Total: 7

Consultez notre bibliothèque de fiches de travail et d’activités gratuites qui permettront aux enfants qui vous entourent d’entrer en contact avec les arbres et le plein air. Chaque fiche pose des questions pour soutenir la pensée critique et propose une ou plusieurs activités que vous et les enfants pouvez réaliser ensemble.
May 14th, 2020

Le Cadre d’éducation forestière d’APLA Canada traduit le langage des forêts et de l’aménagement forestier durable en concepts accessibles à tous. Le Cadre présente 100 concepts liés aux forêts pour les élèves de la maternelle à la 12e année, répartis selon quatre thèmes : Qu’est-ce qu’une forêt? Pourquoi les forêts sont-elles importantes? Comment soutenons-nous nos forêts? et Quelle est notre responsabilité envers les forêts?
Mar 21st, 2022

The Forest Literacy Framework is designed to increase people’s understanding of forests and empower them to take actions that benefit forests and people. The framework, which is available for US and Canadian audiences, translates the complex language of forests, trees, forest practices, and sustainable forest management into concepts that are appropriate for ages five through eighteen. The document presents a learning pathway for educating communities and K-12 students about forests, with the goal of a forest-literate future.
Mar 21st, 2022

When it comes to green jobs in the forest and conservation sector, there are so many opportunities to pursue your passions and make a difference. Whether it’s the trees, waterways, or critters you love, learning about Indigenous rights and relationships, or finding ways to fight climate change, Forest Quest helps you explore and learn about the forest and green careers from different people you’ll meet along the way. Sign up to begin your Forest Quest online experience today! When you complete your journey, you’ll earn a digital badge showing you’ve completed the fundamentals of forest literacy.
Jan 12th, 2023

Explore different "green jobs" from the perspective of Canadian Indigenous people. They’ve tried different jobs, studied at various levels, and had diverse experiences before landing in these roles. Some of them currently work for a provincial or territorial park. Many others work in the forestry sector for organizations whose lands are SFI-certified.
Jun 23rd, 2020

This guide offers hundreds of ideas for fun, hands-on experiences for families and teachers to connect children ages 1–6 to nature, with a focus on trees. Through indoor and outdoor activities, children explore nature through their five senses, experience trees throughout the seasons, and connect with their community.
May 3rd, 2024

A library of free worksheets and activities to connect the children in your life to trees and the outdoors. Each worksheet asks questions to support critical thinking and provides one or more activities for you and the children to complete together.
Apr 28th, 2020

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