Total: 18

This guide asks participants to take action in their community by cleaning up their local water resources. By gathering waste materials surrounding your waterways and reporting your data, participants can then analyze what they found in the CleanUP and identify clues on how to influence the public to stop leaving trash behind.
Jan 17th, 2022

Students simulate development of a waterfront community to explore the possible effects of development on water quality and the surrounding watershed.
Jan 17th, 2022

Los estudiantes usan un mapa topográfico para explorar el concepto de vertiente y luego aplican sus conocimientos a vigilar su situación. Los estudiantes descubrirán el valor diferente de un conjunto de datos individuales obtenidos en la vertiente en un lugar y momento dados, en comparación a una serie de conjuntos de datos sobre la calidad del agua, recogidos en diferentes lugares de la vertiente a lo largo del tiempo.
Jan 17th, 2022

Throughout this Action Guide, you will be presented with a range of topics to help you know, think, and do—all about improving and protecting our water quality. You will have the opportunity to investigate water quality issues and formulate an action plan to improve the standard of the single most important substance we put into our body.
Jan 17th, 2022

The EarthEcho team travels to South Florida to explore how development and agriculture have impacted this region’s natural ecosystems. Philippe speaks with scientists and young people about ocean acidification's effects on marine life.
Jan 17th, 2022

Also available in Spanish: The EarthEcho team takes it inaugural expedition throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed to learn more about a global ocean issue that plagues more 400 communities worldwide: dead zones. Journey through five states and the District of Columbia to investigate the impacts causing a dead zone in the world’s largest estuary, including urbanization, agriculture, wastewater, and airborne pollution.
Jan 17th, 2022

Philippe Cousteau and the EarthEcho team explored the second largest and fastest growing city in Australia connecting with stakeholders, city planners, and citizen scientists in Melbourne during October 2018. Alongside 25 Expedition Fellows (teachers from Australia and the United States), Philippe learned more about how actions in the city can have dramatic consequences in the deep blue. We worked with local researchers and policymakers to examine the various sources of land‐based plastic pollution that has resulted in the waters of the iconic Port Philip Bay being recently described as plastic soup.
Jan 17th, 2022

The EarthEcho Expeditions team travels to the Pacific Northwest to explore how the continued absorption of carbon dioxide by our oceans is changing the fundamental chemistry that marine ecosystems depend on to operate. Join Philippe as he learns about the causes of ocean acidification and how it is affecting the native communities along Washington’s Olympic Coast.
Jan 17th, 2022

arthEcho Expedition: Water By Design is an exploration of the diverse engineering solutions California's resource managers are implementing in response to the recent 7-year drought. Explore the connection between the Sierra snowpack and the people of Los Angeles. Understand how NASA's satellite technology is used to help water resource managers on Earth. Investigate how seawater and water deep underground play a role in satisfying this thirsty urban region. Discover solutions and actions you can take in your own home or community to conserve water resources.
Jan 17th, 2022

Also available in Spanish: EarthEcho Expeditions: What’s the Catch? will take to the seas exploring the technological advances and policy solutions that have allowed the initial recovery of fisheries working with fisheries biologists, ecologists, fishermen, policy-makers, and young people who are taking the lead in making sure that the UK’s beloved fish & chips are sustainable. Philippe Cousteau and the EarthEcho International team set out to explore the history of fisheries and discover what solutions are on the horizon.
Jan 17th, 2022

The EarthEcho Water Challenge is designed to equip participants with the tools needed to tackle the global water crisis starting in their local communities. Through the program, participants test their local water quality, share their data in the global EarthEcho Water Challenge online database, and use this data to influence and inform actions to protect their local water resources.
Jan 17th, 2022

Students use a topographic map to explore the concept of a watershed and then apply that knowledge to watershed monitoring. Students will discern the difference in value between an individual data set collected at one place and time on a watershed versus a series of water quality data sets collected at various points along a watershed over time.
Jan 17th, 2022

Los estudiantes simulan el desarrollo de una comunidad costera para explorar los posibles efectos del desarrollo en la calidad del agua y la vertiente circundante.
Jan 17th, 2022

Los estudiantes investigan la calidad del agua mediante evaluaciones simuladas y reales de los aspectos biológicos (macroinvertebrados), químicos (pH) y físicos (turbidez).
Jan 17th, 2022

Also available in Spanish and Chinese. OceanEcho 30x30 is a campaign driven by EarthEcho International’s Youth Leadership Council designed to amplify the collective impact of youth-led action to protect 30% of our world ocean by 2030 through education and advocacy campaigns, active engagement in ocean policy, and direct coastal restoration efforts. This resource provides youth leaders with additional details on the OceanEcho 30x30 initiative and the tools to give a presentation on marine protected areas to other young people in their community.
Jan 17th, 2022

The OurEcho Challenge is a STEM competition that empowers U.S. middle school students (grades 5 - 9) to take a closer look at biodiversity in their communities. Students will first identify threats to local ecosystems and then propose solutions to help preserve, protect, or repair those natural resources. To support youth in looking at the world around them with a critical and innovative eye, we have provided standards-aligned educational resources to help support biodiversity education in both formal and informal learning environments as we set out to preserve, protect, and repair natural resources in our own backyards.
Jan 17th, 2022

Throughout this Action Guide, you will discover update information and resources on stormwater systems. By auditing your school's stormwater process you will observe what is going on in your school environmental that may cause unnecessary harm.
Jan 17th, 2022

Students investigate water quality by conducting simulated and actual biological (macroinvertebrate bioassessment), chemical (pH) and physical (turbidity) assessments.
Jan 17th, 2022

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