Total: 15

Created by: NatureForAll

The #NatureForAll Playbook is an action guide to connect people with Nature. It is designed to inspire action—bringing people from all walks of life into the Nature game. The #NatureForAll Playbook offers suggestions and possibilities, but also emphasizes the importance of knowing yourself or your organization, and connecting on your own terms—inspiring the love and support for Nature that will lead to increased action for its conservation now and into the future.
Aug 11th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Chinese version: The #NatureForAll Playbook is an action guide to connect people with Nature. It is designed to inspire action—bringing people from all walks of life into the Nature game. The #NatureForAll Playbook offers suggestions and possibilities, but also emphasizes the importance of knowing yourself or your organization, and connecting on your own terms—inspiring the love and support for Nature that will lead to increased action for its conservation now and into the future.
Aug 11th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Test your knowledge on parks and protected areas from around the world with this fun, interactive quiz. Challenge your friends, parents or children and see who can get a perfect score! Topics include biodiversity, conservation heroes, current events and geography.
Jan 27th, 2021

Created by: NatureForAll

Arabic version. This document containing recommendations for decision-makers, illuminates the diverse values of experiences and connections with nature and their relationship to positive behaviours towards the Earth. The knowledge shared here has a vital role to play in informing local, regional, and global policy and action on conservation, sustainable development, and related issues.
May 22nd, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Este documento destaca los diferentes valores de las experiencias y conexiones con la naturaleza y su relación con las actitudes positivas para con la Tierra. Los conocimientos aquí contenidos juegan un papel vital a la hora de documentar las políticas y acciones locales, regionales y globales en materia de conservación, desarrollo sostenible y asuntos relacionados. [Connecting with Nature to Care for Ourselves and the Earth - Spanish]
May 22nd, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

This document containing recommendations for decision-makers, illuminates the diverse values of experiences and connections with nature and their relationship to positive behaviours towards the Earth. The knowledge shared here has a vital role to play in informing local, regional, and global policy and action on conservation, sustainable development, and related issues.
May 22nd, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Testez vos connaissances sur les parcs et les zones protégées du monde entier grâce à ce quiz interactif et amusant. Mettez vos amis, parents ou enfants au défi et voyez qui peut obtenir un résultat parfait ! Les sujets abordés sont la biodiversité, les héros de la conservation, l’actualité et la géographie.
Jan 27th, 2021

Created by: NatureForAll

Pon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre parques y áreas protegidas de todo el mundo con este divertido e interactivo cuestionario. ¡Desafía a tus amigos, padres o hijos y mira quién puede obtener una puntuación perfecta! Los temas incluyen la biodiversidad, los héroes de la conservación, los acontecimientos actuales y la geografía
Jan 27th, 2021

Created by: NatureForAll

El Libro de Juegos #NaturalezaParaTodos está diseñado para inspirar la acción, reuniendo a toda clase de gente en el juego de la Naturaleza. El Libro de Juegos #NaturalezaParaTodos ofrece sugerencias y posibilidades, pero también hace hincapié en la importancia de conocerse a uno mismo o a su organización y conectar en sus propios términos, inspirando un amor y un apoyo a la Naturaleza que conduzcan a una mayor acción para su conservación, ahora y en el futuro.
Aug 11th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Le livre de jeux #NaturePourTous a pour but d’encourager l’action et d’amener les gens de tous horizons à profiter de la Nature. En plus de proposer des moyens d’actions et d’offrir des possibilités, il souligne l’importance de la connaissance de soi et du milieu où l’on évolue pour que chaque personne puisse découvrir la Nature à sa façon. On cultivera ainsi l’amour de la Nature et l’on fera naître chez les gens le désir de poser des gestes pour en assurer sa préservation de façon durable.
Aug 11th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Le présent document, qui comprend des recommandations à l’intention des décideurs, met en lumière la diversité des valeurs que procurent les expériences et les liens avec la nature ainsi que leur importance pour l’adoption de comportements positifs envers la Terre. Les connaissances que nous transmettons ici ont un rôle essentiel à jouer en vue d’éclairer les politiques et les mesures locales, régionales et mondiales qui ont trait à la conservation, au développement durable et à d’autres enjeux connexes. [FR - Connecting with Nature to Care for Ourselves and the Earth]
May 22nd, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

The Sounds of Your Park initiative is a continuously growing collection of sounds intended to celebrate the acoustical beauty and diversity of the world’s national parks and other protected areas. Natural spaces, species, and traditional cultural practices are disappearing around the globe as the modern human footprint expands. Coupled with this loss is the associated loss of natural and cultural soundscapes. Stated plainly, some of the planet’s most iconic sounds are disappearing and are now largely confined to the most isolated and protected places.
Nov 2nd, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Este Manual de referencia curricular “Voces de la Juventud”, desarrollado en el marco del Congreso Mundial de la Naturaleza de la UICN - Hawai'i 2016 para llegar a las nuevas generaciones, pretende infundir la naturaleza en las tareas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje para ayudar a (re)conectar a los niños y los jóvenes con la naturaleza y para inspirar pasión y acción para su conservación, ahora y en el futuro.
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Ce manuel de référence pédagogique « Voix de la jeunesse », développé dans le cadre du Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN – Hawai’i 2016 à l’attention des jeunes générations, vise à insuffler la nature dans les efforts d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, pour aider à (re)connecter les enfants et les jeunes avec la nature et leur inspirer passion et désir d’action pour sa conservation, aujourd’hui et dans le futur.
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

This Youth Voices Curriculum Sourcebook developed as part of the IUCN World Conservation Congress Hawai'i 2016 to reach younger generations, aims to infuse nature into teaching and learning endeavors, to help (re)connect children and youth with nature, and to inspire their passion and action for its conservation now and into the future.
Apr 28th, 2020

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