Total: 157

Created by: NatureForAll

Test your knowledge on parks and protected areas from around the world with this fun, interactive quiz. Challenge your friends, parents or children and see who can get a perfect score! Topics include biodiversity, conservation heroes, current events and geography.
Jan 27th, 2021

Vous connecter à la nature, même cinq minutes par jour, peut être grandement bénéfique pour votre santé et votre bien-être, en plus de vous aider à développer de nouvelles habitudes positives. Découvrez nos activités #5MinuteDeNature afin de profiter des bienfaits de la nature dans le confort de votre foyer.
Jun 15th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Browse content for top tips on sustainable living from the Queen of Green and learn more about climate change and how you can make a difference.
Oct 30th, 2020

Dit boek werd bedacht,geschreven en geïllustreerd om onderwijzend personeel en begeleiders te helpen kinderen en jongeren dichter in contact te brengen met de wereld van de plantenbescherming; de wetenschap die zich bezighoudt met de gezondheid van planten. Hoewel het boek gericht is op een leeftijdsgroep tussen 8 en 12 jaar, kan het ook nuttig zijn voor oudere kinderen. Het kan beschouwd worden als een eerste, eenvoudig handbook voor plantenbescherming, dat ontworpen werd ter gelegenheid van het Internationaal Jaar van de Plantengezondheid.
Jul 21st, 2020

Consultez notre bibliothèque de fiches de travail et d’activités gratuites qui permettront aux enfants qui vous entourent d’entrer en contact avec les arbres et le plein air. Chaque fiche pose des questions pour soutenir la pensée critique et propose une ou plusieurs activités que vous et les enfants pouvez réaliser ensemble.
May 14th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Through this game, children will learn the challenges animals (either beluga or polar bears) face when travelling in the arctic.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Among the activities to be done in camping and outdoors, the observation of fauna and flora is a must! However, it is not always guaranteed that the animals will show up during your hike in the forest or your camping trip. In the meantime, Parks Canada's Learn-to camp team invites you to test your knowledge of these animals and good camping practices by completing these family games.
Sep 9th, 2020

No matter what your age, there are things you can do to help the environment! Through these activities teachers can help students identify how they can make a difference at home, at school and in the community.
Oct 30th, 2020

Created by: Amigos de Sian Ka'an

Compendio de publicaciones de Amigos de Sian Ka'an sobre ciencia, sustentabilidad, educación ambiental y más...
May 21st, 2020

Ce livret a été conçu, rédigé et illustré pour aider les éducateurs et les gardiens à sensibiliser les enfants et les jeunes à la protection des végétaux, la science qui s’intéresse à la santé des végétaux. Bien qu’il s’adresse à une tranche d’âge comprise entre 8 et 12 ans, il peut également être utile pour les adolescents. Un premier manuel sur la protection des végétaux, simple d’utilisation, préparé à l’occasion de l’Année internationale de la santé des végétaux.
Jul 21st, 2020

Des activités basées sur la nature, incluant des casse-têtes et des quiz.
Jun 15th, 2020

Kids need nature! And so do parents, grandparents, caregivers and teachers. Encourage kids to spend time outside and teach them about environmental responsibility with these activity guides.
Oct 30th, 2020

Préserver la nature et favoriser la biodiversité passe par chacun d'entre nous. Natagora vous conseille et vous encourage à gérer vos terrains de manière écologique. En quelques gestes, transformez votre jardin, façade, terrasse ou balcon en un lieu accueillant pour la faune et la flore sauvages.
Dec 1st, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Reefs are biodiversity hotspots and provide safety and housing for many different ocean creatures. Unfortunately, they are under stress from human use and ocean warming/acidification due to climate change. The good news is that organizations like Ocean Wise are working to help combat these conservation issues to help the reefs flourish again. Everyone has a role in protecting our oceans and there are many things you can do from home to help. This activity helps explore at home conservation actions that can help save the reef home of our favourite ocean creatures.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Essayer de faire des mocassins? C’est une façon amusante de faire preuve de créativité! L’art perlé haut en couleur joue un grand rôle dans la culture métisse. Les Métis sont souvent surnommés le « peuple aux motifs perlés de fleurs ». Autrefois, ce sont les femmes métisses qui s’adonnaient généralement au perlage, et leur art servait à décorer vêtements, sacs, gants et mocassins.
Jun 18th, 2020

The Galiano Conservancy Association wants to facilitate remote ecological learning via online resources in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the GCA’s long history developing and delivering outdoor education programs, we have accumulated a wonderful array of resources and activities for all age groups. DEEP is our new Digital Environmental Education Program that will support parents, teachers and all young nature lovers by providing teaching / learning material digitally through the GCA website and other linked online sources.
Dec 18th, 2020

Created by: UNEP

Welcome to Earth School! We’re embarking on a month of daily adventures – or Quests – that will help you understand and celebrate our natural world. Now more than ever, we need to protect, nurture and care for Earth – so join us to learn something amazing every weekday between Earth Day (April 22nd) and World Environment Day (June 5th). Within each lesson, you’ll find fascinating resources compiled by Earth experts and ideas for getting involved in ways that count.
May 5th, 2020

Created by: Ocean School

Vous travaillez dans un musée ou un centre des sciences? Vous êtes bénévole pour un programme parascolaire? La présente page est destinée aux organisations ou aux personnes qui veulent utiliser École de l’Océan ailleurs qu’en classe.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

aprende sobre el gato andeno y su ambiente con estas fichas. Este recurso de la Alianza Gato Andino fue proporcionado por Alejandra Torrez.
Jul 16th, 2021

Created by: TakingITGlobal

A number of educational resources, including lesson plans, videos and activities for all types of grade levels.
Sep 23rd, 2021

Created by: WWF Magyarország

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A sok évszázados emberi használat, fakitermelések miatt a tölgyeseink szinte teljesen átalakultak, az egykori vadonok eltűntek Magyarországról és szinte egész Európából is. Pedig a természetes erdő ritka, különleges élőhelyei számos állat-, növény- és gombafajnak nyújtanak menedéket. Az erdők megvédik ivóvizünket, tiszta levegővel látnak el minket, kirándulhatunk, gombászhatunk, állatokat és növényeket figyelhetünk meg bennük. Ezért nagyon fontos megőriznünk természetes erdeinket. Az Erdőböngésző című kisiskolásoknak szóló füzetből megtudhatod, hogy milyen élőlények élnek egy természetes tölgyerdőben és megismerheted az erdő rejtett kincseit. Töltsd le a füzetet és tarts velünk, fedezd fel a tölgyerdők titkait!
Dec 9th, 2021

Created by: Agents of Discovery

The Explorer Campaign is an initiative implemented by Agents of Discovery across different regions of North America, where organizations have bound together with the common goal of getting youth outdoors, active, and exploring their cities, states, or provinces. To play, kids become Secret Agents on a Mission to visit participating parks, museums, zoos, and cultural sites. With every Mission completed, kids earn exclusive digital and real-world rewards. The more Missions completed, the more rewards earned!
May 11th, 2020

Wild Challenge is a call - to get up, get out and get wild! It's a challenge for you to connect with the natural world in brave new ways - to reach out and touch it and meet it head-on, up-close and personal.
Sep 1st, 2020

Each week, the Children and Nature Network will be posting new resources from incredible partners, tips, tools, blogs and webinars, along with the best and brightest ideas from the field. Please consider this your virtual gathering place and a platform for sharing and connecting with your peers.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise’s Fish Tank contest will allow aspiring environmentalists, entrepreneurs, and engineers to pitch their solutions to ocean issues to a panel of Ocean Wise staff. We want solutions and inventions to be as creative as possible. You can invent any technology you would like, without needing to explain the details of how your invention would function. Contestants can assume they have unlimited funding for their solutions. You must create a maximum 4-minute video presentation or script describing what you decided to tackle and what your solution is.
Apr 29th, 2020

Test your knowledge of these iconic Canadian bird species, and learn how to identify them.
Apr 28th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Ocean Wise

Welcome to the Home Learners Workshop Series! This is the collaborative space where students, parents and home educators will have the opportunity to see what our home learners are learning each week. Check back for pictures, post-program resources, and engaging discussions that you may participate in.
Apr 29th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

When spring arrives, you can cultivate a renewed sense of wonder about backyard birds. Attract birds with nesting material! It will complement other rewilding efforts like pollinator-friendly gardening, erecting a bee home and planting a butterfly garden.
Oct 30th, 2020

Butterflyways are popping up across Canada, thanks to caring and dedicated teachers, parents, students and community leaders. Is your school ready to smell the wildflowers, create new habitat for pollinators and have fun?
Oct 30th, 2020

Did you know that a swarm of small locusts can eat the same amount of food in one day that thousands of people eat throughout a year? You can find lots of interesting facts in our Activity Book for children and get some inspiration for the drawing competition. Discover just how much our lives and our planet depend on healthy plants and find out how each of us can help to protect them!
Jul 21st, 2020

School Garden Guide - How to set up and use organic school gardens for global learning and beyond
Jul 17th, 2020

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Created by: NatureForAll

Testez vos connaissances sur les parcs et les zones protégées du monde entier grâce à ce quiz interactif et amusant. Mettez vos amis, parents ou enfants au défi et voyez qui peut obtenir un résultat parfait ! Les sujets abordés sont la biodiversité, les héros de la conservation, l’actualité et la géographie.
Jan 27th, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

Parmi les activités à faire en camping et en plein air, l’observation de la faune et de la flore est un incontournable! Cependant, il n’est pas toujours garanti que les animaux se pointeront le bout du nez lors de votre randonnée en forêt ou de votre séjour en camping. En attendant, l’équipe d’initiation au camping de Parcs Canada vous proposons de tester vos connaissances de ces animaux de la faune et des bonnes pratiques de camping en complétant ces jeux en famille.
Sep 9th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Pon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre parques y áreas protegidas de todo el mundo con este divertido e interactivo cuestionario. ¡Desafía a tus amigos, padres o hijos y mira quién puede obtener una puntuación perfecta! Los temas incluyen la biodiversidad, los héroes de la conservación, los acontecimientos actuales y la geografía
Jan 27th, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Provided by Jennifer Jones - Searchable online spreadsheet with hundreds of curated virtual environmental education field trips that include lesson plans for teachers and families from the Center for Environmental & Sustainability Education, Florida Gulf Coast University.
May 5th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 28th, 2023

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Are you a teacher, an educator or a parent looking for some optimistic stories and resources tailored for children? Here are some activities for younger kids to draw, read and learn about different animals.
May 6th, 2020

Nature themed activities such as puzzles, quizzes and coloring pages.
Jun 15th, 2020

Le casse-tête des changements climatiques aide les élèves à identifier leurs émotions causées par les changements climatiques et à trouver des stratégies pour y faire face. Après avoir lu la bande dessinée, les élèves vont identifier ce que ressentent les personnages et pourquoi ils pourraient ressentir ces émotions. Les élèves vont être encouragés à partager leurs propres émotions causées par les changements climatiques et à identifier leurs stratégies d’adaptation. Ils discuteront ensuite du Modèle de stratégies d’adaptation, créé conjointement avec Inês Lopes, docteure en philosophie, psychologue et consultante en éducation. Cette activité dure environ 35 minutes.
Jul 21st, 2021

Natagora présente quelques infos concrètes sur une thématique nature, et un bricolage, un jeu, une activité qui s'y rapporte. Certaines activités sont à faire à l'exttérieur (la nature est la plus grosse armoire de matériel bricolage imaginable), d'autres à l'intérieur.
Dec 1st, 2020

A hub of learning resources, multi-media content and fun activities to help parents and teachers bring Dartmoor National Park into homes and schools.
May 5th, 2020

A hub of learning resources, multi-media content and fun activities to help parents and teachers bring Dartmoor National Park into homes and schools.
May 5th, 2020

Este libro de actividades ha sido diseñado, escrito e ilustrado para acercar a los niños y jóvenes al mundo de la protección de las plantas. Aunque está dirigido a un grupo de edad entre ocho y doce años, este libro también puede ser útil para niños mayores y educadores. Se puede considerar como el primer manual simple de protección vegetal, diseñado con motivo del Año Internacional de la Sanidad Vegetal 2020.
Jul 21st, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

El Libro de Juegos #NaturalezaParaTodos está diseñado para inspirar la acción, reuniendo a toda clase de gente en el juego de la Naturaleza. El Libro de Juegos #NaturalezaParaTodos ofrece sugerencias y posibilidades, pero también hace hincapié en la importancia de conocerse a uno mismo o a su organización y conectar en sus propios términos, inspirando un amor y un apoyo a la Naturaleza que conduzcan a una mayor acción para su conservación, ahora y en el futuro.
Aug 11th, 2020

Questo libro è stato progettato, scritto e illustrato per avvicinare bambini e ragazzi al mondo delle piante e della fitopatologia, la scienza che si occupa della salute e protezione delle piante. Realizzato in occasione dell'Anno internazionale della Salute delle Piante 2020, questo libro può essere considerato il primo semplice manuale di fitopatologia per le generazioni di domani, ma non solo. Sebbene indirizzato a una fascia di età compresa tra gli otto e i dodici anni, questo libro di attività può essere utile anche a ragazzi più grandi e educatori.
Jul 21st, 2020

Created by: NatureKids BC

A guide to help you identify pollinators in various flowers in British Columbia, Canada
Jan 15th, 2021

Created by: NatureKids BC

A guide to help you identify insects found through the leaf litter of British Columbia, Canada
Jan 15th, 2021

La ressource pédagogique H2Ohh! de l’Académie des gardiens de la planète est GRATUITE pour l’année scolaire actuelle – c’est comme un cours pour Jedi sur la conservation et la protection de l’eau! - Satisfait aux normes du programme d’études du Québec pour les élèves de la 3e à la 6e année - Inspire un agréable apprentissage grâce à notre approche basée sur les histoires, les arts, les jeux et la bonté! - Intègre les connaissances et les perspectives autochtones - Permettez aux enfants de devenir des acteurs du changement
Jan 17th, 2022

Created by: Parks Canada

Avec des activités, Club Parka, vous encourage à explorer, découvrir, apprendre et vous amuser! Certaines activités sont à faire par vous-même, et d'autres que vous pouvez faire avec votre famille et vos amis. Parka le castor présente également de nombreuses activités à télécharger et à faire en famille!
Apr 27th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Agents of Discovery

Mission Conservation provides parents and educators with access to Image Recognition (IR) Missions that young learners can play and share with their community. It is a project by Wonders of Wildlife in collaboration with Agents of Discovery and several leading U.S. conservation organizations to launch a campaign called New Missions will launch every Monday (events we are calling “Mission Monday”).
May 11th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Parks Canada

Try your hand at designing some moccasins? It’s a fun way to get creative! Colourful bead art is an important part of Métis culture and the Métis have been called "The Flower Beadwork People". Métis women did most beading in the past, and their art would be used on clothing, bags, gloves, and moccasins.
Jun 18th, 2020

Lectures on biological diversity to support children and their parents to develop ecologically oriented values. Some of the modules are available in English, German, Hungarian, Romanian and Georgian.
Apr 29th, 2020

Mon passe-temps, notre climat est conçu pour aider les élèves à comprendre comment les changements climatiques affectent la vie quotidienne des Canadiens. Dans cette activité, vos élèves rencontreront cinq adolescents qui ont un problème : les changements climatiques impactent leurs passe-temps. Vos élèves discuteront des différentes conséquences des changements climatiques et proposeront des solutions. Ensuite, ils prendront le temps de réfléchir à ce qu’ils aiment faire personnellement et à ce qu’ils peuvent faire pour notre planète. Cette activité dure environ 45 minutes
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

With activities, Parka Club encourage you to explore, discover, learn and have fun! Some activities are for you to do on your own, and others you can do with your family and friends. Parka the beaver also presents lots of activities to download and do with family!
Apr 27th, 2020

My Hobby, Our Climate is designed to help students make the connection between climate change and their personal lives. In this activity, students will meet five Canadian teenagers with hobbies that are being affected by climate change. After hearing the teenagers’ concerns, students will discuss the various consequences of climate change and offer some solutions. They will then take time to reflect on what they personally enjoy doing and what they can do for their future.
Jul 21st, 2021

Natura 2000-Quiz für Kinder: Viele Tiere und Pflanzen in Bayern sind vom Aussterben bedroht. Natura 2000 ist das größte Naturschutzprojekt der Welt und hilft mit, gefährdete Tiere und Pflanzen zu schützen. Weißt du, was eine Maus frisst? Oder wie die Küken eines Uhus aussehen? Teste dein Wissen über die Natura 2000 Tiere und Pflanzen im Natura 2000 Arten-Quiz! Klicke auf das Bild, um die richtige Antwort zu erfahren.Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

Wie gut kennst Du das europäische Naturerbe? Von Hirschkäfern und Wiesenknopfbläulingen: Das europäische Naturerbe ist vielfältig und bewahrt vieles, was unser Leben ausmacht. Teste dein Wissen und erfahre mehr über Natura 2000 und viele faszinierende Tiere und Pflanzen! Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

Simple DIYs to help bring nature to you.
Jun 15th, 2020

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Have fun learning about our South African marine animals and their homes with these activity sheets.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on ghost crabs.
May 7th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on the shad.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on butterfly fish.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on octopuses.
May 7th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on seagulls.
May 7th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on the coelacanth.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on hermit crabs.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheets on penguins.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Science communication is important as it helps the public to understand science in their daily life and educate them about the threats that the Earth is facing so that citizens can make informed decision for a sustainable future. Ocean fishbowl is a take on the classic family game charades. In this version there are three rounds to decide the ultimate winner.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Welcome to the Educator Resource Library - your guide to incorporating Ocean Literacy into your classroom. Ocean literacy is the understanding of the ocean's influence on you, and your influence on the ocean, but that is a very broad definition. The ocean is a wondrous and complex place. The better we understand the ocean, the more we see how closely intertwined human lives are with this vital resource. We can teach a variety of subjects through the lens of ocean literacy, develop students' inquiry skills and creativity.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Dear Students, Welcome to the Ocean Literacy Course! By going through the 7 key principles of this course you will develop an understanding of how everyone is connected to the ocean, and how the ocean impacts our lives as much as we impact the ocean. In the Ocean Literacy course you will have the chance to earn badges by completing each section of the course. There are also bonus badges to be won by completing the assignments.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise has combined our expert knowledge in ocean science, our ongoing research, and passion for the ocean to bring you Ocean Literacy Courses. These interactive and comprehensive online classrooms are perfect for educators and students to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the ocean.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Welcome to the Secondary Level Ocean Literacy Course on the Ocean Wise Online Learning Environment. On this platform we have created an international course based on the 7 key principles designed for secondary level students to develop an understanding of how we impact the ocean and how the ocean influences us. For each section there are Badges to earn. You should complete all associated assignments before you can take the Principle quiz and earn your badge. If you complete all 7 of the Ocean Literacy Principle badges you may take the Final Quiz and Written Assignment to complete the course!
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean School

This page is for organizations and individuals who want to use Ocean School outside the classroom. You might be working in a museum or a science centre, or you might be a volunteer for an after-school program.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This hands-on toolkit, developed by the Canadian Museum of Nature and Ingenium, promotes the importance of aquatic health throughout Canada. The activities showcased were created for interpreters in museums, science centres, and aquariums to be used during Ocean Week Canada and beyond. However, all the information and materials required to engage in these activities are detailed in this digital toolkit. You can do it yourself!
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This Parks Canada toolkit will take you on a journey from coast to coast to coast to explore the immersive experiences and collaborative conservation efforts that Parks Canada undertakes in marine protection and conservation. Browse the toolkit for videos, observation activities, arts and crafts creations, and to learn about the different ways of exploring marine heritage at places administered by Parks Canada across the country.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This toolkit will enable postsecondary students and early career professionals to learn about opportunities and potential career pathways in the ocean sector. Dive into personal narratives and insights from ocean innovators and entrepreneurs working in diverse fields, as well as timely information about emerging trends, career programs, and resources.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This toolkit has been created to support individuals working in library and community spaces with a user-friendly approach to facilitating learning experiences about the ocean and waterways in Canada. These learning activities and resources have been curated with your audiences and engagement needs in mind, and with the aim of strengthening our collective understanding of our influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on us.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Wise

This hub houses resources for physical distance-friendly learning for all ages. Our educators and animal experts at Ocean Wise and the Vancouver Aquarium have compiled these resources for kids to learn to care for the ocean – and the animals in it – from the comfort of your living room. Content is updated regularly and has spaces for children ages 2-18, young adults, educators, and parents.
Apr 29th, 2020

Online quizzes on biodiversity and environment: These are online quizzes for children to test and enhance their knowledge about wildlife and environment.
May 5th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Parka et Chirp t’invitent à explorer les endroits de Parcs Canada en participant à une chasse aux photos. En utilisant l'application Missions Photo vous allez être en mesure de voyager de la maison!
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Join Parka and Chirp on a photo scavenger hunt to explore Parks Canada places by using My Photo Mission app you will be able to travel from home!
Apr 27th, 2020

The Planet Protector Academy is a FREE, FUN and ENGAGING teaching resources for teachers in Canada: - Meet SDGs and curriculum standards for Grades 3-6 - Inspire joyful learning with our story, arts, game and kindness-based approach! - Integrate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives - Empower kids to become leaders of change - Help with eco-anxiety and make kids feel happier during these challenging times
Jan 17th, 2022

List of recipes using native species.
Jun 15th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Reefs at Risk Activity and Coloring Book teaches children about the wonders of coral reefs through fun and educational activities. The book takes students on a learning adventure through interactive activities, thought-provoking questions, and captivating coloring pages. It raises awareness about the challenges coral reefs face while also fostering critical thinking and introducing students to new scientific concepts.
Nov 28th, 2023

Wild Challenge is a free award scheme that anyone can take part in, that prompts children to connect with, and learn about, nature through a series of fun and engaging activities. At the RSPB we believe in inclusivity which is why we accept submissions from all ages and abilities. This makes Wild Challenge a perfect framework for learning. Mainly designed for primary aged school pupils in mainstream education, it can easily be adapted for Home Educators, pupils with Special Educational Needs and Early Years.
Sep 1st, 2020

Explore hundreds of activities to drive your Scouting adventures! Search by your age level, Scout level, length of activity, season and Program Area to find the activity that’s right for you.
Jun 18th, 2021

Created by: Ocean Wise

Over one billion people depend on seafood as their primary source of protein. As the global population continues to grow, the need for sustainable and healthy protein sources is key and seafood will play an important role. Resources from our world’s oceans are not as unlimited as we once thought. Choosing to eat sustainable seafood helps to ensure that we will be able to continue to enjoy seafood for generations to come.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Vous souhaitez plonger encore plus profondément dans l’apprentissage de l’océan ? Peut-être travaillez-vous dans l’éducation, dans un musée, dans une bibliothèque, dans un parc, ou vous souhaitez tout simplement trouver des moyens de soutenir l’éducation liée à l’océan ? Ou peut-être vous êtes au début de votre carrière et souhaitez en savoir plus sur les opportunités océaniques et les leaders de l’innovation. Dans tous les cas, nos trousses ont été conçues pour vous !
Jun 3rd, 2021

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Cette trousse vous fera parcourir le pays d’un océan à l’autre pour découvrir les expériences immersives et les efforts de collaboration de Parcs Canada en matière de protection et de conservation du milieu marin. Naviguez dans la trousse à outils pour trouver des vidéos, des activités d’observation, des bricolages et des renseignements sur les différentes façons d’explorer le patrimoine marin dans les lieux administrés par Parcs Canada partout au pays.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Cette trousse pédagogique a été créée pour aider les personnes travaillant dans les bibliothèques et les espaces communautaires à adopter une approche conviviale pour faciliter les expériences d’apprentissage sur l’océan et les voies navigables au Canada. Ces activités et ressources d’apprentissage ont été conçues en fonction de votre public et de vos besoins en matière d’engagement, et dans le but de renforcer notre compréhension collective de notre influence sur l’océan et de l’influence de l’océan sur nous.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Ce guide a été élaboré à l’intention des enseignants et des élèves de la maternelle à la cinquième année du secondaire provenant de communautés côtières et terrestres partout au Canada. L’objectif de ce guide est de faire participer les apprenants à l’éducation à l’océan, approfondir leur sensibilisation et leur lien avec l’océan, et inspirer des actions dans la classe et au-delà. Il est conçu pour répondre aux objectifs du programme scolaire en matière de numératie et de littératie, de sciences et d’études sociales, de santé et autres.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Le Guide pour écoles 2.0 a été créé pour les enseignants, en particulier ceux du deuxième cycle du primaire, afin d’aider les éducateurs à faire entrer l’océan dans leur classe, en fournissant aux élèves les connaissances et les outils nécessaires pour comprendre leur influence sur l’océan et l’influence que l’océan a sur eux.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Cette trousse d’outils pratiques, élaborée par le Musée canadien de la nature et Ingenium, fait la promotion de l’importance de la santé aquatique partout au Canada. Les activités présentées ci-dessous ont été créées pour être utilisées par des éducateurs dans les musées, centres de sciences et aquariums pendant la Semaine de l’océan Canada et au-delà. Toutefois, toutes les informations et le matériel nécessaires pour s’engager dans ces activités sont détaillés dans cette boîte à outils virtuelle. Vous pouvez le faire par vous-même!
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Cette boîte à outils permettra aux étudiants de niveau postsecondaire et aux professionnels en début de carrière de se renseigner sur les possibilités et les cheminements de carrière possibles dans le secteur océanique. Voici une occasion de plonger dans les récits personnels et les idées d’innovateurs et d’entrepreneurs du secteur océanique travaillant dans des domaines diversifiés, ainsi que des informations opportunes sur les tendances émergentes, programmes de carrière et ressources.
Jun 7th, 2022

Connecting with nature, even for five minutes a day, can have tremendous benefits for your health and wellness while helping to reinforce positive, new habits. Here are some daily #Take5withNature inspirational activities to enjoy the benefits of nature from the comfort of your home.
Jun 15th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Harmóniában élni a természettel velünk született igény. Megfürdeni egy folyóban a kiránduláson, békát menteni egy hétköznapon vagy éjszakai túrázni. Az élet egy nagy kaland! Fedezz fel, kérdezz, tanulj mindenből! Segítünk!
Dec 9th, 2021

The Butterflyway Project is a citizen-led movement growing highways of habitat for bees and butterflies across Canada.
Oct 30th, 2020

The Climate Change Conundrum is meant to help students identify their emotions surrounding climate change and provide coping strategies. After reading through the cartoon, students will be asked to identify what characters are feeling and why they might be feeling this way. Student will be encouraged to share their own emotions related to climate change and address their coping strategies. They will then discuss the Coping Strategies Model, co-created with Inês Lopes, PhD, psychologist and education consultant.
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: Ocean Wise

In this game, you learn how urchins, otters, and kelp are all interconnected! Using a fun game, you can learn all about these ecosystems interactions and the interconnectedness of these species.
Apr 29th, 2020

Foglalkozások és hasznos ismeretek a hazai védett fajok mentőmunkájának bemutatására Foglalkozások és hasznos ismeretek a hazai védett fajok mentőmunkájának bemutatására
Mar 28th, 2023

Created by: Ocean Wise

Self Directed visits are an excellent way to get your students engaged in marine life, with the flexibility to customize your day in a way that works best for you. The Vancouver Aquarium is home to over 5,000 animals of over 750 different species. This page is a asset for you to use throughout your Self Directed Visit. Here you will find resources for planning your visit, activities for your students, as well as follow up activities for your class. Students can apply what they learned during their visit by contributing to the Blogs, Discussion Boards, or Gallery.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Aquaschool with an online-spin! Our goal is to engage students through a personalized experience that ignites their passion for conservation and incorporates their prior knowledge and interests as they learn about real-world issues. AquaSchool will equip your students with the skills to become better observers, creative critical thinkers, and youth ambassadors in a rapidly changing environment.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Amigos de Sian Ka'an

The Virtual Library presents documents that you can download. This is a compilation of publications made by Amigos de Sian Ka'an on science, sustainability, environmental education. Find great resources as Scientifics Paper, Scientific Disclosure, knowledge for conservation, and more...
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Internet of Elephants

Wild Beauty, developed by Internet of Elephants and luxury botanical beauty brand Chantecaille, is an app that invites users to experience Africa’s most majestic and endangered wild animals (the cheetah, elephant, giraffe, lion, pangolin, and rhinoceros), by bringing them into the users world through Augmented Reality, and photograph them in action. The app is connected to a campaign to introduce their ‘Africa’s Vanishing Species Collection’ of Luminescent Eye Shades, which supports six wildlife charities.
May 8th, 2020

The WILD Family Nature Club initiative was developed with help from the International Children and Nature Network. The program is designed to support volunteers like you who want to work with CWF and inspire a love of nature in others by connecting children and families to a world of outdoor play and exploration. From simple nature hikes through urban parks to surveying wildlife conservation areas with your free iNaturalist Canada app, there is no limit to the kind of nature-based activities you can incorporate into your program.
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Internet of Elephants

"With this game/application, you can join a crew of wildlife scientists. Data heads and science geeks are working around the clock to defend wildlife. They need your help to collect the data needed to protect the last wild spaces on earth. "
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Take Me Outside

Every day throughout the #TMOWinterChallenge, we’ll be suggesting different activities to join in with your learners. We hope this inspires you to try something new, get creative, and get outside. But most importantly… have fun!
Feb 28th, 2023

A library of free worksheets and activities to connect the children in your life to trees and the outdoors. Each worksheet asks questions to support critical thinking and provides one or more activities for you and the children to complete together.
Apr 28th, 2020

Lesson plans and workshops for global citizenship
Jul 17th, 2020

Эта книга была разработана, написана и проиллюстрирована, чтобы приблизить детей и молодежь к миру защиты растений. Это можно считать первым простым руководством по защите растений, разработанным по случаю Международного года здоровья растений 2020. Хотя эта книга адресована возрастной группе от восьми до двенадцати лет, она также может быть полезна для детей старшего возраста и преподавателей.
Jul 21st, 2020

Jul 21st, 2020

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