lorenz által támogatott nemzetközi összefogás is hozzájárult.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Japanese resource: Provided by Teppei Dohke, IUCN The Nature Conservation Society of Japan launched this website to provide many material for neighboring nature watching.
May 5th, 2020
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Provided by Jennifer Jones - Searchable online spreadsheet with hundreds of curated virtual environmental education field trips that include lesson plans for teachers and families from the Center for Environmental & Sustainability Education, Florida Gulf Coast University.
May 5th, 2020
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park célja a Duna-Tisza köze jellegzetes arculatának, a táj természeti értékeinek, földtani képződmények, vizeinek megőrzése, ezen értékek tudományos kutatása és oktatási, ismeretterjesztési célú bemutatása.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Körösök és a Maros ártéri erdői, gyepjei, a holtágak vízivilága alkotja az értékek egyik fő csoportját. A csendes vizek lakói között megtaláljuk a fokozottan védett vidrát, az állandó fészkelő madarak között a fekete gólyát, a rétisast és a barna kányát.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
German resource submitted by CEC member Rita Gazdag: The booklet provides guidelines to Nature Parks in Germany how to involve more refugees and migrants into their programs. It has a short and a long version.
Sep 21st, 2020
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Provided by IUCN CEC member Fatima Korisha Ali Shah Hosein
Learn about the significance, importance, use, implications about the different type of Energy, it is why in this opportunity the subject are directed to Renewable Source of Energy, specifically the Wind Energy, students/participants will develop many competencies as creativity, engineering design, environment, obtention of knowledge about the importance of Renewable Source of Energy (Wind Energy), also the students will obtain and increase their capacity of research, share information.
Jun 4th, 2020
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Provided by Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos - The concept of One Welfare describes the interconnections between animal welfare, human wellbeing and their social and physical environment. These publications will help readers to better understand how these interconnections relate to nature / #natureforall
Jun 9th, 2020
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Contribuido por Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos - El concepto de One Welfare (“un solo bienestar”) reconoce la interconexión entre el bienestar animal, el bienestar humano y el medio ambiente. La integración de este concepto en proyectos existentes podría proporcionar una plataforma de bajo coste con el objetivo de promover la colaboración interdisciplinar para la mejora internacional del bienestar humano y animal.
Jun 9th, 2020
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Vas megye délnyugati sarkában találjuk ezt az erdőkkel, ligetekkel szabdalt gyönyörű tájat, ahová a honfoglaló magyarok a nyugati kapu védelmére őrállókat telepítettek. Innen a táj neve: Őrség.
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
una hoja para colorear de la Alianza Gato Andino proporcionada por Alejandra Torrez
Jul 16th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Reefs at Risk Activity and Coloring Book teaches children about the wonders of coral reefs through fun and educational activities. The book takes students on a learning adventure through interactive activities, thought-provoking questions, and captivating coloring pages. It raises awareness about the challenges coral reefs face while also fostering critical thinking and introducing students to new scientific concepts.
Nov 28th, 2023
Created by: IUCN CEC member
benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Harmóniában élni a természettel velünk született igény. Megfürdeni egy folyóban a kiránduláson, békát menteni egy hétköznapon vagy éjszakai túrázni. Az élet egy nagy kaland! Fedezz fel, kérdezz, tanulj mindenből! Segítünk!
Dec 9th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Submitted by Alexandra Aubertin - Discover the story of the first Ecological book of the First Ecological State in the World: Montenegro. This eco-tale about fighting for a cleaner planet is imaginative work intertwined with the exciting adventures of a little girl named Tara who befriended a Magic Tree, and prompt us to think: “Are we cutting the branch we are sitting on?”. Written by a forest engineer and children’s book writer, illustrated by 10 teenage girls studying at the National Art School of Montenegro, this book is also supporting vulnerable women in rural areas in a very creative way.
Jun 9th, 2020
Created by: IUCN CEC member
The Kamchatka Brown Bear is the biggest sub-species of the brown bear in Russia, one of the biggest sub-species in the world. The average weight of an adult male is 350–400 kilos, some individuals can be up to 700 kilos, and the length of the body is over 3 meters! Kamchatka bruins are the second largest only to bears from the Kodiak Archipelago near the southern coast of Alaska. The bear population of Kamchatka is about 20 thousand individuals. Their habitat covers practically the whole territory of the peninsula.
Available in Chinese, Russian, German and English
Apr 6th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
The Kamchatka Brown Bear is the biggest sub-species of the brown bear in Russia, one of the biggest sub-species in the world. The average weight of an adult male is 350–400 kilos, some individuals can be up to 700 kilos, and the length of the body is over 3 meters! Kamchatka bruins are the second largest only to bears from the Kodiak Archipelago near the southern coast of Alaska. The bear population of Kamchatka is about 20 thousand individuals. Their habitat covers practically the whole territory of the peninsula.
Available in Chinese, Russian, German and English
Apr 6th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
The Kamchatka Brown Bear is the biggest sub-species of the brown bear in Russia, one of the biggest sub-species in the world. The average weight of an adult male is 350–400 kilos, some individuals can be up to 700 kilos, and the length of the body is over 3 meters! Kamchatka bruins are the second largest only to bears from the Kodiak Archipelago near the southern coast of Alaska. The bear population of Kamchatka is about 20 thousand individuals. Their habitat covers practically the whole territory of the peninsula.
Available in Chinese, Russian, German and English
Apr 6th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
The Kamchatka Brown Bear is the biggest sub-species of the brown bear in Russia, one of the biggest sub-species in the world. The average weight of an adult male is 350–400 kilos, some individuals can be up to 700 kilos, and the length of the body is over 3 meters! Kamchatka bruins are the second largest only to bears from the Kodiak Archipelago near the southern coast of Alaska. The bear population of Kamchatka is about 20 thousand individuals. Their habitat covers practically the whole territory of the peninsula.
Available in Chinese, Russian, German and English
Apr 6th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Kronotsky Federal Nature Biosphere Reserve and South-Kamchatka Federal Nature Sanctuary are known far beyond Kamchatka region and Russia for their exceptional role in the conservation of biological and landscape diversity and unique natural sites. The authors of this book have made an attempt to assess the economic value of these protected areas, including their contribution to human well being at local, regional and global scales. The book will be useful and interesting for protected area managers, economists, ecologists, Kamchatka residents and everyone who wants to look at protected areas from a different perspective.
Apr 6th, 2021
Created by: IUCN CEC member
Shared by Firas Abd-Alhadi: On the occasion of the World Environment Day 2020, June 5th, the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication & Shutter Bugs Creative Forum hosted a webinar that covered a wide range of issues including sustainable tourism, biodiversity of the macro world in the United Arab Emirates and the avian landscape in the UAE. It also presented the basic tenets of #NatureForAll that are based on the scientifically evidenced idea that connecting with nature drives us to better care for ourselves and Earth.
Jun 8th, 2020