
Total: 620

Created by: NatureForAll

The #NatureForAll Playbook is an action guide to connect people with Nature. It is designed to inspire action—bringing people from all walks of life into the Nature game. The #NatureForAll Playbook offers suggestions and possibilities, but also emphasizes the importance of knowing yourself or your organization, and connecting on your own terms—inspiring the love and support for Nature that will lead to increased action for its conservation now and into the future.
Aug 11th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Chinese version: The #NatureForAll Playbook is an action guide to connect people with Nature. It is designed to inspire action—bringing people from all walks of life into the Nature game. The #NatureForAll Playbook offers suggestions and possibilities, but also emphasizes the importance of knowing yourself or your organization, and connecting on your own terms—inspiring the love and support for Nature that will lead to increased action for its conservation now and into the future.
Aug 11th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Test your knowledge on parks and protected areas from around the world with this fun, interactive quiz. Challenge your friends, parents or children and see who can get a perfect score! Topics include biodiversity, conservation heroes, current events and geography.
Jan 27th, 2021

A cross-curricular, five-chapter inquiry resource developed to support knowledge gaps in climate change education for students in grades 3-6 across Canada. Through instructional strategies, climate science, datasets and activities, it engages students in contributing to solutions in their schools, communities and homes.
Aug 17th, 2022

Vous connecter à la nature, même cinq minutes par jour, peut être grandement bénéfique pour votre santé et votre bien-être, en plus de vous aider à développer de nouvelles habitudes positives. Découvrez nos activités #5MinuteDeNature afin de profiter des bienfaits de la nature dans le confort de votre foyer.
Jun 15th, 2020

With the help of the "9R" we can think over what we can do ourselves,what we need to look out for in order to reduce the contents of our bins and thus our ecological footprint.
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: TakingITGlobal

This is a four-part podcast series that blends together recipes from the land with recipes of resilience.
Sep 24th, 2021

Created by: Parks Victoria

Find out what’s beneath the waves in Victoria’s diverse and colourful Marine Protected Areas with Parks Victoria in this online webinar.
Sep 23rd, 2021

With help from Comics Uniting Nations, #NatureForAll and comic creators are coming together to create and share stories that connect people with nature.
May 13th, 2020

A principled approach to environmental governance can provide the cement for a new and more united world that would better protect our planet and humankind. An agreement on fundamental principles would strengthen the implementation of existing conventions. In 2022, States could adopt a political declaration that would revive the idea of a Global Pact in the context of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference.
Dec 20th, 2021

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 28th, 2023

Handbook for teachers about global learning
Jul 17th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Browse content for top tips on sustainable living from the Queen of Green and learn more about climate change and how you can make a difference.
Oct 30th, 2020

Dit boek werd bedacht,geschreven en geïllustreerd om onderwijzend personeel en begeleiders te helpen kinderen en jongeren dichter in contact te brengen met de wereld van de plantenbescherming; de wetenschap die zich bezighoudt met de gezondheid van planten. Hoewel het boek gericht is op een leeftijdsgroep tussen 8 en 12 jaar, kan het ook nuttig zijn voor oudere kinderen. Het kan beschouwd worden als een eerste, eenvoudig handbook voor plantenbescherming, dat ontworpen werd ter gelegenheid van het Internationaal Jaar van de Plantengezondheid.
Jul 21st, 2020

Consultez notre bibliothèque de fiches de travail et d’activités gratuites qui permettront aux enfants qui vous entourent d’entrer en contact avec les arbres et le plein air. Chaque fiche pose des questions pour soutenir la pensée critique et propose une ou plusieurs activités que vous et les enfants pouvez réaliser ensemble.
May 14th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Hazánk nemzeti parkjai közül ez az első, amelyet hangsúlyozottan a földtani természeti értékek, a felszíni formák és a felszín alatt húzódó barlangok megóvására hoztak létre Észak-Magyarország karsztvidékén – a hajdani Gömör – Tornai- karszt részeként – a Sajó- és a Hernád folyó között 1985-ben.
Dec 9th, 2021

Agissez : des idées pour créer du changement présente aux élèves des actions qu’ils peuvent entreprendre à la maison, à l’école et dans leur communauté. Aider les étudiants à passer à l’action contribue à renforcer le leadership des étudiants. Lorsque les élèves agissent, cela encourage les autres autours d’eux à agir. Cela donne aux élèves de la confiance en eux et en leur capacité d’influencer et de générer du changement qui fait une différence pour l’environnement.
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: AIPH

AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers, proudly presents part 1 of 7 in the AIPH 2020 Green City Guidelines, which lays out the Green City Principles that form the philosophy on which the Guidelines are founded. The AIPH internationally targeted ‘Green City Guidelines’ aim to equip practitioners and decision-makers with the essential information they need to understand and communicate the benefits of plants, greening, nature and green infrastructure in our increasingly urban lives. This resource puts forward the Green City philosophy through a set of principles which position ‘living green’ as a fundamental solution to many of the challenges of contemporary life.
Oct 4th, 2021

Created by: AIPH

AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers, proudly presents part 2 of 7 in the AIPH 2020 Green City Guidelines, which has a particular focus on the value of urban greening at the city scale. The AIPH internationally targeted ‘Green City Guidelines’ aim to equip practitioners and decision-makers with the essential information they need to understand and communicate the benefits of plants, greening, nature and green infrastructure in our increasingly urban lives. This resource highlights the essential elements of the planning process and its relationship to green space through urban development and policy.
Oct 4th, 2021

Created by: AIPH

AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers, proudly presents part 3 of 7 in the AIPH 2020 Green City Guidelines, which has a particular focus on the value of urban green spaces at the neighbourhood scale. The AIPH internationally targeted ‘Green City Guidelines’ aim to equip practitioners and decision-makers with the essential information they need to understand and communicate the benefits of plants, greening, nature and green infrastructure in our increasingly urban lives. This resource examines how green spaces form part of the neighbourhood structure and contribute to individual and social functioning of the community.
Oct 4th, 2021

Created by: AIPH

AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers, proudly presents part 4 of 7 in the AIPH 2020 Green City Guidelines, which makes the case for the value of greening at the street scale. The AIPH internationally targeted ‘Green City Guidelines’ aim to equip practitioners and decision-makers with the essential information they need to understand and communicate the benefits of plants, greening, nature and green infrastructure in our increasingly urban lives. This resource introduces the value of street trees and plants, and how they contribute to quality of life and environmental microclimates at the local level.
Oct 4th, 2021

Created by: AIPH

AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers, proudly presents part 5 of 7 in the AIPH 2020 Green City Guidelines, which has a particular focus on the value of urban greening at the city scale. The AIPH internationally targeted ‘Green City Guidelines’ aim to equip practitioners and decision-makers with the essential information they need to understand and communicate the benefits of plants, greening, nature and green infrastructure in our increasingly urban lives. This resource demonstrates how the performance of buildings can be enhanced by plants, including through positioning within a green landscape, green roofs and walls, and interior design.
Oct 4th, 2021

Created by: AIPH

AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers, proudly presents part 6 of 7 in the AIPH 2020 Green City Guidelines, which presents case studies with insights into motivation, delivery mechanisms, adoption challenges and broader learning opportunities. The AIPH 2020 Green City Case Study Library presents best practice examples from around the world to illustrate how the green city principles have successfully been implemented.
Oct 4th, 2021

Created by: AIPH

AIPH, the International Association of Horticultural Producers, proudly presents part 7 of 7 in the AIPH 2020 Green City Guidelines, which presents a series of sector briefs for the integration of plants and nature in key urban sectors such as urban agriculture, transport, biodiversity, and construction.
Oct 4th, 2021

Das Aktionshandbuch enthält viele erprobte Unterrichtsmaterialien: Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Begegnung mit lebenden Tieren und Wege zu einem unmittelbaren Naturerlebnis im Unterricht. Es hilft in der schulischen und außerschulischen Umweltbildung Kindern und Jugendlichen unsere heimischen Tiere, deren Lebensweise und Bedeutung näher zu bringen.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Zavadskaya A., Veber E., Volkova E., et al. 2020. South Kamchatka (Far East of Russia) is a place where Nature reigns supreme, an area whish demonstrates possibilities and benefits of the coexistence of Nature and Man. The South-Kamchatka Sanctuary named after Tikhon I. Shpilenok, having UNESCO World Heritage site status, preserves a pristine world of South Kamchatka. Its more than 3 thousand square kilometers are rarely seen by humans – except for a fortunate few thousand people each year, mostly brief visitors to the sanctuary\'s spectacular Kuril Lake.
Mar 30th, 2021

Created by: NatureKids BC

We can build bridges and tunnels to help amphibians cross roads near their migratory pathways, but we need to know where to build them in order to have the most impact. Enter the road survey, where NatureKids in partnership with local stewardship organizations and experts count amphibians, both alive and dead, to determine where infrastructure placement would be most effective.
Jan 15th, 2021

Wildlife is an irreplaceable asset that plays a key role in the health of ecosystems and societies alike. Take a look at a story presented by the Global Environment Facility in partnership with the World Bank and the Global Wildlife Program - a partnership of 32 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to combat illegal wildlife trade and promote wildlife-based economies. The story showcases six threatened species around the world that are benefitting from collaborative restoration efforts.
Mar 3rd, 2022

Created by: OpEPA

This project collects information on Colombia's natural heritage and presents it in educational, aesthetic and accessible formats. To this end, it includes: A suggestive, memorable and easy to understand narrative style. An infographic interface that articulates blocks of text, data, and illustrations. Impressive and colorful, yet scientifically rigorous illustrations. A solid scientific basis, albeit free from technical excesses. Easily downloadable editorial content on this website.
Mar 29th, 2023

Andrew is a wildlife conservationist, National Geographic Explorer and director of restoration and biodiversity conservation with Osa Conservation in Costa Rica. He uses camera traps to capture pictures and videos of secretive species that spend their entire lives above the ground in the rainforest. We'll join Andrew for a lesson about conservation from one of the most biodiverse locations on the planet. The Osa Peninsula is home to half of all the species in Costa Rica, that's a staggering 2.5% of the entire biodiversity of the planet, living on a mere 0.00000085% of the earth's total surface area.
May 6th, 2020

Part of the Exploring Animal Minds Lecture Series. Scientists are finally discovering the cognitive basis of how animals think and why they behave as they do. But, just how do scientists make these discoveries without directly asking animals what’s on their minds? It turns out that the best scientists have devised ways of uncovering how animal minds work by adhering to the old adage, “actions speak louder than words.” Join speaker Edward A. Wasserman, Ph.D. at our EAM series on May 30th for a lively look at some of the ways scientists discover the cognitive capacities of other species.
Mar 29th, 2021

This animation tells the story of Leo and Barbara and the communities they are working with to achieve sustainable wildlife management.
Feb 2nd, 2022

With help from Comics Uniting Nations, #NatureForAll and comic creators are coming together to create and share stories about how people are connecting with nature.
Apr 28th, 2020

Avec l’aide du groupe Comics Uniting Nations, #NaturePourTous et des créateurs de bandes dessinées s’unissent pour créer et diffuser des récits racontant comment les gens se rapprochent de la nature.
Apr 28th, 2020

Arabic version. With help from Comics Uniting Nations, #NatureForAll and comic creators are coming together to create and share stories about how people are connecting with nature.
Apr 28th, 2020

Chinese Traditional version. With help from Comics Uniting Nations, #NatureForAll and comic creators are coming together to create and share stories about how people are connecting with nature.
Apr 28th, 2020

English version. With help from Comics Uniting Nations, #NatureForAll and comic creators are coming together to create and share stories about how people are connecting with nature.
Apr 28th, 2020

Russian version. With help from Comics Uniting Nations, #NatureForAll and comic creators are coming together to create and share stories about how people are connecting with nature.
Apr 28th, 2020

Con la ayuda de Comics Uniting Nations, #NaturalezaParaTodos y creadores de historietas se han unidos para crear y compartir historias que nos acercan a la naturaleza.
Apr 28th, 2020

A resource guide for faculty, staff, students, extension educators, outdoor advocates, volunteers and community leaders as allies of black, indigenous, and people of color in the outdoors. Compiled by Don Rakow, Cornell University,, & Laura Brown, University of Connecticut-
Aug 18th, 2020

Created by: Ocean School

Nous avons parcouru nos contenus préférés afin de vous proposer quelques semaines d'activités passionnantes. Chaque jour de la semaine, on vous propose une vidéo éducative et une activité pour approfondir l'apprentissage. Pas de connexion nécessaire
May 13th, 2020

Atteignez vos objectifs d’apprentissage grâce à nos expériences virtuelles accessibles. Interagissez avec un interprète de Canards Illimités Canada en direct, comme si nous étions ensemble! Découvrez les milieux humides, allez faire une randonnée autour d'un marais, allez à la chasse aux bestioles ou apprenez sur les hiboux!
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: NatureForAll

Arabic version. This document containing recommendations for decision-makers, illuminates the diverse values of experiences and connections with nature and their relationship to positive behaviours towards the Earth. The knowledge shared here has a vital role to play in informing local, regional, and global policy and action on conservation, sustainable development, and related issues.
May 22nd, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Through this game, children will learn the challenges animals (either beluga or polar bears) face when travelling in the arctic.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

A new video series brought to you from Ocean Wise experts! In each video, an Ocean Wise expert answers questions about a topic in ocean health and literacy. Join us for more talks (coming soon)!
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Among the activities to be done in camping and outdoors, the observation of fauna and flora is a must! However, it is not always guaranteed that the animals will show up during your hike in the forest or your camping trip. In the meantime, Parks Canada's Learn-to camp team invites you to test your knowledge of these animals and good camping practices by completing these family games.
Sep 9th, 2020

Coloring book to discover the beautiful birdlife of the cloudforest of Chiapas, Mexico. Text in Spanish
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park területének bemutatása
Dec 9th, 2021

Created by: NatureKids BC

Citizen science is a great hands-on learning tool to get children and youth involved in real science. In June, July and August, youth can get involved with evening bat counts and submit data that will help scientists to monitor bat populations. Youth also learn new things about the nocturnal world around them. At other times of the year, youth can be involved with the stewardship component by learning how to improve important bat habitat. Youth can also be empowered to help bats by raising awareness and telling others about the importance of bats.
Jan 15th, 2021

Created by: Bateman Foundation

Canadian wildlife artist and naturalist Robert Bateman shares his inspiring passion for nature via these short videos.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Bats have been on Parks Canada’s radar for a number of years. Here's an interactive and educational blog post about those species.
Apr 27th, 2020

Die bayerischen Landschaftspflegeverbände engagieren sich gemeinsam mit Kommunen, Landnutzern und Naturschützern für die heimische Artenvielfalt. Auf der Site findet man Unterrichtsmaterialien, Infotafeln, Informationsbroschüren/-hefte, Bauanleitungen für Fledermausnistkasten und Wildbienenhaus zum Download.
Apr 13th, 2021

No matter what your age, there are things you can do to help the environment! Through these activities teachers can help students identify how they can make a difference at home, at school and in the community.
Oct 30th, 2020

Created by: Amigos de Sian Ka'an

Compendio de publicaciones de Amigos de Sian Ka'an sobre ciencia, sustentabilidad, educación ambiental y más...
May 21st, 2020

Created by: TakingITGlobal

A series of resources related to biology
Sep 23rd, 2021

Created by: NatureKids BC

NatureKids BC recently finished its two-year long Bird Aware Cat Care Youth Citizen Science Project. It’s part of a national effort led by Nature Canada called “Keep Cats Safe & Save Bird Lives” of which NatureKids BC is an official partner. Read more about what we learned in our final project report, read a story published in NatureWILD magazine written by one of our junior scientists and watch our educational video.
Jan 15th, 2021

Created by: Nature Canada

Nature Canada give access to a series of free Bird e-Books that will help you to discover the various birds in Canada. Together, we celebrate and protect our cherished birds through a variety of programs that engage communities in bird-friendly practices that benefit whole ecosystems.
Apr 27th, 2020

Die Kinderseite des BMU mit Wissenswertem und aktuellen Meldungen zum Wissensbereich Klima und Energie, Boden und Wasser, Pflanzen und Tiere und Gesundheit.
Apr 13th, 2021

L'objectif de cette boîte à outils est d'inspirer, d'informer et de fournir en conseils et ressources ceux qui sont — ou qui seraient — intéressés par la création d'un club nature pour familles.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Ismertető a Bükki Nemzeti Park természetvédelmi tevékenységéréről, az egyes védett területekről, az ott található természeti- és kulturális értékekről, a látogatás feltételeiről, a bemutatóhelyekről, szálláshelyekről, tanösvényekről.
Dec 9th, 2021

Le Cadre d’éducation forestière d’APLA Canada traduit le langage des forêts et de l’aménagement forestier durable en concepts accessibles à tous. Le Cadre présente 100 concepts liés aux forêts pour les élèves de la maternelle à la 12e année, répartis selon quatre thèmes : Qu’est-ce qu’une forêt? Pourquoi les forêts sont-elles importantes? Comment soutenons-nous nos forêts? et Quelle est notre responsabilité envers les forêts?
Mar 21st, 2022

Ce livret a été conçu, rédigé et illustré pour aider les éducateurs et les gardiens à sensibiliser les enfants et les jeunes à la protection des végétaux, la science qui s’intéresse à la santé des végétaux. Bien qu’il s’adresse à une tranche d’âge comprise entre 8 et 12 ans, il peut également être utile pour les adolescents. Un premier manuel sur la protection des végétaux, simple d’utilisation, préparé à l’occasion de l’Année internationale de la santé des végétaux.
Jul 21st, 2020

El propósito de esta Caja de Herramientas es el de proveer inspiración, información, consejos y recursos para los que están — o pueden estar — interesados en formar un Club de Naturaleza para Familias.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

presentado por Silvina Laura Medero: Calendario de escritorio para imprimir, cortar y armar con fechas ambientales de Argentina y otras internacionales
Jul 28th, 2023

Created by: Parks Canada

Vous pouvez écouter les Caméras du parc national Ivvavik. L'Arctique est une région marquée par les extrêmes, qu'il s'agisse de la lumière du jour, de la température ou du temps. Avec un mois d'obscurité l'hiver et deux mois de lumière constante l'été, les animaux et les plantes doivent profiter de la courte saison de croissance et pouvoir endurer les longs hivers rigoureux.
Apr 27th, 2020

Actividades que son más conducentes para construir y mantener apegos seguros padre/madre-hijo/hija
Apr 27th, 2020

Change your life. Change the world! That’s the promise of the CWF Canadian Conservation Corps (CCC). This three-part program presents an exciting opportunity for youth ages 18 to 30 to learn, grow and experience Canada in a unique way while having a real impact on conservation. Your adventure begins with an exciting wilderness journey followed by a field placement with national leaders in conservation. You’ll then develop your own idea into a meaningful service project in your home community. Are you ready for what could be the greatest adventure of your life?
Apr 28th, 2020

Discover the Canadian Museum of Nature through a series of videos.
Apr 27th, 2020

Canada's Outdoor Learning Store created a series of virtual workshop. Catch six workshops, ranging in topics from imaginative ecological education to lessons from nature preschools and forest kindergartens.
May 25th, 2021

We invite you and your family to reconnect with nature by taking a virtual road trip across Canada! Each week we’ll travel to a new location across our nation, learn about the local wildlife, share tips and ideas for your next outdoor adventure, and highlight how you can support conservation and help make a difference.
Jul 22nd, 2020

Découvrez le Musée canadien de la nature avec une série de vidéos.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Passage Adventures

Learn about different ways you can reduce single use plastic in your life with this comprehensive guide.
Jan 27th, 2021

Created by: Passage Adventures

Changing Tides is a film about a great adventure which also highlights the plastic problem our world has, and some of the solutions that exist. It raises awareness of the issue of marine debris and promotes ocean stewardship.
Jan 27th, 2021

Three ecologically-themed holiday singalong songs with Fergus and his puppet friends. In this video, Fergus gives a LIVE update from the Rotting Log Studio on the Trincomali Trio at Chrystal Cove and Mr. Beaver at the GCA's new constructed wetland.
Dec 18th, 2020

Join Dr Pamela Buchan as she outlines her PhD, Citizens of the Sea, which investigates marine citizenship and its role in promoting good marine environmental health.
Jul 23rd, 2021

This guide asks participants to take action in their community by cleaning up their local water resources. By gathering waste materials surrounding your waterways and reporting your data, participants can then analyze what they found in the CleanUP and identify clues on how to influence the public to stop leaving trash behind.
Jan 17th, 2022

Le Club nature pour les familles de la FCF permet aux familles de découvrir le plaisir de l’exploration de la nature et de se mettre en rapport avec d’autres familles qui font également cette découverte. Il offre des possibilités d’activités extérieures semi-structurées et de formations destinées aux adultes désireux d’intéresser leurs enfants au monde naturel. Grâce à notre plate-forme communautaire en ligne, les Canadiens peuvent accéder à des ressources, présenter leurs activités et se renseigner sur les possibilités de formation.
Apr 28th, 2020

Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC) est un chef de file en matière de science et de planification de la conservation. Prenez connaissance de certains concepts et termes utilisés dans nos travaux, ou téléchargez certains de nos documents de planification du travail de conservation.
Jun 15th, 2020

Des activités basées sur la nature, incluant des casse-têtes et des quiz.
Jun 15th, 2020

Poster on the correct colored and white glass collection during selective waste collection
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Submitted by Albert Balbutin Jr. Printable, bilingual English and Filipino coloring sheets of Philippine birds.
Sep 2nd, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Coloring sheets of various animals.
May 6th, 2020

A poster of the various snakes found in Central India
Oct 14th, 2021

Outdoor life is suspended, but contact with nature is not! This material in Portuguese shows how to put nature in the lives of children during quarantine.
May 7th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Este documento destaca los diferentes valores de las experiencias y conexiones con la naturaleza y su relación con las actitudes positivas para con la Tierra. Los conocimientos aquí contenidos juegan un papel vital a la hora de documentar las políticas y acciones locales, regionales y globales en materia de conservación, desarrollo sostenible y asuntos relacionados. [Connecting with Nature to Care for Ourselves and the Earth - Spanish]
May 22nd, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Apprenez-en plus sur les connaissances approfondies des peuples autochtones canadiens sur la terre et de son écosystèm, et comment Parcs Canada travaillent avec eux pour conserver la nature.
Jun 18th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

This document containing recommendations for decision-makers, illuminates the diverse values of experiences and connections with nature and their relationship to positive behaviours towards the Earth. The knowledge shared here has a vital role to play in informing local, regional, and global policy and action on conservation, sustainable development, and related issues.
May 22nd, 2020

Kids need nature! And so do parents, grandparents, caregivers and teachers. Encourage kids to spend time outside and teach them about environmental responsibility with these activity guides.
Oct 30th, 2020

también disponible en inglés y catalán: “Conoce el río” son distintos recursos educativos con información sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos: ríos, riberas y humedales. Podréis conocer y estudiar la biodiversidad de estos ambientes, su importancia y la necesidad de su conservación y mejora.
Jul 28th, 2023

Préserver la nature et favoriser la biodiversité passe par chacun d'entre nous. Natagora vous conseille et vous encourage à gérer vos terrains de manière écologique. En quelques gestes, transformez votre jardin, façade, terrasse ou balcon en un lieu accueillant pour la faune et la flore sauvages.
Dec 1st, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Welcome to Good Natured, a Conservation Optimism podcast, where you can join us for uplifting chats that shine a light on conservation challenges. In each episode, we interview an inspiring conservationist. Our guests come from a variety of backgrounds – artists, scientists, business owners, and activists – and engage with conservation in a variety of ways. We talk about their challenges and successes, and their hopes for the future of nature.
Jun 22nd, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Reefs are biodiversity hotspots and provide safety and housing for many different ocean creatures. Unfortunately, they are under stress from human use and ocean warming/acidification due to climate change. The good news is that organizations like Ocean Wise are working to help combat these conservation issues to help the reefs flourish again. Everyone has a role in protecting our oceans and there are many things you can do from home to help. This activity helps explore at home conservation actions that can help save the reef home of our favourite ocean creatures.
Apr 29th, 2020

Ce programme en trois étapes offre une occasion excitante aux jeunes de 18 à 30 ans d’apprendre, de grandir et de faire l’expérience du Canada de façon unique tout en ayant un effet positif sur la conservation. L’aventure commence par une expédition en nature, suivie d’un stage auprès de leaders nationaux en conservation. Ensuite, tu vas concevoir un projet que tu mettras en œuvre dans ta collectivité. Es-tu prêt à vivre la plus grande aventure de ta vie?
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Essayer de faire des mocassins? C’est une façon amusante de faire preuve de créativité! L’art perlé haut en couleur joue un grand rôle dans la culture métisse. Les Métis sont souvent surnommés le « peuple aux motifs perlés de fleurs ». Autrefois, ce sont les femmes métisses qui s’adonnaient généralement au perlage, et leur art servait à décorer vêtements, sacs, gants et mocassins.
Jun 18th, 2020

Students simulate development of a waterfront community to explore the possible effects of development on water quality and the surrounding watershed.
Jan 17th, 2022

Colouring pages for nature lovers of all ages!
Apr 30th, 2020

Los estudiantes usan un mapa topográfico para explorar el concepto de vertiente y luego aplican sus conocimientos a vigilar su situación. Los estudiantes descubrirán el valor diferente de un conjunto de datos individuales obtenidos en la vertiente en un lugar y momento dados, en comparación a una serie de conjuntos de datos sobre la calidad del agua, recogidos en diferentes lugares de la vertiente a lo largo del tiempo.
Jan 17th, 2022

With a new free app, DAWN CHORUS invites people around the world to record and share their local morning bird song and make an important contribution to biodiversity research. The app is available at no charge for iOS and Android (for smartphones with Android version 8 / iOS version 11 or higher).
Jun 8th, 2021

Auch nach der wissenschaftlichen Sammlungsphase könnt Ihr weiterhin das morgendliche Vogelkonzert aufnehmen, teilen und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Biodiversitätsforschung leisten. Die App steht kostenlos für iOS und Android zur Verfügung:
Jun 8th, 2021

The Galiano Conservancy Association wants to facilitate remote ecological learning via online resources in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the GCA’s long history developing and delivering outdoor education programs, we have accumulated a wonderful array of resources and activities for all age groups. DEEP is our new Digital Environmental Education Program that will support parents, teachers and all young nature lovers by providing teaching / learning material digitally through the GCA website and other linked online sources.
Dec 18th, 2020

Thanks to the Google Trekker, a backpack-mounted, 360-degree camera that uses the same technology as Google Street View, we recently captured 360-degree images of a few NCC properties from coast to coast.
Apr 28th, 2020

Throughout this Action Guide, you will be presented with a range of topics to help you know, think, and do—all about improving and protecting our water quality. You will have the opportunity to investigate water quality issues and formulate an action plan to improve the standard of the single most important substance we put into our body.
Jan 17th, 2022

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Duna-Dráva Nemzeti Park a két névadó folyó mentén, közel 50.000 hektár területen húzódik. A folyókat övező tájak képét a víz munkája alakította ki. Az ártéri területeken rendkívül változatos élőhelyek találhatóak, sok védett és ritka növény- és állatfajjal.
Dec 9th, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park az egyik legváltozatosabb magyar nemzeti park.Egyedülálló sokszínűségében négy tájegységünk, a Pilis–Visegrádi-hegység, a Börzsöny hegység, az Ipoly-völgy, valamint az Alföld Duna menti darabkája ötvöződik harmonikus egységgé.
Dec 9th, 2021

The premier episode of Earthy Chats has arrived! Co-hosts Jade Harvey-Berrill and Ian Shanahan chatted with Dr. Gillian Judson of imaginED and the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. Here's a sneak-peek at what we discussed: *the role of imagination in meaningful learning for learners of all ages *how story form engages emotions and enhances memory consolidation *Gillian\'s new book, A Walking Curriculum and how it can be used by parents and educators *outdoor learning and forging a sense of place *debunking the (rubbish) notion that imagination-based education is all about children, make-believe, fantasy, and fairies
May 25th, 2021

In the second episode of Earthy Chats, co-hosts Jade Harvey-Berrill and Ian Shanahan chatted with the Envirosongsters, Peter Lenton (aka Peter Puffin) and Remy Rodden! Here's a sneak-peek at what was discussed: *the birth of the Envirosongsters collaboration *Peter and Remy's process for creating EE songs for kids *the role of storytelling in crafting a live concert *the cross-curricular benefits of using song and theatre in education *harnessing the inherent creativity of children *the global Songs for Environmental Education network *Peter and Remy's best (live) blooper stories!
May 25th, 2021

Created by: Earth Rangers

Join Emma, a wildlife biologist and roaming reporter for the Earth Rangers podcast, the brand-new show for everyone who loves to explore the mysteries of nature. Join her as she explores the deep jungle, the frozen Arctic and splash around some wetlands, all in the name of science!
Dec 2nd, 2020

Created by: UNEP

Welcome to Earth School! We’re embarking on a month of daily adventures – or Quests – that will help you understand and celebrate our natural world. Now more than ever, we need to protect, nurture and care for Earth – so join us to learn something amazing every weekday between Earth Day (April 22nd) and World Environment Day (June 5th). Within each lesson, you’ll find fascinating resources compiled by Earth experts and ideas for getting involved in ways that count.
May 5th, 2020

Created by: TakingITGlobal

A number of resources related to earth sciences
Sep 23rd, 2021

The EarthEcho team travels to South Florida to explore how development and agriculture have impacted this region’s natural ecosystems. Philippe speaks with scientists and young people about ocean acidification's effects on marine life.
Jan 17th, 2022

Also available in Spanish: The EarthEcho team takes it inaugural expedition throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed to learn more about a global ocean issue that plagues more 400 communities worldwide: dead zones. Journey through five states and the District of Columbia to investigate the impacts causing a dead zone in the world’s largest estuary, including urbanization, agriculture, wastewater, and airborne pollution.
Jan 17th, 2022

Philippe Cousteau and the EarthEcho team explored the second largest and fastest growing city in Australia connecting with stakeholders, city planners, and citizen scientists in Melbourne during October 2018. Alongside 25 Expedition Fellows (teachers from Australia and the United States), Philippe learned more about how actions in the city can have dramatic consequences in the deep blue. We worked with local researchers and policymakers to examine the various sources of land‐based plastic pollution that has resulted in the waters of the iconic Port Philip Bay being recently described as plastic soup.
Jan 17th, 2022

The EarthEcho Expeditions team travels to the Pacific Northwest to explore how the continued absorption of carbon dioxide by our oceans is changing the fundamental chemistry that marine ecosystems depend on to operate. Join Philippe as he learns about the causes of ocean acidification and how it is affecting the native communities along Washington’s Olympic Coast.
Jan 17th, 2022

arthEcho Expedition: Water By Design is an exploration of the diverse engineering solutions California's resource managers are implementing in response to the recent 7-year drought. Explore the connection between the Sierra snowpack and the people of Los Angeles. Understand how NASA's satellite technology is used to help water resource managers on Earth. Investigate how seawater and water deep underground play a role in satisfying this thirsty urban region. Discover solutions and actions you can take in your own home or community to conserve water resources.
Jan 17th, 2022

Also available in Spanish: EarthEcho Expeditions: What’s the Catch? will take to the seas exploring the technological advances and policy solutions that have allowed the initial recovery of fisheries working with fisheries biologists, ecologists, fishermen, policy-makers, and young people who are taking the lead in making sure that the UK’s beloved fish & chips are sustainable. Philippe Cousteau and the EarthEcho International team set out to explore the history of fisheries and discover what solutions are on the horizon.
Jan 17th, 2022

The EarthEcho Water Challenge is designed to equip participants with the tools needed to tackle the global water crisis starting in their local communities. Through the program, participants test their local water quality, share their data in the global EarthEcho Water Challenge online database, and use this data to influence and inform actions to protect their local water resources.
Jan 17th, 2022

Join us for wide-ranging chats with environmental educators about best practices, changing trends, and new insights about the enviro. ed. field. Long-time educators Ian Shanahan from Green Teacher and Jade Harvey-Berrill from the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) and Stoked on Science facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas. Join the discussion!
May 25th, 2021

In the third episode of Earthy Chats, co-hosts Jade Harvey-Berrill and Ian Shanahan chatted with educator Faye O'Neil of the ?aqam Community in the Ktunaxa Nation! Here's a sneak-peek at what was discussed: *a childhood in nature *gaining knowledge from the land *gaps in the education system and how to fill them *making partnerships and maintaining open dialogue *how animals and plants are described in the Ktunaxa language *ways to achieve grounding in nature
May 25th, 2021

Created by: Ocean School

Vous travaillez dans un musée ou un centre des sciences? Vous êtes bénévole pour un programme parascolaire? La présente page est destinée aux organisations ou aux personnes qui veulent utiliser École de l’Océan ailleurs qu’en classe.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Ocean School

L’Université Dalhousie et l’Ocean Frontier Institute se sont associés avec l’Office national du film pour créer École de l’Océan, une expérience d’apprentissage par enquête gratuite et innovante. L'École de l'Océan s'adresse à tous. Nous invitons tous les apprenants perpétuels à s'y inscrire pour explorer nos expériences immersives. Vous verrez l'Océan avec des yeux neufs. L'École de l'Océan est également conçue pour les étudiants et les éducateurs.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Ocean School

L’École de l’Océan a inclus des remerciements sur la plateforme et des documents d’information sur les terres et les territoires traditionnels dans lesquels nous avons recueilli les récits et les données scientifiques sur lesquels nous avons basé notre contenu. Lorsque jugé approprié, nous tentons d’utiliser les noms de lieux et la langue autochtones. Nous avons préparé un tableau qui indique les médias comportant un contenu autochtone explicite.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

An education program, focusing on STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) with ideas to get out into nature in your own backyard, to encourage siblings to play and learn together at home, and to support or supplement your family’s science education.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on anthropology focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring the lives of ancient peoples.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on astronomy focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as making a pinhole camera, drawing constellations and exploring space.
May 12th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on botany focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as identifying plants, creating a shirt out of plant material and designing a seed pod.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on climatology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as playing bingo, learning about species, making a solar oven and learning how to transform an urban space to include nature.
May 1st, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on ecology focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring the food chain and ecosystems.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on entomology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as hunting for spiders, mimicking insects and going on a bug scavenger hunt in your backyard.
May 19th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on geography focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as learning about longitude and latitude, learning foreign words about nature, and creating a backyard scavenger hunt.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on geology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as looking for unique rocks, virtually exploring Mars, and discovering what lies below the Earth's surface.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on herpetology focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring the amphibians and reptiles.
Jun 22nd, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on hydrology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six lessons such as learning to tie outdoor knots, painting rocks, and calculating your water footprint.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on ichthyology focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring the lives of fish.
Jun 22nd, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on mammalogy focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities touching on engineering, math, art and technology, looking at the structures mammals make, the sounds they make and the camouflage they use to hide.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on meteorology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as creating a rain gauge, learning about water-resistance fabrics, making a tornado and building a wind powered vehicle.
May 12th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring how marine animals stay warm, learning the effects of oil spills on oceans and taking a virtual tour of a choral reef.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on ornithology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities touching on engineering, math, art and technology, exploring what birds eat, how they make their nests and learning how to help endangered birds.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A lesson on paleontology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as creating a tool kit, making fossils, or creating art with natural materials.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Here you'll find free education kits full of lesson plans, activities and resources to bring ocean literacy to the classrooms to educate, equip and empower students to be ocean stewards. Each education kit has a theme spread out over 7 lessons per age group: elementary, middle years and secondary. Each education kit is accompanied with a custom made student workbook and additional resources.
Apr 29th, 2020

Destiné tant aux enseignants qu’aux personnes qui remplissent un rôle éducatif en milieu non scolaire, par exemple les moniteurs de groupes de jeunes et les animateurs de projets locaux, Éducation-Nature est un programme de développement professionnel qui permet d’obtenir le certificat requis pour l’enseignement d’Atout-faune, de Sous zéro et de Nature sportive. Ces guides interdisciplinaires comportent des activités interactives d\'intérieur et de plein air pour les jeunes, axées sur la faune et l’environnement.
May 4th, 2020

Con la ayuda de Comics Uniting Nations, #NaturalezaParaTodos y creadores de historietas se han unidos para crear y compartir historias que nos acercan a la naturaleza.
Apr 28th, 2020

Con la ayuda de Comics Uniting Nations, #NaturalezaParaTodos y creadores de historietas se han unidos para crear y compartir historias que nos acercan a la naturaleza.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

aprende sobre el gato andeno y su ambiente con estas fichas. Este recurso de la Alianza Gato Andino fue proporcionado por Alejandra Torrez.
Jul 16th, 2021

Created by: Instituto Alana

Available with English subtitles: O que você faz diante de uma emergência? A crise climática promete ser o maior desafio da humanidade e é injusto que toda a responsabilidade caia sobre as crianças de hoje (e de amanhã) sem que nós, adultos, façamos algo. Quando se fala em crise climática, pouco se fala das crianças neste contexto: elas são colocadas sempre no ‘futuro’, mas já estão sendo impactadas agora.
Mar 24th, 2022

A cross-curricular, nine-chapter inquiry resource developed to support knowledge gaps in climate change education for students in grades 7-12 across Canada. Through instructional strategies, climate science, datasets and activities, it engages students in contributing to solutions in their schools, communities and homes.
Mar 4th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Wise

Le plastique est omniprésent dans nos océans et il va falloir une transformation profonde de la conscience et des activités de l'humanité concernant les océans pour assurer une vie saine et durable sur cette planète. Nous croyons que c'est possible! Mais nous avons besoin de votre aide. Nos jeunes doivent être sensibilisés à leur propre utilisation du plastique et à l'impact direct de leurs actions sur l'environnement qui les entoure. Grâce à ces ressources, nous espérons que les jeunes deviendront des leaders du changement.
Apr 29th, 2020

Activités les plus favorables à la construction d’attachements sécurisants entre parent et enfant.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: TakingITGlobal

A number of educational resources, including lesson plans, videos and activities for all types of grade levels.
Sep 23rd, 2021

Created by: TakingITGlobal

When issues of food insecurity, endangered species and environmental refugees hit home. On this page, you will find all the activities in our database that relate to environmental studies.
Sep 23rd, 2021

Provided by Amy Skalmusky - NEEF has gathered citizen science projects, selected NEEF toolkits and activity guides, educational apps, and park tours that require minimal outdoor time.
May 5th, 2020

Created by: TakingITGlobal

A series of resources related to environmental sciences
Sep 23rd, 2021

Created by: The Starfish Canada

The Starfish Canada offers highly engaging environmental workshops to elementary and high school students.
May 25th, 2020

Guide de 9 chapitres d'apprentissage par l'enquête sur le changement climatique, conçue pour remédier aux lacunes en matière de connaissances.
Mar 4th, 2022

Created by: WWF Magyarország

A Life4Oak projekt keretében készített Erdőböngésző című foglalkoztató-füzethez dolgozott ki óravázlatot a WWF Magyarország tanárok és környezeti nevelők számára. Az óravázlat az Erdőböngészőben található feladatok feldolgozásához nyújt ötleteket és segítséget 60 perces foglalkozások keretében.
Dec 9th, 2021

Created by: WWF Magyarország

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A sok évszázados emberi használat, fakitermelések miatt a tölgyeseink szinte teljesen átalakultak, az egykori vadonok eltűntek Magyarországról és szinte egész Európából is. Pedig a természetes erdő ritka, különleges élőhelyei számos állat-, növény- és gombafajnak nyújtanak menedéket. Az erdők megvédik ivóvizünket, tiszta levegővel látnak el minket, kirándulhatunk, gombászhatunk, állatokat és növényeket figyelhetünk meg bennük. Ezért nagyon fontos megőriznünk természetes erdeinket. Az Erdőböngésző című kisiskolásoknak szóló füzetből megtudhatod, hogy milyen élőlények élnek egy természetes tölgyerdőben és megismerheted az erdő rejtett kincseit. Töltsd le a füzetet és tarts velünk, fedezd fel a tölgyerdők titkait!
Dec 9th, 2021

Le programme Espaces de vie vise à nouer des liens entre les éducateurs, les élèves et la nature et à contribuer à la protection des pollinisateurs grâce à des expériences d’apprentissage enrichissantes. Le programme aide les enseignants à permettre aux élèves d’apprendre à connaître les pollinisateurs, de créer ou d’adapter des jardins scolaires ou communautaires pour les pollinisateurs, d’observer les pollinisateurs dans ces jardins et de consigner leurs observations et de partager leurs expériences avec d’autres élèves partout au Canada.
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

An assortment of education videos that explain all sorts of under the sea phenomenons. From in the ins and outs of sea level rise to the reasons behind declining shark populations, this video series answers all sorts of questions about our oceans.
Apr 29th, 2020

The Canadian Museum of Nature Explores the Coasts of Canada in the Canada C3 Expedition. The Canada C3 expedition was a research platform for a pan-Canadian collection of examples of aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity, all within the same field season (June–October 2017).
May 1st, 2020

Created by: Agents of Discovery

The Explorer Campaign is an initiative implemented by Agents of Discovery across different regions of North America, where organizations have bound together with the common goal of getting youth outdoors, active, and exploring their cities, states, or provinces. To play, kids become Secret Agents on a Mission to visit participating parks, museums, zoos, and cultural sites. With every Mission completed, kids earn exclusive digital and real-world rewards. The more Missions completed, the more rewards earned!
May 11th, 2020

Le Musée canadien de la nature explore les côtes du Canada avec l'expédition Canada C3.
May 1st, 2020

See videos and learn about the amazing world of animal thinking, emotions, and behavior from world-renowned scientists through this series of 20 lectures.
Mar 29th, 2021

Wild Challenge is a call - to get up, get out and get wild! It's a challenge for you to connect with the natural world in brave new ways - to reach out and touch it and meet it head-on, up-close and personal.
Sep 1st, 2020

Ferramentas gratuitas para atividades ao ar livre - O brincar e a conservação da natureza - Infográficos desemparedamento - Ruas de lazer - Grupo natureza em família - Bicicleta para uma infância saudável - Manual como ser um boa praça - Série #vidanapraça
Sep 2nd, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park teljes területe 23 731 ha, amelynek Fertő táji része – 1977-től tájvédelmi körzet, 1979-től az UNESCO Bioszféra Rezervátum hálózatának tagja, 1989 óta pedig mint jelentős vizes élőhely, az ún. Ramsari-területek között is szerepel –, 1991-ben nyerte el a nemzeti park rangot. A Fertő vidéke éghajlati övezetek, növény- és állatföldrajzi határok találkozási helye. Ezek az Európában egyedülálló adottságok és a kis területen előforduló élőhelyek sokszínűsége határozzák meg e táj arculatát.
Dec 9th, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

Join Parks Canada Ecosystem Scientists behind the scenes while they research the whales and their surroundings in Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. You’ll learn more about these endangered animals, what Parks Canada is doing to protect them and actions you can take to help.
Mar 3rd, 2022

Moos unter den Füßen spüren, frische Waldluft einatmen, Natur mit allen Sinnen erleben – ein großartiges Gefühl, aber nicht selbstverständlich. Das Netzwerk Natura 2000 schützt das europäische Naturerbe, damit wir es heute und auch morgen noch erleben. Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

Each week, the Children and Nature Network will be posting new resources from incredible partners, tips, tools, blogs and webinars, along with the best and brightest ideas from the field. Please consider this your virtual gathering place and a platform for sharing and connecting with your peers.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise’s Fish Tank contest will allow aspiring environmentalists, entrepreneurs, and engineers to pitch their solutions to ocean issues to a panel of Ocean Wise staff. We want solutions and inventions to be as creative as possible. You can invent any technology you would like, without needing to explain the details of how your invention would function. Contestants can assume they have unlimited funding for their solutions. You must create a maximum 4-minute video presentation or script describing what you decided to tackle and what your solution is.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Decouvrez des animaux du monde avec ce flipbook.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Parks Victoria

Join Stephen Brend— Parks Victoria's Flying Fox Project Officer— on a tour through Melbourne's Yarra Bend Park. Visit the Grey Headed Flying Fox colony and learn all about the bats.
Sep 2nd, 2020

Created by: City as Nature

A majestic journey through Japan, Korea, and the United States that turns our perceptions of food (and life) upside down in a simple and poetic way. Solutions for our most pressing social and ecological issues come from unexpected places in a bite-sized film that New York Times bestselling author Alicia Bay Laurel calls “beautiful … both art and documentary.”
Apr 1st, 2021

The Forest Literacy Framework is designed to increase people’s understanding of forests and empower them to take actions that benefit forests and people. The framework, which is available for US and Canadian audiences, translates the complex language of forests, trees, forest practices, and sustainable forest management into concepts that are appropriate for ages five through eighteen. The document presents a learning pathway for educating communities and K-12 students about forests, with the goal of a forest-literate future.
Mar 21st, 2022

When it comes to green jobs in the forest and conservation sector, there are so many opportunities to pursue your passions and make a difference. Whether it’s the trees, waterways, or critters you love, learning about Indigenous rights and relationships, or finding ways to fight climate change, Forest Quest helps you explore and learn about the forest and green careers from different people you’ll meet along the way. Sign up to begin your Forest Quest online experience today! When you complete your journey, you’ll earn a digital badge showing you’ve completed the fundamentals of forest literacy.
Jan 12th, 2023

Resources to hep you connect with nature and explore your backyard.
Aug 17th, 2020

Join us for an immersive audio-visual interpretive tour of one of our conservation properties.
Dec 18th, 2020

The Canadian Wildlife Federation's Gardening for Wildlife program encourages Canadians to get outside and transform home, school and community gardens into wildlife-friendly habitat. Participants are supported with resources and information on making their gardens suitable for wildlife, can contribute to citizen science when they document garden visitors through iNaturalist and have the support of an online community where they can learn and share. Those who certify their wildlife-friendly gardens receive official recognition from CWF and will motivate others to take action.
Apr 28th, 2020

Learn about the orcas whale that makes its home on the Salish Sea near Vancouver, Canada
Nov 13th, 2020

handbook for global teaching - level 1
Jul 17th, 2020

Students use a topographic map to explore the concept of a watershed and then apply that knowledge to watershed monitoring. Students will discern the difference in value between an individual data set collected at one place and time on a watershed versus a series of water quality data sets collected at various points along a watershed over time.
Jan 17th, 2022

Educator resource to help schools build a green schoolyard
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Learn about how Canada and Indigenous Peoples are working together to help protect and manage land and resources.
Jun 18th, 2020

Test your knowledge of these iconic Canadian bird species, and learn how to identify them.
Apr 28th, 2020

O guia tem como objetivo incentivar famílias a experimentarem uma maneira pouco frequente de incluir natureza na vida das crianças: acampar em áreas naturais protegidas, como as Unidades de Conservação. A publicação apresenta diversas dicas práticas, como locais apropriados para acampar com crianças, os equipamentos básicos necessários, orientações de segurança, dicas de alimentação e uma série de sugestões para quem vai se lançar em suas primeiras aventuras.
May 7th, 2020

O material busca apontar um percurso formativo que subsidie o trabalho de gestores, diretores e coordenadores no planejamento do uso de espaços ao ar livre na reabertura das escolas, junto à sua comunidade escolar.
Feb 10th, 2022

El material busca señalar un recorrido formativo que apoye el trabajo de gerentes, directores y coordinadores en la planificación del uso de los espacios al aire libre en la reapertura de las escuelas, junto con su comunidad escolar.
Feb 10th, 2022

The purpose of this material is to offer an educational pathway to support the work of managers, directors and coordinators in the planned use of outdoor spaces in plans for school reopening, together with the school community.
Feb 10th, 2022

Lesson plans for pupils about sustainable food system and consumption
Jul 17th, 2020

Created by: IUCN SSC member

presentado por Ada Sánchez-Mercado, del Comisión de Supervivencia de Especies de la UICN A través de una serie de guías, organizadas en tres módulos, deseamos compartir tanto el conocimiento técnico, como la experiencia ganada tras la implementación de nuestras campañas.
Nov 25th, 2022

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

How our usage of materials has changed throughout history and how our waste has changed. What could a positive future waste management look like?
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Ocean Wise

Welcome to the Home Learners Workshop Series! This is the collaborative space where students, parents and home educators will have the opportunity to see what our home learners are learning each week. Check back for pictures, post-program resources, and engaging discussions that you may participate in.
Apr 29th, 2020

Learn about how Indigenous people in Canada are connecting with and honoring nature.
Jun 8th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A nemzeti park területe (80.135 hektár) a Hortobágy és Nagykunság tájait, valamint a Tisza-tó egyes részeit foglalja magába. Hazánk első, 1973-ban alapított, egyben a legnagyobb kiterjedésű nemzeti parkjának létrehozásához egy, a többek között Konrad Lorenz által támogatott nemzetközi összefogás is hozzájárult.
Dec 9th, 2021

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

A pictorial handbook on the dynamics of human–sloth bear conflict in the Kanha-Pench Corridor, Madhya Pradesh, India. It aims to inform people about sloth bears and provides simple steps one must take to prevent encounters.
Oct 14th, 2021

How to Compost Correctly? Poster on compostable and not compostable materials.
Mar 29th, 2023

Creating and restoring butterfly habitat offsets what development, roadside mowing or wetland drainage have destroyed. (Gardening pesticide-free helps, too.) Whether you have a small plot in the big city or a few acres, transform your yard into a butterfly garden! Many butterfly species don’t migrate. You can provide habitat and food for their entire life cycle — eggs, larvae, pupae AND adults — throughout the year. Think beyond providing flowers for nectar in the height of summer.
Nov 13th, 2020

Manicured lawns are a desert for pollinators (and most wildlife). But you can make your yard or garden a pollinator paradise! In spring, leave twig piles and bare ground. Come summer, let veggies bolt. Provide a source of water and don’t rake all the fall leaves. Build homes where pollinators can lay eggs or overwinter. Chances are you’re already taking steps to help pollinators — bees (wild and honeybees), butterflies and birds. That’s great! Not sure? Check your actions against these tips.
Nov 13th, 2020

Each of us can create habitat to support local bee populations. Bees are more likely to thrive in your backyard, community or patio garden and on mixed farms than on acres devoted to single crops. Urban settings mean short flight paths and a variety of different plants and flowers to sample.
Nov 13th, 2020

Kids who experience nature’s mystery and beauty will grow up caring about protecting it. Being attentive to life helps us better understand and act on the understanding that we are all interconnected and embedded in and indebted to the Earth. Most children are curious explorers, so you don’t need to do much to cultivate their nature connection — just take them outside (rain or shine) and get out of their way!
Nov 13th, 2020

When spring arrives, you can cultivate a renewed sense of wonder about backyard birds. Attract birds with nesting material! It will complement other rewilding efforts like pollinator-friendly gardening, erecting a bee home and planting a butterfly garden.
Oct 30th, 2020

Butterflyways are popping up across Canada, thanks to caring and dedicated teachers, parents, students and community leaders. Is your school ready to smell the wildflowers, create new habitat for pollinators and have fun?
Oct 30th, 2020

Learn about the differences between bees, wasps and flies
Nov 13th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Help reframe the conservation narrative away from doom and gloom to more positive messaging. Here is a seven-step process on how to start your own Conservation Optimism hub.
Jun 22nd, 2020

Szemléletformáló kiadvány a fenntartható életmódról és egy kevésbé környezetterhelő életforma kialakításáról.
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Parks Canada

Learn more about Ice by reading this story. Ice is a landscape, a world, a way of life. It can be a quilt of light and froth pouring down a rock face; it can be a highway for animal and human travellers; it can be a decoration for beards and eyelashes.
Apr 27th, 2020

Snappy, five-minute presentations on science at the Canadian Museum of Nature.
May 1st, 2020

Sous-titré - 13 présentations d'environ 5 minutes sur la science, produites par le Musée canadien de la nature
May 1st, 2020

Marine Biologist Imogen Napper is a National Geographic Sky Ocean Rescue Scholar. She developed her love of the ocean from a young age as she learned to sail and surf in her seaside home town of Bristol, UK. She is now finishing her PhD in Marine Science at Plymouth University, focusing on the sources of plastic in marine environments. Her work recently helped influence the ban of microbeads in cosmetics internationally. Imogen will be working to identify the most effective technology for capturing the tiny micro plastic fibers that are released when modern clothes are washed.
May 6th, 2020

Los estudiantes simulan el desarrollo de una comunidad costera para explorar los posibles efectos del desarrollo en la calidad del agua y la vertiente circundante.
Jan 17th, 2022

Welcome to, Canada's gateway to a global species data sharing community. Record your observations. Share with fellow naturalists. Discuss your findings.
May 1st, 2020

Bienvenue sur! Le portail du Canada vers le partage mondial de données sur les espèces. Enregistrez vos observations. Partagez avec d’autres naturalistes. Discutez de vos observations.
May 1st, 2020

Los estudiantes investigan la calidad del agua mediante evaluaciones simuladas y reales de los aspectos biológicos (macroinvertebrados), químicos (pH) y físicos (turbidez).
Jan 17th, 2022

Created by: Parks Canada

Learn about Indigenous connections in Canada. Most, if not all of Parks Canada special natural and cultural places have been traditionally used by Indigenous peoples long before Canada became a country. These culturally significant sites are as vital as ever to Indigenous culture and connection to the land. Many heritage places honour Indigenous histories and connections through the place name. Place names and the stories associated with them are a source of critical knowledge; they identify where resources can be found, referred to past events, and described the landscape.
Jun 18th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Learn how Canada works with Indigenous peoples from across the country to incorporate traditional knowledge in nature conservation.
Jun 18th, 2020

Indigenous Guardians help communities manage traditional territories. They draft land use plans, study wildlife and monitor development projects. They also honour Elders’ knowledge and connect youth to the land. In this short video, Indigenous Guardians talk about their work. They describe what it means for their communities—better conserved lands, stronger ties to culture, healthier people—and for planet.
Jun 8th, 2020

Explore different "green jobs" from the perspective of Canadian Indigenous people. They’ve tried different jobs, studied at various levels, and had diverse experiences before landing in these roles. Some of them currently work for a provincial or territorial park. Many others work in the forestry sector for organizations whose lands are SFI-certified.
Jun 23rd, 2020

Videoclip zum Schwerpunktthema der UN-Dekade Biologische Vielfalt 2019-2020: „Insekten schützen – gemeinsam für die Vielfalt der Natur“. Mit dem Schwerpunktthema hebt die UN-Dekade gezielt Projekte heraus, die in beispielhafter Weise zum Schutz von Insekten beitragen, ihre Lebensbedingungen verbessern oder Wissen über die Arten und ihre Bedeutung für die biologische Vielfalt, die Ökosysteme und unsere Ernährung vermitteln.
Mar 16th, 2021

Plants are the source of the oxygen we breathe, the food we eat, and ultimately of all life on earth. Despite their importance, we do not pay enough attention to keeping them healthy. The International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) 2020 will change this by inspiring people to learn more about plant health and, especially, take concrete action. For this reason, the action-oriented IYPH campaign will be targeted to specific audiences including: general public; media professionals; schoolchildren; farmers; government representatives; policy makers and legislators; donors; UN and International organization staff members; people working in the private and trade sectors.
Jul 21st, 2020

Did you know that a swarm of small locusts can eat the same amount of food in one day that thousands of people eat throughout a year? You can find lots of interesting facts in our Activity Book for children and get some inspiration for the drawing competition. Discover just how much our lives and our planet depend on healthy plants and find out how each of us can help to protect them!
Jul 21st, 2020

School Garden Guide - How to set up and use organic school gardens for global learning and beyond
Jul 17th, 2020

Created by: IUCN

IUCN Issues Briefs provide key information on selected issues central to IUCN’s work. They are aimed at policy-makers, journalists or anyone looking for an accessible overview of the often complex issues related to nature conservation and sustainable development.
May 4th, 2020

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Created by: BLI GLOBAL

Download James The Steward for free, a children's storybook that narrates a real life event in Uganda and how two friends, James and Sarah begin a journey to take climate action.
Oct 6th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Japanese resource: Provided by Teppei Dohke, IUCN The Nature Conservation Society of Japan launched this website to provide many material for neighboring nature watching.
May 5th, 2020

La FCF encourage les Canadiens à sortir dehors et à transformer le jardin de leur domicile, école ou communauté en jardin accueillant pour la faune. Le programme soutient les participants en leur offrant les ressources et l’information nécessaires sur la façon de transformer leur jardin en espace convenable pour la faune, de contribuer à la science citoyenne en consignant les visiteurs à leur arrière-cour dans iNaturalist et d’échanger avec notre communauté virtuelle. Les personnes qui font certifier leur jardin accueillant pour la faune reçoivent une marque de reconnaissance officielle de la FCF.
Apr 28th, 2020

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Játékos növényvilág - Kreatív játékok növényekkel
Mar 28th, 2023

Created by: NatureForAll

Testez vos connaissances sur les parcs et les zones protégées du monde entier grâce à ce quiz interactif et amusant. Mettez vos amis, parents ou enfants au défi et voyez qui peut obtenir un résultat parfait ! Les sujets abordés sont la biodiversité, les héros de la conservation, l’actualité et la géographie.
Jan 27th, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

Parmi les activités à faire en camping et en plein air, l’observation de la faune et de la flore est un incontournable! Cependant, il n’est pas toujours garanti que les animaux se pointeront le bout du nez lors de votre randonnée en forêt ou de votre séjour en camping. En attendant, l’équipe d’initiation au camping de Parcs Canada vous proposons de tester vos connaissances de ces animaux de la faune et des bonnes pratiques de camping en complétant ces jeux en famille.
Sep 9th, 2020

Created by: Nature Canada

Nature Canada offre un journal du jeune ornithologue et un cahier d'activités. Les jeunes peuvent en apprendre davantage sur les oiseaux, comment les identifier et ce qui peuvent faire pour protéger les oiseaux dans leurs quartier.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Pon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre parques y áreas protegidas de todo el mundo con este divertido e interactivo cuestionario. ¡Desafía a tus amigos, padres o hijos y mira quién puede obtener una puntuación perfecta! Los temas incluyen la biodiversidad, los héroes de la conservación, los acontecimientos actuales y la geografía
Jan 27th, 2021

Created by: Nature Canada

Nature Canada offer a journal and activity book. Junior Birder can learn about birds, how to identify them, and what you can they do to protect birds in their neighborhood.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Provided by Jennifer Jones - Searchable online spreadsheet with hundreds of curated virtual environmental education field trips that include lesson plans for teachers and families from the Center for Environmental & Sustainability Education, Florida Gulf Coast University.
May 5th, 2020

A cross-curricular, five-chapter inquiry resource developed to support knowledge gaps in climate change education for students in grades k-2 across Canada. Through instructional strategies, climate science, datasets and activities, it engages students in contributing to solutions in their schools, communities and homes.
Aug 17th, 2022

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 28th, 2023

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Are you a teacher, an educator or a parent looking for some optimistic stories and resources tailored for children? Here are some activities for younger kids to draw, read and learn about different animals.
May 6th, 2020

Nature themed activities such as puzzles, quizzes and coloring pages.
Jun 15th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Parks Canada love wild questions—and kids love asking them. Here are a few that reveal a lot about the amazing life of nature (and the amazing imaginations of kids). Here is the first series of questions.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Parks Canada love wild questions—and kids love asking them. Here are a few that reveal a lot about the amazing life of nature (and the amazing imaginations of kids). Here are more kids’ questions about nature that touch on everything from bats to fish ladders to climate change. And if you missed the first part of this series, visit
Apr 27th, 2020

Im Projekt Kinder-Garten im Kindergarten haben sich bundesweit 200 Kindergärten vernetzt, um das Thema Biologische Vielfalt über einen eigenen Garten in ihr pädagogisches Konzept einzubinden. Auf der Webseite finden Sie den Leitfaden „Biologische Vielfalt spielend erlernen“, zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele, Informationsmaterialien, Anleitungen, Aktionsideen und Rezepte zur Integration des Themas in die Kindergartenarbeit.
Mar 30th, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park célja a Duna-Tisza köze jellegzetes arculatának, a táj természeti értékeinek, földtani képződmények, vizeinek megőrzése, ezen értékek tudományos kutatása és oktatási, ismeretterjesztési célú bemutatása.
Dec 9th, 2021

Das Material eignet sich für den Einsatz im Unterricht, in einer Projektwoche oder für die Klima-AG. Die Inhalte sind so gestaltet, dass sie mit wenig Aufwand direkt in die Kurse integriert werden können – das Entdeckende Lernen steht dabei wie immer bei Pindactica im Mittelpunkt.
Mar 17th, 2021

Komba is one of the most exciting magazines on wildlife and the environment, published by the Wildlife Clubs of Kenya since 1969, especially for its young school members. It is a magazine that features articles, activities, poems and other write ups on pertinent wildlife and environmental cross cutting issues. Komba has astounding articles on animals, plants and wild places. Articles are written by scientists and researchers in the field, staff at WCK and the WCK young members and every issue is vibrant because of the great mix of writers.
Jan 31st, 2022

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: A Körösök és a Maros ártéri erdői, gyepjei, a holtágak vízivilága alkotja az értékek egyik fő csoportját. A csendes vizek lakói között megtaláljuk a fokozottan védett vidrát, az állandó fészkelő madarak között a fekete gólyát, a rétisast és a barna kányát.
Dec 9th, 2021

Kristen Lear is a bat conservationist and environmental educator. She got her start in bat conservation at age 12, when she built and installed bat houses for her Girl Scout Silver Award project. Since then, she has traveled the world, including the US, Australia, and Mexico, to learn how to protect endangered bats and to share her passion with the public. In this session, Kristen will provide a glimpse into the world of bats, sharing some specialized research equipment and providing hands-on tips for how students can build their own bat houses and contribute to bat conservation in their own backyards.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish education program focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with ideas to get out into nature in your own backyard, to encourage siblings to play and learn together at home, and to support or supplement your family’s science education. (Scroll down for Spanish version.)
May 1st, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish lesson on anthropology focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring the lives of ancient peoples.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish lesson on astronomy focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as making a pinhole camera, drawing constellations and exploring space. (Scroll down for Spanish.)
May 12th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

Spanish lesson on botany focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as identifying plants, creating a shirt out of plant material and designing a seed pod. (Scroll down for Spanish version.)
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

Spanish lesson on climatology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as playing bingo, learning about species, making a solar oven and learning how to transform an urban space to include nature. (Scroll down for Spanish version.)
May 4th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish lesson on ecology focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring the food chain and ecosystems.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish lesson on entomology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as hunting for spiders, mimicking insects and going on a bug scavenger hunt in your backyard. Scroll down for Spanish version.
May 19th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

Spanish lesson on geography focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as learning about longitude and latitude, learning foreign words about nature, and creating a backyard scavenger hunt. (Scroll down for Spanish version.)
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

Spanish lesson on geology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as looking for unique rocks, virtually exploring Mars, and discovering what lies below the Earth's surface. (Scroll down for Spanish version.)
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

Spanish lesson on herpetology, focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring the lives of amphibians and reptiles. (Scroll down for Spanish.)
Jun 22nd, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

Spanish lesson on hydrology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six lessons such as learning to tie outdoor knots, painting rocks, and calculating your water footprint. (Scroll down for Spanish version.)
Apr 27th, 2020

A Spanish lesson on ictiología focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring the lives of fish. (Scroll down for Spanish.)
Jun 22nd, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish lesson on mammalogy with six activities focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), looking at the structures mammals make, the sounds they make and the camouflage they use to hide.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish lesson on meteorology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as creating a rain gauge, learning about water-resistance fabrics, making a tornado and building a wind powered vehicle.
May 12th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish lesson focusing on math, science, technology and engineering (STEM), exploring how marine animals stay warm, learning the effects of oil spills on oceans and taking a virtual tour of a choral reef.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

A Spanish lesson on ornithology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities touching on engineering, math, art and technology, exploring what birds eat, how they make their nests and learning how to help endangered birds.
May 26th, 2020

Created by: Families In Nature

Spanish lesson on paleontology focusing on science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) with six activities such as creating a tool kit, making fossils, or creating art with natural materials.
Apr 27th, 2020

Avec l’aide du groupe Comics Uniting Nations, #NaturePourTous et des créateurs de bandes dessinées s’unissent pour créer et diffuser des récits racontant comment les gens se rapprochent de la nature.
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Vous pouver en apprendre plus sur la glace en lisant cet histoire. La glace est un paysage, un monde, un mode de vie. Elle peut prendre l’aspect d’une courtepointe de lumière et de mousse qui coule sur une paroi rocheuse, d’une autoroute pour les voyageurs animaux et humains ou encore d’une parure de givre pour les barbes et les cils.
Apr 27th, 2020

Comics Uniting Nations, UICN CEC et les créateurs de bandes dessinées se réunissent pour créer et partager des histoires qui connectent les gens à la nature.
May 13th, 2020

Comics Uniting Nations, UICN CEC y creadores de cómics se unen para crear y compartir historias que conectan a las personas con la naturaleza.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Canadian Geographic

DEs activités et ressources pour rendre l’apprentissage à domicile ou l’enseignement à distance facile et amusant.
May 14th, 2020

Le casse-tête des changements climatiques aide les élèves à identifier leurs émotions causées par les changements climatiques et à trouver des stratégies pour y faire face. Après avoir lu la bande dessinée, les élèves vont identifier ce que ressentent les personnages et pourquoi ils pourraient ressentir ces émotions. Les élèves vont être encouragés à partager leurs propres émotions causées par les changements climatiques et à identifier leurs stratégies d’adaptation. Ils discuteront ensuite du Modèle de stratégies d’adaptation, créé conjointement avec Inês Lopes, docteure en philosophie, psychologue et consultante en éducation. Cette activité dure environ 35 minutes.
Jul 21st, 2021

Natagora présente quelques infos concrètes sur une thématique nature, et un bricolage, un jeu, une activité qui s'y rapporte. Certaines activités sont à faire à l'exttérieur (la nature est la plus grosse armoire de matériel bricolage imaginable), d'autres à l'intérieur.
Dec 1st, 2020

39 histoires ponctuelles en format vidéo liées à l’actualité et produites par le Musée canadien de la nature
May 1st, 2020

Created by: Land Needs Guardians

What is an Indigenous Guardian? What’s it like to be an Indigenous Guardian? What does an Indigenous Guardian do? Canada's Indigenous Guardians manage protected areas, restore animals and plants, test water quality, and monitor development projects. And they welcome visitors to traditional territories and maintain cultural sites. Guardians’ work is guided by science – both Indigenous and western. We are trained in data collection and water quality analysis, and we learn from our elders about relationships with animals and changes on the land.
Jun 8th, 2020

Created by: Ocean School

We've combed through Ocean School to put together a few weeks of our favourite materials There's an educational video and a student activity for each week day. No login required.
May 13th, 2020

A hub of learning resources, multi-media content and fun activities to help parents and teachers bring Dartmoor National Park into homes and schools.
May 5th, 2020

A hub of learning resources, multi-media content and fun activities to help parents and teachers bring Dartmoor National Park into homes and schools.
May 5th, 2020

Complete programmes of study for an extended piece of work lasting several weeks in a school setting which explore some of Dartmoor’s special qualities. They are thoroughly explained and in depth to help parents who may find themselves at this time in the unfamiliar role of ‘teacher’ or for teachers who are in schools with key worker children.
May 5th, 2020

Videos to help parents and teachers bring Dartmoor National Park into homes and schools.
May 5th, 2020

To support parents and teachers, LSF is curating this weekly collection of activities drawn from our Resources for Rethinking (R4R) database, so you can be confident they have been vetted by teachers and connected to Canadian education outcomes, wherever you are.
May 8th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

German resource submitted by CEC member Rita Gazdag: The booklet provides guidelines to Nature Parks in Germany how to involve more refugees and migrants into their programs. It has a short and a long version.
Sep 21st, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Parka explore les lieux de Parcs Canada et vous pouvez la suivre en regardant des vidéos à la maison! Rejoignez-la dans ses 53 aventures amusantes!
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Les chauves-souris sont sur le radar de Parcs Canada depuis plusieurs années. Voici un blog interactif et éducatif sur ces espèces.
Apr 27th, 2020

Les milieux humides à la rescousse! amalgame toute la recherche sur le rôle des milieux humides dans la maîtrise des changements climatiques, et comment enseigner cette matière de façon responsable et motivante pour les adolescents. Dans ce PowerPoint, les élèves apprendront les causes et les conséquences des changements climatiques au Canada, les solutions basées sur le comportement et sur la nature, comment les milieux humides aident dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques et démontre des jeunes qui sont en train de changer le monde.
Jul 21st, 2021

Cette fiche résume comment les milieux humides nous aident dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques. Elle correspond au PowerPoint Les milieux humides à la rescousse! Vos élèves apprendront comment les milieux humides protègent les régions côtières contre les tempêtes, emmagasinent l’eau pendant les inondations, sont une source d’eau pendant les sécheresses, créent un effet rafraîchissant et absorbent et stockent le carbone.
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

Parcs Canada, raffole des questions farfelues – et les enfants adorent les poser. En voici quelques-unes qui en disent long sur la vie étonnante de la nature (et l’imagination étonnante des enfants). Voici d’autres questions d’enfants sur la nature qui touchent une foule de choses allant des chauves-souris aux échelles à poissons au changement climatique. Si vous avez manqué la première partie de cette série...
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Parcs Canada, raffole des questions farfelues – et les enfants adorent les poser. En voici quelques-unes qui en disent long sur la vie étonnante de la nature (et l’imagination étonnante des enfants).
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Lisez une histoire sur le viaduc faunique, Parc national Banff : une ligne de sécurité pour les voyageurs sauvages. L'histoire, Les randonneurs : voyages épiques et périlleux des animaux voyageurs présente un contenu éducatif sur les raisons de relier les aires protégées permet à la faune de se déplacer entre elles, aux populations de se mélanger, et de renforcer la biodiversité.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Provided by IUCN CEC member Fatima Korisha Ali Shah Hosein Learn about the significance, importance, use, implications about the different type of Energy, it is why in this opportunity the subject are directed to Renewable Source of Energy, specifically the Wind Energy, students/participants will develop many competencies as creativity, engineering design, environment, obtention of knowledge about the importance of Renewable Source of Energy (Wind Energy), also the students will obtain and increase their capacity of research, share information.
Jun 4th, 2020

Created by: Sea Smart School

Free resources to educators that makes learning about plastic pollution hands-on, fun and accessible to all learners! These resources are created by teachers, for teachers. Topics are: Differentiated K-12 lesson plans BC Curriculum connections Presentation slides Educational videos
Aug 28th, 2020

Este libro de actividades ha sido diseñado, escrito e ilustrado para acercar a los niños y jóvenes al mundo de la protección de las plantas. Aunque está dirigido a un grupo de edad entre ocho y doce años, este libro también puede ser útil para niños mayores y educadores. Se puede considerar como el primer manual simple de protección vegetal, diseñado con motivo del Año Internacional de la Sanidad Vegetal 2020.
Jul 21st, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Pequeño libro (flipbook) de diversos animales
May 6th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

El Libro de Juegos #NaturalezaParaTodos está diseñado para inspirar la acción, reuniendo a toda clase de gente en el juego de la Naturaleza. El Libro de Juegos #NaturalezaParaTodos ofrece sugerencias y posibilidades, pero también hace hincapié en la importancia de conocerse a uno mismo o a su organización y conectar en sus propios términos, inspirando un amor y un apoyo a la Naturaleza que conduzcan a una mayor acción para su conservación, ahora y en el futuro.
Aug 11th, 2020

Questo libro è stato progettato, scritto e illustrato per avvicinare bambini e ragazzi al mondo delle piante e della fitopatologia, la scienza che si occupa della salute e protezione delle piante. Realizzato in occasione dell'Anno internazionale della Salute delle Piante 2020, questo libro può essere considerato il primo semplice manuale di fitopatologia per le generazioni di domani, ma non solo. Sebbene indirizzato a una fascia di età compresa tra gli otto e i dodici anni, questo libro di attività può essere utile anche a ragazzi più grandi e educatori.
Jul 21st, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Apprenez à connaître les liens avec les Autochtones. Presque tous les endroits naturels et culturels spéciaux de Parcs Canada ont été utilisés à des fins traditionnelles par les peuples autochtones bien avant que le Canada ne devienne un pays. Les noms de lieux et les histoires qui y sont associées sont une source de connaissances essentielles : ils indiquent où les ressources peuvent être trouvées, évoquent des événements passés et décrivent le paysage. Voici quelques-uns des nombreux lieux patrimoniaux de Parcs Canada où vous pouvez apprendre à connaître les liens avec les Autochtones.
Jun 18th, 2020

Created by: NatureKids BC

A guide to help you identify pollinators in various flowers in British Columbia, Canada
Jan 15th, 2021

Created by: NatureKids BC

A guide to help you identify insects found through the leaf litter of British Columbia, Canada
Jan 15th, 2021

Have you ever wondered where an Orangutan lives? How about Gibbons, Tigers or Reticulated Pythons? Join us as we explore our Indo-Malaya Pavilion and it's tropical rainforest, examining the special creature features that help our animals survive in their habitat. The rainforest provides humans with many items we use in our every day life, during our adventure you will learn about how you can get involved with rainforest conservation
May 6th, 2020

Meet the last two northern white rhinos alive on the planet and the people who are caring for and protecting them. Ol Pejeta is the largest black rhino sanctuary in east Africa, and home to two of the world’s last remaining northern white rhino. It has some of the highest predator densities in Kenya, and still manages a very successful livestock programme. Ol Pejeta also seeks to support the people living around its borders, to ensure wildlife conservation translates to better education, healthcare and infrastructure for the next generation of wildlife guardians.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Living Links

A range of short videos that highlight the Living Links program and its various projects. The Living Links vision is to create an urban ‘web of green’ where people and nature connect.
May 1st, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Le livre de jeux #NaturePourTous a pour but d’encourager l’action et d’amener les gens de tous horizons à profiter de la Nature. En plus de proposer des moyens d’actions et d’offrir des possibilités, il souligne l’importance de la connaissance de soi et du milieu où l’on évolue pour que chaque personne puisse découvrir la Nature à sa façon. On cultivera ainsi l’amour de la Nature et l’on fera naître chez les gens le désir de poser des gestes pour en assurer sa préservation de façon durable.
Aug 11th, 2020

É possível criar espaços de convivência e brincadeiras mais atraentes e desafiadores para as crianças, aproveitando as características dos terrenos e utilizando elementos naturais, como troncos, árvores e plantas. Uma solução baseada na natureza que ajuda tanto as cidades quanto as infâncias!
Jun 8th, 2022

Created by: The Starfish Canada

In collaboration with Markham Public Library, The Starfish Canada presents the amazing work done by the youth of Markham, Ontario, in our inaugural storybook project.
May 25th, 2020

Created by: Love Thy Nature

Through the transformation of Liam Neeson’s character “Homo Sapiens,” the film invites viewers to realize the depth of their connection with nature. Love Thy Nature points to how deeply we’ve lost touch with nature and takes viewers on a cinematic journey through the beauty and intimacy of our relationship with the natural world. The film shows that a renewed connection with nature is key both to our health and the health of our planet. Watch the trailer here:
Apr 6th, 2021

La ressource pédagogique H2Ohh! de l’Académie des gardiens de la planète est GRATUITE pour l’année scolaire actuelle – c’est comme un cours pour Jedi sur la conservation et la protection de l’eau! - Satisfait aux normes du programme d’études du Québec pour les élèves de la 3e à la 6e année - Inspire un agréable apprentissage grâce à notre approche basée sur les histoires, les arts, les jeux et la bonté! - Intègre les connaissances et les perspectives autochtones - Permettez aux enfants de devenir des acteurs du changement
Jan 17th, 2022

Pour appuyer les parents et les enseignants, LST est en train de compiler des activités tirées de la base de données Ressources pour repenser (R4R), ce qui vous conférera la certitude d’utiliser des ressources approuvées par les enseignants et reliées aux programmes d’enseignement canadiens, et ce, où que vous soyez.
May 8th, 2020

This is a video demonstrating how to make a simple bird feeder using upcycled toilet paper roll
May 25th, 2020

This storybook is the culmination of an experiment to re-imagine the People's Biodiversity Register (PBR), a tool to document biological diversity from local communities. This work captures local ways of knowing (contextual understanding) through everyday ordinary practices, like cooking, honey collecting, and just being in a place of dynamic change. The site of engagement was Agumbe, Western Ghats.
May 6th, 2020

libro para colorear
May 5th, 2020

Created by: OpEPA

Contemplar, Comprender, Conservar recoge información sobre el patrimonio natural colombiano y la expone de manera didáctica, estética y accesible. Para tal efecto, ofrece: Un estilo narrativo sugerente, memorable y fácilmente comprensible. Un lenguaje infográfico capaz de articular bloques de texto, datos e ilustraciones sin sacrificar legibilidad. Unas ilustraciones imponentes y coloridas, pero científicamente rigurosas. Unas bases científicas sólidas, pero libres de excesos técnicos. Unos contenidos editoriales fácilmente descargables en la presente página web.
Mar 29th, 2023

These Ocean Fact Sheets introduce people to marine topics featured during special environmental days.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Avec des activités, Club Parka, vous encourage à explorer, découvrir, apprendre et vous amuser! Certaines activités sont à faire par vous-même, et d'autres que vous pouvez faire avec votre famille et vos amis. Parka le castor présente également de nombreuses activités à télécharger et à faire en famille!
Apr 27th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Milieux humides : des puits de carbone est un court vidéo d’animation qui explique comment les milieux humides absorbent et stockent le carbone.
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: Parks Victoria

Join Parks Victoria Ranger Tony Fitzgerald for a 15-minute mindfulness walk at Kinglake National Park. Relax, focus your mind on the present and enjoy a different journey through a spectacular part of the Kinglake National Park.
Sep 2nd, 2020

Created by: Agents of Discovery

Mission Conservation provides parents and educators with access to Image Recognition (IR) Missions that young learners can play and share with their community. It is a project by Wonders of Wildlife in collaboration with Agents of Discovery and several leading U.S. conservation organizations to launch a campaign called New Missions will launch every Monday (events we are calling “Mission Monday”).
May 11th, 2020

Pappus - Mesélő erdő kártyák
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Ocean Wise

These educator lesson plans were developed by Ocean Wise Mobil Programs to engage folks across Canada in fun, engaging ocean education and ocean literacy. Lesson plans are available in French and English.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Ready to print worksheets to help your class access prior knowledge, make predictions and reflect on their AquaVan visit.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Try your hand at designing some moccasins? It’s a fun way to get creative! Colourful bead art is an important part of Métis culture and the Métis have been called "The Flower Beadwork People". Métis women did most beading in the past, and their art would be used on clothing, bags, gloves, and moccasins.
Jun 18th, 2020

Lectures on biological diversity to support children and their parents to develop ecologically oriented values. Some of the modules are available in English, German, Hungarian, Romanian and Georgian.
Apr 29th, 2020

Mon passe-temps, notre climat est conçu pour aider les élèves à comprendre comment les changements climatiques affectent la vie quotidienne des Canadiens. Dans cette activité, vos élèves rencontreront cinq adolescents qui ont un problème : les changements climatiques impactent leurs passe-temps. Vos élèves discuteront des différentes conséquences des changements climatiques et proposeront des solutions. Ensuite, ils prendront le temps de réfléchir à ce qu’ils aiment faire personnellement et à ce qu’ils peuvent faire pour notre planète. Cette activité dure environ 45 minutes
Jul 21st, 2021

Kisokos segít eligazodni a műanyagok újrahasznosításának kérdéseiben
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Parks Canada

With activities, Parka Club encourage you to explore, discover, learn and have fun! Some activities are for you to do on your own, and others you can do with your family and friends. Parka the beaver also presents lots of activities to download and do with family!
Apr 27th, 2020

My Hobby, Our Climate is designed to help students make the connection between climate change and their personal lives. In this activity, students will meet five Canadian teenagers with hobbies that are being affected by climate change. After hearing the teenagers’ concerns, students will discuss the various consequences of climate change and offer some solutions. They will then take time to reflect on what they personally enjoy doing and what they can do for their future.
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: Ocean Wise

Welcome to the Ocean Action Page! In this community you will find the activities, resources, and dialogues between youth across Canada and around the world - who have collaborated to make a difference in their communities, their schools and their countries. With the guidance of expert mentors as well as communicating with each others, youth around the world are taking up the challenge of conservation and impacting the world around them.
Apr 30th, 2020

The Resource Library is a searchable collection of over 4700 free resources for educators on topics in geography, science, social studies, environmental education and more.
Dec 3rd, 2021

Was verbirgt sich hinter Natura 2000? Worauf muss in Natura 2000 Gebieten geachtet werden? Wer kümmert sich um die Natura 2000 Gebiete? Warum brauchen wir die Natura 2000-Gebiete? Erfahre hier mehr über das weltweit größte Projekt zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt und seine Lebensräume, Tier- und Pflanzenarten! Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

Natura 2000-Quiz für Kinder: Viele Tiere und Pflanzen in Bayern sind vom Aussterben bedroht. Natura 2000 ist das größte Naturschutzprojekt der Welt und hilft mit, gefährdete Tiere und Pflanzen zu schützen. Weißt du, was eine Maus frisst? Oder wie die Küken eines Uhus aussehen? Teste dein Wissen über die Natura 2000 Tiere und Pflanzen im Natura 2000 Arten-Quiz! Klicke auf das Bild, um die richtige Antwort zu erfahren.Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

Der Extrembergsteiger Alexander Huber erfährt beim Klettern täglich die Einzigartigkeit der Natur. In unserem Video erzählt er, wieso er sich als Natura 2000 Botschafter für die Bewahrung des europäischen Naturerbes einsetzt. Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

Viele gefährdete Tier- und Pflanzenarten finden in den bayerischen Natura 2000-Gebieten einen einzigartigen Lebensraum. In unserem Video erfahren Sie von der Ornithologin Dr. Auguste von Bayern, wieso sie sich als Natura 2000 Botschafterin für die Bewahrung des europäischen Naturerbes einsetzt. Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

In diesem Video teilen drei Menschen, was sie dazu bewegt, sich für den Erhalt des europäischen Naturerbes einzusetzen. Ihre Begeisterung und ihr Engagement steht stellvertretend für viele andere, die oft unbemerkt einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Erhalt einzigartiger Lebensräume, Tiere und Pflanzen leisten.Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

Einen einzigartigen Naturgenuss und faszinierende Erholungslandschaften bieten die 745 bayerischen Natura 2000-Gebiete. Hier stellen wir aus allen Regierungsbezirken Bayerns besondere Orte vor, an denen das europäische Naturerbe hautnah erlebt werden kann. Mit Gebietsbeschreibungen, Besonderheiten und Ausflugsziele und natürlich schönen Bildern, die Lust auf einen Besuch machen.Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

Wie gut kennst Du das europäische Naturerbe? Von Hirschkäfern und Wiesenknopfbläulingen: Das europäische Naturerbe ist vielfältig und bewahrt vieles, was unser Leben ausmacht. Teste dein Wissen und erfahre mehr über Natura 2000 und viele faszinierende Tiere und Pflanzen! Kommunikationsprojekt LIFE living Natura 2000
Feb 25th, 2021

This tool kit is a guide for all youth around the world who want to start Natural Leaders action groups or networks. This road map offers stories, ideas and examples of how to build a Network.
Apr 27th, 2020

This is an English summary of the book "Parques Naturalizados: Como Criar e Cuidar de Paisagens Naturais para o Brincar", about how to create and take care of natural play spaces. This publication provides inspiration, tools and resources for planning and implement natural landscapes for play, creating a trail. The full Portuguese version can be found at
Jun 8th, 2022

Tools and resources for teachers and educators on how to put more vitamin "N" in the classroom
Apr 28th, 2020

Provides inspiration, information, tips and resources for those who are — or who might be — interested in creating a Nature Club for Families
Apr 27th, 2020

Chinese version: Provides inspiration, information, tips and resources for those who are — or who might be — interested in creating a Nature Club for Families
Apr 27th, 2020

Chinese version: Provides inspiration, information, tips and resources for those who are — or who might be — interested in creating a Nature Club for Families
Apr 27th, 2020

Simple DIYs to help bring nature to you.
Jun 15th, 2020

A collection of free Nature and Conservation themed documentaries for everyone to enjoy.
Jun 15th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Are you a teacher, an educator or a parent looking for some optimistic stories and resources tailored for children? These Conservation Optimism posters can serve as inspiration for drawings/stories/play-doh and more.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

In Bahasan Indonesian: Are you a teacher, an educator or a parent looking for some optimistic stories and resources tailored for children? These Conservation Optimism posters can serve as inspiration for drawings/stories/play-doh and more.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Colorful flipbook, in Chinese, with information on animals from around the world.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Portuguese resource: Are you a teacher, an educator or a parent looking for some optimistic stories and resources tailored for children? These Conservation Optimism posters can serve as inspiration for drawings/stories/play-doh and more.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Russian: Are you a teacher, an educator or a parent looking for some optimistic stories and resources tailored for children? These Conservation Optimism posters can serve as inspiration for drawings/stories/play-doh and more.
May 6th, 2020

These videos highlight the leadership of individuals, not-for-profits, and businesses whose initiatives are making an impact in respect and care for nature in their community, across the country, or even around the world.
May 1st, 2020

Nature is the fantastic factory that makes the building blocks of all our lives—food, drinking water, the stuff we own, and the air we breathe. That’s why The Nature Conservancy and its 550 scientists have created Nature Lab: to help students learn the science behind how nature works for us and how we can help keep it running strong.
Jul 29th, 2020

The Children & Nature Network worked closely with educators and parents to develop a meaningful, practical and immersive outdoor curriculum designed for families, called Nature Quest. Through a series of ten activities that include “Missions” and “Quests,” the curriculum combines different types of play and uses nature as a “game board” to engage families and build an understanding of environmental concepts. Nature Quest gives children tools for self-guided exploration and learning while empowering parents with a storyline to sustain play.
Jul 23rd, 2021

We polled our colleagues for their favourite nature books. Here’s what a few of them suggested, although this list is by no means exhaustive. Happy reading!
Jun 15th, 2020

Created by: Nature Revisited

Nature Revisited is a podcast that explores our relationship with the natural world. It consists of interviews, stories, and discussions that highlight the notion that nature is not a place one goes to, but rather a place one is already a part of - that We Are Nature.
Oct 30th, 2023

38 timely video stories on topical subjects from the Canadian Museum of Nature.
May 1st, 2020

Watch videos to be inspired on how to get involved and help wildlife, and find your virtual nature escapes.
Jun 15th, 2020

With over 200 curriculum-based lesson plans, the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) has the inspiration you need to bring nature-based learning into the classroom!
May 4th, 2020

Fascinating stories about nature, why we need it in our lives, and the passionate Canadians helping to protect it. In this seven-part series, we’ll take listeners to some of Canada’s important natural areas, from the Bay of Fundy to Victoria. We talk to Canadians helping care for these places, from scientists to hometown heroes. Connect to Canada’s nature. Learn about the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s conservation work. And be inspired to find out how you can help support this work.
Jun 15th, 2020

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is a leader in conservation science and planning. Learn more about some of the concepts and terms behind our work, or download some of our conservation planning documents.
Jun 15th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Joignez-vous en coulisse aux scientifiques de l’écosystème de Parcs Canada tandis qu’elles font de la recherche sur l’épaulard et son environnement à la réserve de parc national des Îles-Gulf. Vous en apprendrez davantage sur cette espèce menacée, ce que fait Parcs Canada pour la protéger et les gestes que vous pouvez poser pour aider.
Mar 3rd, 2022

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

Pappus - Növénytáblák - növényfelismerés és növényleírások
Mar 28th, 2023

A series of mini-documentaries from the movie The Beginning of Life 2: Out There: Growing with Nature, Outdoor Education, Growing in the City, Health and Life Outside. They are available in three versions: with audio description and sign language, in Portuguese with descriptive subtitles and subtitles in English and Spanish (not all of them).
Feb 16th, 2021

Have fun learning about our South African marine animals and their homes with these activity sheets.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on ghost crabs.
May 7th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on the shad.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on butterfly fish.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on octopuses.
May 7th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on the red steenbras.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on seagulls.
May 7th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on the coelacanth.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheet on hermit crabs.
May 6th, 2020

Have fun learning about South African marine animals and their homes with this activity sheets on penguins.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Ocean Bridge connects Canadian youth from coast to coast to coast empowering them to make a difference towards ocean conservation. Each year 160 youth (ages 18-30) form a national team engaged in co-creating and delivering service projects for their home communities and two immersive learning journeys addressing Ocean Health and Ocean Literacy in Canada. The youth are separated into four cohorts of 40, each focused on one of these important marine areas in Canada: the Pacific, the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence and the Atlantic.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Science communication is important as it helps the public to understand science in their daily life and educate them about the threats that the Earth is facing so that citizens can make informed decision for a sustainable future. Ocean fishbowl is a take on the classic family game charades. In this version there are three rounds to decide the ultimate winner.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Welcome to the Educator Resource Library - your guide to incorporating Ocean Literacy into your classroom. Ocean literacy is the understanding of the ocean's influence on you, and your influence on the ocean, but that is a very broad definition. The ocean is a wondrous and complex place. The better we understand the ocean, the more we see how closely intertwined human lives are with this vital resource. We can teach a variety of subjects through the lens of ocean literacy, develop students' inquiry skills and creativity.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Dear Students, Welcome to the Ocean Literacy Course! By going through the 7 key principles of this course you will develop an understanding of how everyone is connected to the ocean, and how the ocean impacts our lives as much as we impact the ocean. In the Ocean Literacy course you will have the chance to earn badges by completing each section of the course. There are also bonus badges to be won by completing the assignments.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Dear Students, Welcome to the Ocean Literacy Course! By going through the 7 key principles of this course you will develop an understanding of how everyone is connected to the ocean, and how the ocean impacts our lives as much as we impact the ocean. In the Ocean Literacy course you will have the chance to earn badges by completing each section of the course. There are also bonus badges to be won by completing the assignments.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise has combined our expert knowledge in ocean science, our ongoing research, and passion for the ocean to bring you Ocean Literacy Courses. These interactive and comprehensive online classrooms are perfect for educators and students to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the ocean.
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Welcome to the Secondary Level Ocean Literacy Course on the Ocean Wise Online Learning Environment. On this platform we have created an international course based on the 7 key principles designed for secondary level students to develop an understanding of how we impact the ocean and how the ocean influences us. For each section there are Badges to earn. You should complete all associated assignments before you can take the Principle quiz and earn your badge. If you complete all 7 of the Ocean Literacy Principle badges you may take the Final Quiz and Written Assignment to complete the course!
Apr 30th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

A variety of resources related to plastics education.
Jan 26th, 2022

Created by: Ocean School

Dalhousie University and the Ocean Frontier Institute have teamed up with the National Film Board of Canada to create Ocean School. Ocean School is a free, innovative inquiry-based learning experience. Ocean School is for everyone. We invite all lifelong learners to register and explore our immersive experiences. You will see the ocean in a new way. Ocean school is also designed for students and educators. Are you an educator? Sign up and peruse the educator space, which includes many additional resources to support using Ocean School in the classroom.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Ocean School

Ocean School has included acknowledgements in the platform and supporting documentation of the land and traditional territory in which we have collected our stories and science for our content. Where appropriate, we also strive to use Indigenous place names and language. Below we have provided a table that details the pieces of media that have explicit Indigenous content.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Ocean School

This page is for organizations and individuals who want to use Ocean School outside the classroom. You might be working in a museum or a science centre, or you might be a volunteer for an after-school program.
May 13th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Do you want to dive deeper into learning? Perhaps you’re a teacher, a museum educator, a librarian, or a park interpreter, and are looking for ways to support ocean education. Or perhaps you are early in your career and keen to learn more about ocean opportunities and innovation leaders. Either way, our toolkits have been designed just for you!
Jun 3rd, 2021

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This hands-on toolkit, developed by the Canadian Museum of Nature and Ingenium, promotes the importance of aquatic health throughout Canada. The activities showcased were created for interpreters in museums, science centres, and aquariums to be used during Ocean Week Canada and beyond. However, all the information and materials required to engage in these activities are detailed in this digital toolkit. You can do it yourself!
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This Parks Canada toolkit will take you on a journey from coast to coast to coast to explore the immersive experiences and collaborative conservation efforts that Parks Canada undertakes in marine protection and conservation. Browse the toolkit for videos, observation activities, arts and crafts creations, and to learn about the different ways of exploring marine heritage at places administered by Parks Canada across the country.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This toolkit will enable postsecondary students and early career professionals to learn about opportunities and potential career pathways in the ocean sector. Dive into personal narratives and insights from ocean innovators and entrepreneurs working in diverse fields, as well as timely information about emerging trends, career programs, and resources.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This toolkit has been created to support individuals working in library and community spaces with a user-friendly approach to facilitating learning experiences about the ocean and waterways in Canada. These learning activities and resources have been curated with your audiences and engagement needs in mind, and with the aim of strengthening our collective understanding of our influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on us.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

This toolkit was developed for teachers and students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 education communities, coastal and inland, across Canada. The aim of this toolkit is to engage learners in ocean education, deepen their awareness of and connection to the ocean, and to inspire action in the classroom community and beyond. It is designed to meet curricular outcomes for numeracy and literacy, sciences and social studies, health and more...
Jun 3rd, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

The Schools 2.0 toolkit has been created for teachers, particularly middle school grades, to help educators bring the ocean into their classroom and provide students with the knowledge and tools to understand their influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on them
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Wise

Colour and learn about your favourite underwater animals!
Apr 29th, 2020

Also available in Spanish and Chinese. OceanEcho 30x30 is a campaign driven by EarthEcho International’s Youth Leadership Council designed to amplify the collective impact of youth-led action to protect 30% of our world ocean by 2030 through education and advocacy campaigns, active engagement in ocean policy, and direct coastal restoration efforts. This resource provides youth leaders with additional details on the OceanEcho 30x30 initiative and the tools to give a presentation on marine protected areas to other young people in their community.
Jan 17th, 2022

ÖkoLeo ist die Kinder-Internetseite des Hessischen Ministeriums für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz. ÖkoLeo bietet Informationen zu Natur- und Umweltthemen sowie Ideen zum eigenen Erkunden, Experimentieren und Handeln.Alle Texte von ÖkoLeo dürfen kostenlos für Bildungszwecke und andere nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
Mar 17th, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Provided by Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos - The concept of One Welfare describes the interconnections between animal welfare, human wellbeing and their social and physical environment. These publications will help readers to better understand how these interconnections relate to nature / #natureforall
Jun 9th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Contribuido por Dr. Rebeca García Pinillos - El concepto de One Welfare (“un solo bienestar”) reconoce la interconexión entre el bienestar animal, el bienestar humano y el medio ambiente. La integración de este concepto en proyectos existentes podría proporcionar una plataforma de bajo coste con el objetivo de promover la colaboración interdisciplinar para la mejora internacional del bienestar humano y animal.
Jun 9th, 2020

Created by: Bateman Foundation

A new digital program to connect people to nature using art, including virtual tours of our current exhibit.
May 1st, 2020

Created by: Bateman Foundation

Free digital resources that will help you develop basic art skills while learning about nature. These range from quick activities like colouring, to longer, more involved lesson plans.
May 1st, 2020

Created by: Sea Smart School

Carefully developed by Sea Smart’s team of marine biologists and environmental educators, these courses help foster valuable critical thinking skills and encourage kids to make connections between scientific knowledge and the natural world. Kids aged 8 - 14 start their journey to become an Ocean Defender through a series of interactive and engaging virtual lessons. Through a number of hands-on activities, your child will learn all about the amazing animals that live in our oceans, the different threats they face, and what we can do to protect them.
Aug 28th, 2020

Created by: Canadian Geographic

Activities and resources to make learning from home, or teaching at a distance, easy and fun.
Apr 29th, 2020

This accessible virtual experiences will help you meet your curriculum needs and support learning outcomes. Interact with a live DUC interpreter, as if we were together. Choose from a virtual wetland field trip, to a walk around a marsh, to critter dipping to dissecting owl pellets! Fun for everyone.
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: Ocean Wise

This hub houses resources for physical distance-friendly learning for all ages. Our educators and animal experts at Ocean Wise and the Vancouver Aquarium have compiled these resources for kids to learn to care for the ocean – and the animals in it – from the comfort of your living room. Content is updated regularly and has spaces for children ages 2-18, young adults, educators, and parents.
Apr 29th, 2020

Online quizzes on biodiversity and environment: These are online quizzes for children to test and enhance their knowledge about wildlife and environment.
May 5th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Vas megye délnyugati sarkában találjuk ezt az erdőkkel, ligetekkel szabdalt gyönyörű tájat, ahová a honfoglaló magyarok a nyugati kapu védelmére őrállókat telepítettek. Innen a táj neve: Őrség.
Dec 9th, 2021

Este relatório de impacto, mais do que uma prestação de contas à sociedade, parceiros e interessados na causa, é um panorama animador do que estes esforços produziram em prol de infâncias ricas em natureza, e em busca de um planeta saudável e acolhedor para a humanidade.
Sep 9th, 2020

The OurEcho Challenge is a STEM competition that empowers U.S. middle school students (grades 5 - 9) to take a closer look at biodiversity in their communities. Students will first identify threats to local ecosystems and then propose solutions to help preserve, protect, or repair those natural resources. To support youth in looking at the world around them with a critical and innovative eye, we have provided standards-aligned educational resources to help support biodiversity education in both formal and informal learning environments as we set out to preserve, protect, and repair natural resources in our own backyards.
Jan 17th, 2022

Created by: Outdoor Classroom Day

These are individual lesson and topic ideas sourced from a broad range of experts and organisations. You’ll see that we’ve concentrated on inspiration, leaving the planning of how the activity will be delivered up to the person that knows their class and environment the best — you.
May 7th, 2020

Created by: Outdoor Classroom Day

Help spread the word about Outdoor Classroom Day and encourage others to get involved using these campaign materials. If you’re a teacher, use the posters to tell other teachers and parents what you’re planning. If you’re a parent, use the letter to schools to ask your child’s teacher to get involved. If you’re an individual or business who cares about childhood, use the Outdoor Classroom day logos to help raise awareness about the campaign.
May 7th, 2020

Created by: Outdoor Classroom Day

Whether you’re looking for play ideas to do at home, outdoor lesson ideas for school, or guidance on making outdoor learning and play part of every day, you’ll find it here!
May 7th, 2020

Created by: Take Me Outside

Lynx shares a brief description of what kind of clothing and layering should be considered for taking students outside.
Feb 28th, 2023

Classroom resources for outdoor learning reviewed by teachers for teachers.
Jul 16th, 2021

Created by: Take Me Outside

In this brief outdoor learning video, Lynx shows teachers what she packs in her backpack when taking students outside during the winter.
Feb 28th, 2023

Created by: Outdoor Classroom Day

The Outdoor symphony activity encourages children to listen to everything going on outside and think about different ways of recreating and recording the sounds.
May 29th, 2020

poster about correct paper collection during selective waste collection
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Parks Canada

Parka is exploring Parks Canada places and you can follow her by watching videos at home! Join her in her 53 fun adventures!
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Parka et Chirp t’invitent à explorer les endroits de Parcs Canada en participant à une chasse aux photos. En utilisant l'application Missions Photo vous allez être en mesure de voyager de la maison!
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Join Parka and Chirp on a photo scavenger hunt to explore Parks Canada places by using My Photo Mission app you will be able to travel from home!
Apr 27th, 2020

Nature activities for every age group, with a special emphasis on activities that are most conducive to building and maintaining secure parent-child attachments.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: World Urban Parks

This living document is an international guide of resources, insights and community perspectives to help connect park agencies, community organizations, individuals, cities, and park conservancies to better navigate a path toward recovery, equity, wellbeing, social justice and resilience in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In sharing this guide, we hope that you will use it to strengthen your community’s synergies between public health, nature conservation and climate change adaptation to make the world a better place focused on equity, wellbeing, nature conservation, climate change adaptation and health priorities through long term urban policy and planning decisions and implementation.
Sep 29th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

A toolkit full of tips and knowledge from Whitley Award winners, to give budding conservationists the encouragement they need to make a difference for nature.
Mar 3rd, 2022

Learn about Canada’s boreal forest and how Indigenous cultures draw vitality and meaning from the land, how they are called on to conserve it and how they are honouring that responsibility.
Jun 8th, 2020

Peter is a conservation biologist at the University of Ottawa, where his research focuses on the effects of climate change and habitat loss on pollinators. The global loss of pollinators we are experiencing is a huge red flag as we have no way to replicate the services they provide for free. He also studies community science (i.e. citizen science) and how these programs can influence the understanding of wildlife across Canada.
May 6th, 2020

Das Video stellt das Projekt des Jahres 2018 der UN-Dekade Biologische Vielfalt "Pferde fördern Vielfalt" vor. Der Strukturreichtum der Natur auf Pferdebetrieben schafft gute Voraussetzungen für eine hohe Biodiversität. Mithilfe eines Maßnahmenkatalogs und eines Biodiversitäts-Quick-Checks unterstützen die Projektträger Pferdebetriebe dabei, ihre guten Grundlagen weiter auszubauen. Durchgeführt wurde das Projekt von der Deutschen Reiterlichen Vereinigung in Kooperation mit Dr. Stefan Rösler, Oecoach, und dem Pferdesportverband Baden-Württemberg.
Mar 16th, 2021

Der gemeinnützige Verein Pindactica entwickelt Entdeckerhefte, Lehrmaterialien und Bastelanleitungen für die schulische und außerschulische Bildungsarbeit und stellt diese kostenlos auf seiner Webseite zur Verfügung. Zum Thema Biologische Vielfalt liegen aktuell die Hefte „Wilde Tiere in der Stadt“, „Bienen – entdecke ihre Welt!“ sowie „Wölfe – Mythen, Märchen und Gefahren“ vor.
Mar 17th, 2021

A contribuição das pesquisas sobre os benefícios da natureza na educação escolar.
Sep 24th, 2020

The Planet Protector Academy is a FREE, FUN and ENGAGING teaching resources for teachers in Canada: - Meet SDGs and curriculum standards for Grades 3-6 - Inspire joyful learning with our story, arts, game and kindness-based approach! - Integrate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives - Empower kids to become leaders of change - Help with eco-anxiety and make kids feel happier during these challenging times
Jan 17th, 2022

The Planet Protector Academy Teachers Edition empowers kids to protect our planet and take care of each other. With daily webcasts led by actor educators for kids 6-11 years old, fun arts and game-based activities bring the best of online lessons in science, arts, language, and social studies - plus BONUS content to help stay mentally well and safe during COVID-19!
Nov 6th, 2020

The Planet Protector Academy Home Edition empowers kids to protect our planet and take care of each other. With daily webcasts led by actor educators for kids 6-11 years old, fun arts and game-based activities bring the best of online lessons in science, arts, language, and social studies - plus BONUS content to help stay mentally well and safe during COVID-19!
Jun 4th, 2020

Contributions from research on the benefits of nature in school education.
Sep 24th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Le pin à écorce blanche et le pin flexible risquent de disparaître. Sept parcs nationaux unissent leurs efforts pour rétablir, surveiller et protéger ces arbres précieux. Faites un voyage dans les montagnes pour découvrir les menaces qui pèsent sur le pin à écorce blanche et le pin flexible ainsi que le travail accompli par Parcs Canada pour venir en aide à ces deux espèces. Apprenez-en davantage :
Jul 22nd, 2022

Created by: Parks Canada

Whitebark and limber pine are at risk of extinction. Seven national parks have joined forces to recover, monitor and protect these special trees. Journey into the mountains to learn more about the threats to whitebark and limber pine, and what Parks Canada is doing to help.
Jul 22nd, 2022

Poster on the correct collection of plastic and metal during selective waste collection
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Ocean Wise

Plastic is everywhere in our oceans and it’s going to take a deep, transformational change in humanity’s consciousness and activities regarding the oceans to ensure healthy, sustainable life on this planet. We believe this is possible! But we need your help. Our youth need to be made aware of their own plastic use and how their actions will have a direct impact on the environment around them. Through these resources we hope youth will become leaders of change - and this all starts in your classroom.
Apr 29th, 2020

Created by: World Urban Parks

Podparks aims to bring parks to life. A podcast for parks professionals, parks enthusiasts, travelers, historians, conservationists, and anybody with an interest in learning about the green spaces they occupy and enjoy. This educational podcast will combine interviews and narrative-driven episodes to create compelling stories about parks, the people who create them and their role in the past, present and future of our communities.
Jun 7th, 2023

Created by: NatureKids BC

We are inviting families, clubs and schools to learn about and get involved with pollinator citizen science through surveys and stewardship action. Citizen science is a great hands-on learning tool to get children and youth involved in real science and helps them learn new things about the world around them. The stewardship component engages youth in stemming the decline of pollinators by planting with plants that produce food for pollinators – pollen and nectar.
Jan 15th, 2021

Einen wahren Schatz an Unterrichtsmaterialien zum globalen Lernen und zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung hält dieses Portal der "Eine Welt Internet-Konferenz" bereit. Vom Klimaschutz über Kinderarbeit bis hin zur Handy-Produktion sind Bildungsmaterialien unterschiedlicher Anbieter gebündelt.
Mar 30th, 2021

Created by: Conservation Optimism

A guide to (re)framing conservation messages to empower action.
Jun 22nd, 2020

Join scientist Alex Wegmann on a Virtual Field Trip to explore a compelling question: How can we get the energy we need without harming nature?
Apr 27th, 2020

This guide contains information on teacher preparation for the event, technical information, as well as a variety of student materials, which can be used before, after, or during the virtual field trip Powering the Planet: Renewable Energy.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Apprenez comment Parcs Canada et des peuples autochtones travaillent ensemble pour la protection et la gestion des terres et des ressources.
Jun 18th, 2020

Protecting Blue Nature is a podcast focused on the 5 themes from IMPAC5, the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress which took place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on February 3-9, 2023. The five themes were: Building a global marine protected area network Managing marine protected areas and human activity Conserving biodiversity and addressing the climate crisis Advancing conservation in the blue economy Connecting ocean, culture and human well-being
May 29th, 2023

Protégeons la nature bleue est un balado touchant les cinq thèmes d'IMPAC5, le cinquième congrès international sur les aires marines protégées qui à eu lieu à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique (Canada), les 3 au 9 février 2023. Les cinq thèmes étaient: Créer un réseau mondial de zones de protection marine Lutter contre les changements climatiques et conserver la biodiversité Gestion des zones de protections marines et de l'activité humaine Faire progresser la conservation dans l'économie bleue Faire le lien entre la culture, l'océan et le bien-être humain
May 29th, 2023

Created by: IUCN CEC member

una hoja para colorear de la Alianza Gato Andino proporcionada por Alejandra Torrez
Jul 16th, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

Voici un article de blog de Parcs Canada où vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur: Quel effet cela fait-il d’être une chauve-souris?
Apr 27th, 2020

Throughout this Action Guide, you will discover update information and resources on stormwater systems. By auditing your school's stormwater process you will observe what is going on in your school environmental that may cause unnecessary harm.
Jan 17th, 2022

Grâce au Trekker, un appareil photo (monté sur un sac à dos) qui utilise la même technologie que Google Street View, nous avons maintenant des photos 360 degrés de paysages de quelques-unes des propriétés de CNC situées d'un bout à l'autre du pays.
Apr 28th, 2020

List of recipes using native species.
Jun 15th, 2020

Esta caja de herramientas es una guía para todos los jóvenes alrededor del mundo que quieran formar grupos de acción o redes de Líderes Naturales. Le sugiere algunas ideas divertidas y le da ejemplos de cómo podría usted construir su propia Red.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Reefs at Risk Activity and Coloring Book teaches children about the wonders of coral reefs through fun and educational activities. The book takes students on a learning adventure through interactive activities, thought-provoking questions, and captivating coloring pages. It raises awareness about the challenges coral reefs face while also fostering critical thinking and introducing students to new scientific concepts.
Nov 28th, 2023

Created by: UNEP

n support of World Education Day and teachers looking for new material on environmental awareness and protection, the United Nations Environment Programme’s Ozone Secretariat has tapped into animation and gamification to develop innovative teacher lesson plans and student workbooks. Targeting tweens (8-12-year-olds) and using the Reset Earth short animations and storylines, the protagonists Knox, Terran and Sagan bring the story of how the ozone layer was saved to life.
Jan 26th, 2022

Lessons cover planning, building, and caring for your garden, plus a video on overcoming common student fears.
Apr 27th, 2020

Des ressources en matière de la durabilité pour aider comment enseigner à l’extérieur, évaluées par les enseignants, pour les enseignants
Jul 16th, 2021

Join an aquarist who will be demonstrating a feeding session with the Ripley's Aquarium of Canada's Spotted Eagle Rays (Aetobatus narinari). The session will focus on their ecology and habits, with other tank mates like Cownose Rays and the smallest hammerhead sharks species, the Bonnethead likely to make some appearances.
May 6th, 2020

Riskepedia is the new UNU-EHS video series where senior and young experts explain, in an easy and understandable way, climate and risk terminology.
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: UN University

Riskepedia is the new UNU-EHS video series where senior and young experts explain, in an easy and understandable way, climate and risk terminology.
Mar 29th, 2023

River - friendly and river -saver catering is a programme that focuses on the river and a voluntary rating scheme for the cleanliness of our rivers where customers rate sustainable operations.
Mar 29th, 2023

A short conservation video - watch to learn more about these amazing species and why they are disappearing from our Southern Gulf Islands waters. Partner organizations Galiano Conservancy Association, Valdes Island Conservancy and University of Victoria School of Environmental Studies are promoting rockfish conservation awareness and monitoring their populations in this region. Reach out for more information!
Dec 18th, 2020

For the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, join Danielle of Friends of the Rouge Watershed (FRW) for a virtual tree planting to learn more about climate action, ecological restoration and the Rouge National Urban Park. Danielle joined Friends of the Rouge Watershed (FRW) in 2018. Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, she is passionate about urban wildlife conservation. In her role as an Environmental Project Coordinator, Danielle combines hands-on restoration and advocacy in the Rouge with community engagement and education to inspire youth and community members to become local stewards.
May 6th, 2020

A Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park bemutatása
Dec 3rd, 2021

Created by: Internet of Elephants

Satellite Stories: Ol Pejeta reveals a fascinating slice of life within the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in central Kenya, through movement models of 11 animal species over a 7 day period. Supported by a grant from the National Geographic Society, Satellite Stories allows you to explore the landscape and swoop down into the action to discover incredible stories of the animals at one of Kenya's most iconic wildlife conservancies.
May 8th, 2020

A poster about the challenges the Asian elephants face and how to help them
Oct 14th, 2021

A poster of various turtles and tortoises found in Kaziranga, India
Oct 14th, 2021

Created by: Sea Smart School

Sea Smart offers a unique educational experience delivering high quality school programs based on science and current ocean issues. We provide fun inquiry and place-based school programs for youth from Kindergarten to Grade 12 that promote critical thinking to your class through full day and half day education programs.
Aug 28th, 2020

Wild Challenge is a free award scheme that anyone can take part in, that prompts children to connect with, and learn about, nature through a series of fun and engaging activities. At the RSPB we believe in inclusivity which is why we accept submissions from all ages and abilities. This makes Wild Challenge a perfect framework for learning. Mainly designed for primary aged school pupils in mainstream education, it can easily be adapted for Home Educators, pupils with Special Educational Needs and Early Years.
Sep 1st, 2020

Ms. Mallory, the Curious Conservationist, travels the world turning fears into fascination by sharing the true stories behind nature's creepy, crawly, gross, and scary. When home to take care of her own creepy-crawly crew, she highlights citizen-science wildlife projects and helps grassroots conservation groups connect with local communities. Her mission is to spark curiosity about the natural world while empowering others to do the same through public outreach, community conservation projects, citizen scientist initiatives, and backyard exploration. It's time to Step Outside & Adventure!
May 6th, 2020

Explore hundreds of activities to drive your Scouting adventures! Search by your age level, Scout level, length of activity, season and Program Area to find the activity that’s right for you.
Jun 18th, 2021

Created by: NatureForAll

Le présent document, qui comprend des recommandations à l’intention des décideurs, met en lumière la diversité des valeurs que procurent les expériences et les liens avec la nature ainsi que leur importance pour l’adoption de comportements positifs envers la Terre. Les connaissances que nous transmettons ici ont un rôle essentiel à jouer en vue d’éclairer les politiques et les mesures locales, régionales et mondiales qui ont trait à la conservation, au développement durable et à d’autres enjeux connexes. [FR - Connecting with Nature to Care for Ourselves and the Earth]
May 22nd, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Over one billion people depend on seafood as their primary source of protein. As the global population continues to grow, the need for sustainable and healthy protein sources is key and seafood will play an important role. Resources from our world’s oceans are not as unlimited as we once thought. Choosing to eat sustainable seafood helps to ensure that we will be able to continue to enjoy seafood for generations to come.
Apr 29th, 2020

A four-part video series looking at the secrets found along the ocean's seabed.
Jul 23rd, 2021

Created by: Natural Curiosity

This free program includes a 5-part instructional video series that provides an introductory exploration of Natural Curiosity’s four-branch environmental inquiry framework, deepened by Indigenous perspectives. The first video provides an overview of the Natural Curiosity pedagogy, developed at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Laboratory School, OISE-University of Toronto. It references the leading resource, Natural Curiosity 2nd Edition, alongside its authors and leading practitioners to define environmental inquiry, and how it relates to Indigenous perspectives. Educators are invited to explore the video resources independently, or as a group to launch a collaborative inquiry or book study.
May 12th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Vous souhaitez plonger encore plus profondément dans l’apprentissage de l’océan ? Peut-être travaillez-vous dans l’éducation, dans un musée, dans une bibliothèque, dans un parc, ou vous souhaitez tout simplement trouver des moyens de soutenir l’éducation liée à l’océan ? Ou peut-être vous êtes au début de votre carrière et souhaitez en savoir plus sur les opportunités océaniques et les leaders de l’innovation. Dans tous les cas, nos trousses ont été conçues pour vous !
Jun 3rd, 2021

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Cette trousse vous fera parcourir le pays d’un océan à l’autre pour découvrir les expériences immersives et les efforts de collaboration de Parcs Canada en matière de protection et de conservation du milieu marin. Naviguez dans la trousse à outils pour trouver des vidéos, des activités d’observation, des bricolages et des renseignements sur les différentes façons d’explorer le patrimoine marin dans les lieux administrés par Parcs Canada partout au pays.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Cette trousse pédagogique a été créée pour aider les personnes travaillant dans les bibliothèques et les espaces communautaires à adopter une approche conviviale pour faciliter les expériences d’apprentissage sur l’océan et les voies navigables au Canada. Ces activités et ressources d’apprentissage ont été conçues en fonction de votre public et de vos besoins en matière d’engagement, et dans le but de renforcer notre compréhension collective de notre influence sur l’océan et de l’influence de l’océan sur nous.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Ce guide a été élaboré à l’intention des enseignants et des élèves de la maternelle à la cinquième année du secondaire provenant de communautés côtières et terrestres partout au Canada. L’objectif de ce guide est de faire participer les apprenants à l’éducation à l’océan, approfondir leur sensibilisation et leur lien avec l’océan, et inspirer des actions dans la classe et au-delà. Il est conçu pour répondre aux objectifs du programme scolaire en matière de numératie et de littératie, de sciences et d’études sociales, de santé et autres.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Le Guide pour écoles 2.0 a été créé pour les enseignants, en particulier ceux du deuxième cycle du primaire, afin d’aider les éducateurs à faire entrer l’océan dans leur classe, en fournissant aux élèves les connaissances et les outils nécessaires pour comprendre leur influence sur l’océan et l’influence que l’océan a sur eux.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Cette trousse d’outils pratiques, élaborée par le Musée canadien de la nature et Ingenium, fait la promotion de l’importance de la santé aquatique partout au Canada. Les activités présentées ci-dessous ont été créées pour être utilisées par des éducateurs dans les musées, centres de sciences et aquariums pendant la Semaine de l’océan Canada et au-delà. Toutefois, toutes les informations et le matériel nécessaires pour s’engager dans ces activités sont détaillés dans cette boîte à outils virtuelle. Vous pouvez le faire par vous-même!
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Ocean Week Canada

Cette boîte à outils permettra aux étudiants de niveau postsecondaire et aux professionnels en début de carrière de se renseigner sur les possibilités et les cheminements de carrière possibles dans le secteur océanique. Voici une occasion de plonger dans les récits personnels et les idées d’innovateurs et d’entrepreneurs du secteur océanique travaillant dans des domaines diversifiés, ainsi que des informations opportunes sur les tendances émergentes, programmes de carrière et ressources.
Jun 7th, 2022

Created by: Parks Victoria

Come on a tour of Serendip Sanctuary, Victoria, Australia, with our Education Officer Vanessa Wiggenraad. Meet some of the amazing native species of the Volcanic Western Plains, including the Bearded Dragon and Spotted Tail Quoll.
Sep 2nd, 2020

Animated short "Smoke Sky - Children and the Climate Crisis" brings these and other statements by children living across Brazil; they tell us how they view and perceive the impact of climate crisis over their lives.
Dec 16th, 2022

Learn about some of the most endangered and trafficked mammals in the world, including the slender horned gazelle, the northern hairy nosed wombat, red panda and the northern muriqui
May 3rd, 2021

Tu n’es jamais trop jeune pour faire une différence. C’est particulièrement vrai lorsqu’il s’agit d’avoir un effet positif sur le monde naturel qui t’entoure, notre faune et les espaces sauvages qui lui servent d’habitats partout au Canada. Les jeunes nous demandent souvent ici, à la Fédération canadienne de la faune (FCF) : « Qu’est-ce que je peux faire pour aider la planète? ». Si tu as de 15 à 18 ans, la réponse est simple : participe au programme Sors dehors.
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

The Sounds of Your Park initiative is a continuously growing collection of sounds intended to celebrate the acoustical beauty and diversity of the world’s national parks and other protected areas. Natural spaces, species, and traditional cultural practices are disappearing around the globe as the modern human footprint expands. Coupled with this loss is the associated loss of natural and cultural soundscapes. Stated plainly, some of the planet’s most iconic sounds are disappearing and are now largely confined to the most isolated and protected places.
Nov 2nd, 2020

Der Filmclip zum Sonderwettbewerb „Soziale Natur – Natur für alle“ der UN-Dekade Biologische Vielfalt. Im Rahmen des Sonderwettbewerbs zeichnet die UN-Dekade vorbildliche Projekte an der Schnittstelle von Natur und sozialen Fragen aus. Die Projekte lenken den Blick besonders auf die Chancen, die Natur und biologische Vielfalt für den sozialen Zusammenhalt bieten.
Mar 16th, 2021

Created by: Sea Smart School

In Vancouver, BC, Sea Smart’s trained staff of marine biologists and environmental educators will visit your school to deliver a series of three inquiry-based workshops to each participating class (Grades 4-12 only). Sea Smart students will brainstorm and implement exciting stewardship projects to engage their schools and communities in aquatic species conservation.
Aug 28th, 2020

Created by: Nature Canada

Get Your Kids into the Spirit of Earth Day with these 6 TV Episodes. Nature Canada put together a list of a few television episodes and series with an Earth Day or environmental theme. These are ideal for our youngest nature lovers and their families, so settle in and press play!
Apr 27th, 2020

The “Spoon-billed Sandpiper Teaching Kit- for school teachers and education leaders starts with information of wetlands and goes deeper for students to learn about Spoon-billed Sandpiper. It also provides various indoor and outdoor activities and teaching materials for teachers and educators to design their lesson. I believe this is a useful tool for developing understanding of the importance of conserving nature and, in particular, the actions required to ensure the future survival of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper and the other birds that use the habitats of the flyway.
Jan 12th, 2023

This guide provides information about the amur falcons
Oct 14th, 2021

Das Projekt "Suchtprävention und Soziale Arbeit mit der Natur" erhält den UN-Dekade-Sonderpreis "Soziale Natur – Natur für alle". Mehr Infos zum Projekt finden Sie hier:
Mar 16th, 2021

Selecionamos uma série de recursos e sugestões sobre como colocar natureza na vida das crianças e das famílias durante a quarentena
May 7th, 2020

This book was created to represent the data collected on the yellow wattled Lapwing by the researchers at the Agumbe Rainforest Research Station and convert the information for more accessible and easier understanding for a wider audience.
May 6th, 2020

It's time to embed sustainability into your classroom, school and community. There are many steps to sustainability education. Here are some resources to help you, whichever step you are at.
Apr 30th, 2020

Connecting with nature, even for five minutes a day, can have tremendous benefits for your health and wellness while helping to reinforce positive, new habits. Here are some daily #Take5withNature inspirational activities to enjoy the benefits of nature from the comfort of your home.
Jun 15th, 2020

Take Action on Climate Change presents students with actions they can take at home, in their school, and in their community. Supporting students to take action helps build student leadership. When students take action, it encourages other around them to take action as well. This empowers students and gives them confidence in their ability to influence change and make a difference for the environment.
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

benyújtotta Thurzó Orsolya: Harmóniában élni a természettel velünk született igény. Megfürdeni egy folyóban a kiránduláson, békát menteni egy hétköznapon vagy éjszakai túrázni. Az élet egy nagy kaland! Fedezz fel, kérdezz, tanulj mindenből! Segítünk!
Dec 9th, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Submitted by Alexandra Aubertin - Discover the story of the first Ecological book of the First Ecological State in the World: Montenegro. This eco-tale about fighting for a cleaner planet is imaginative work intertwined with the exciting adventures of a little girl named Tara who befriended a Magic Tree, and prompt us to think: “Are we cutting the branch we are sitting on?”. Written by a forest engineer and children’s book writer, illustrated by 10 teenage girls studying at the National Art School of Montenegro, this book is also supporting vulnerable women in rural areas in a very creative way.
Jun 9th, 2020

Boreal caribou are a national icon, with their place on the Canadian quarter, but the truth is they’re not doing well. Increasing pressures from industry and development are putting their homes in Canada’s vast boreal forest at risk. This threatened species deserves our protection not simply because they’re iconic. The truth is, we can’t afford to lose caribou because they’re just plain cool.
Nov 13th, 2020

Created by: Earth Rangers

Climate change is changing everything and Sarah has something to say about that. Tune in as she takes on the global climate crisis in her very own way and breaks down the what’s, when’s, how’s and why’s of climate change. Whether she’s reaching out to teens that are changing the world, discovering brilliant minds that are reimagining the future or getting down to business with eco-entrepreneurs, she’s not afraid to ask hard questions and she’s got the research to prove it…
Oct 22nd, 2020

The Butterflyway Project is a citizen-led movement growing highways of habitat for bees and butterflies across Canada.
Oct 30th, 2020

The Climate Change Conundrum is meant to help students identify their emotions surrounding climate change and provide coping strategies. After reading through the cartoon, students will be asked to identify what characters are feeling and why they might be feeling this way. Student will be encouraged to share their own emotions related to climate change and address their coping strategies. They will then discuss the Coping Strategies Model, co-created with Inês Lopes, PhD, psychologist and education consultant.
Jul 21st, 2021

More than a form of accountability to society, our partners and those interested in the cause, the impact report provides an encouraging outlook of what these efforts have produced towards achieving childhoods that are rich in nature and in the search for a healthy and welcoming planet for humanity.
Sep 9th, 2020

Human rights can help overcome the Achilles heel of international environmental law—the absence of effective enforcement mechanisms and the resulting lack of accountability. In the short-term, the goal is universal recognition of the right to a healthy environment through resolutions of the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly. In the medium term, the right should be incorporated into a legally binding global instrument, such as the Global Pact for the Environment first proposed by France or a Third International Covenant. Ultimately, the right should be added to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Dec 20th, 2021

Created by: Natural Curiosity

Join Joseph Pitawanakwat of Creators Garden and Haley Higdon of Natural Curiosity as they explore the value of Indigenous perspectives in STEM. Explore Indigenous science, including Anishinaabe plant-based medicine, and its relationship with western knowledge systems. Learn how meaningful relationships between educators, students and the natural world can facilitate understanding of Indigenous perspectives.
May 11th, 2022

The "Land Where The Sticker Tree Grows" offers a simple glance at urban and peri-urban environments to capture the conflict between biodiversity and urbanization, by creating empathy for species that we share these spaces with.
May 6th, 2020

A poster of the types of vultures found in Indi and the challenges they face for their survival
Oct 14th, 2021

Comics Uniting Nations, IUCN CEC and comic creators come together to create and share stories that connect people with nature.
May 13th, 2020

Arabic version. Comics Uniting Nations, IUCN CEC and comic creators come together to create and share stories that connect people with nature.
May 13th, 2020

Learn how fragile reefs are being damaged by human activity and climate change, and how scientists are developing ways to restore corals. Go on a virtual field trip to the beautiful coastline of the Dominican Republic with scientist Joe Pollock.
Apr 27th, 2020

This Teacher Guide contains a set of discussion questions and answers for any grade level, which can be used after the virtual field trip The Secret Life of Corals.
Apr 27th, 2020

The Turtle Hospital opened its doors 1986 with four main goals: 1) rehab injured sea turtles and return them to their natural habitat, 2) educate the public through outreach programs and visit local schools, 3) conduct and assist with research aiding to sea turtles (in conjunction with state universities), and 4) work toward environmental legislation making the beaches and water safe and clean for sea turtles. There are 7 species of sea turtles throughout the entire world. Five of the seven are found in Florida: Green, Loggerhead, Leatherback, Hawksbill, and Kemp’s Ridley.
May 6th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Read a story about wildlife overpass, Banff National Park: a lifeline for wild travellers. The wanderers: epic and perilous journeys of animal travellers present educative content about why connecting protected areas lets wildlife move between them, allowing populations to mix and strengthening biodiversity.
Apr 27th, 2020

This report from The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) explains light pollution, why it matters and how to reduce it.
Jan 30th, 2024

Created by: IUCN CEC member

The Kamchatka Brown Bear is the biggest sub-species of the brown bear in Russia, one of the biggest sub-species in the world. The average weight of an adult male is 350–400 kilos, some individuals can be up to 700 kilos, and the length of the body is over 3 meters! Kamchatka bruins are the second largest only to bears from the Kodiak Archipelago near the southern coast of Alaska. The bear population of Kamchatka is about 20 thousand individuals. Their habitat covers practically the whole territory of the peninsula. Available in Chinese, Russian, German and English
Apr 6th, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

The Kamchatka Brown Bear is the biggest sub-species of the brown bear in Russia, one of the biggest sub-species in the world. The average weight of an adult male is 350–400 kilos, some individuals can be up to 700 kilos, and the length of the body is over 3 meters! Kamchatka bruins are the second largest only to bears from the Kodiak Archipelago near the southern coast of Alaska. The bear population of Kamchatka is about 20 thousand individuals. Their habitat covers practically the whole territory of the peninsula. Available in Chinese, Russian, German and English
Apr 6th, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

The Kamchatka Brown Bear is the biggest sub-species of the brown bear in Russia, one of the biggest sub-species in the world. The average weight of an adult male is 350–400 kilos, some individuals can be up to 700 kilos, and the length of the body is over 3 meters! Kamchatka bruins are the second largest only to bears from the Kodiak Archipelago near the southern coast of Alaska. The bear population of Kamchatka is about 20 thousand individuals. Their habitat covers practically the whole territory of the peninsula. Available in Chinese, Russian, German and English
Apr 6th, 2021

Created by: IUCN CEC member

The Kamchatka Brown Bear is the biggest sub-species of the brown bear in Russia, one of the biggest sub-species in the world. The average weight of an adult male is 350–400 kilos, some individuals can be up to 700 kilos, and the length of the body is over 3 meters! Kamchatka bruins are the second largest only to bears from the Kodiak Archipelago near the southern coast of Alaska. The bear population of Kamchatka is about 20 thousand individuals. Their habitat covers practically the whole territory of the peninsula. Available in Chinese, Russian, German and English
Apr 6th, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

Parks Canada and Friends of Keji are proud to present Thinking Outside: the Learn-to Camp Podcast. COVID-19 may have interrupted our plans to join you outside this summer, but we've made it our mission to bring camping and the outdoors to you. Join us around our digital campfire as we feature tales from some of Nova Scotia's best storytellers, adventurers, and interpreters about what makes camping so important. Learn about how camping can improve your mental health, what camping is like for new Canadians, and more!
Jul 21st, 2020

Consciousness, imagination and thoughtfulness. Three states of mind needed to tackle today’s environmental crises. Consciousness because we need to be aware of the environmental problems if we are to solve them. Imagination because we need to rethink how we can solve the environmental problems. Thoughtfulness because we need reflection and deliberation in the implementation of environmental law and governance.
Dec 20th, 2021

These resources are for caregivers who have, love, or work directly with kids! Whether you are looking to take your first steps leading children outdoors and you’re not sure where to start, or you’re comfortable leading children outdoors but you’d like to learn more about unstructured play and learning – this is for you!
Sep 23rd, 2020

These resources are for early years educators, teachers who have, love, or work directly with kids! Whether you are looking to take your first steps leading children outdoors and you’re not sure where to start, or you’re comfortable leading children outdoors but you’d like to learn more about unstructured play and learning – this is for you!
Sep 23rd, 2020

These resources are for educators who have, love, or work directly with kids! Whether you are looking to take your first steps leading children outdoors and you’re not sure where to start, or you’re comfortable leading children outdoors but you’d like to learn more about unstructured play and learning – this is for you!
Sep 23rd, 2020

These resources are for parents who have, love, or work directly with kids! Whether you are looking to take your first steps leading children outdoors and you’re not sure where to start, or you’re comfortable leading children outdoors but you’d like to learn more about unstructured play and learning – this is for you!
Sep 23rd, 2020

These resources are for recreation and camp professionals who who have, love, or work directly with kids! Whether you are looking to take your first steps leading children outdoors and you’re not sure where to start, or you’re comfortable leading children outdoors but you’d like to learn more about unstructured play and learning – this is for you!
Sep 23rd, 2020

Varied nature-based activities are offered as examples of ways to foster executive function throughout childhood developmental phases.
Apr 28th, 2020

Tierchenwelt ist eine private Webseite mit zahlreichen Tier-Steckbriefen, -Rekorden und Wissen für Schule, Hausaufgaben und Referate. Die Seite enthält auch Werbeanzeigen.
Mar 17th, 2021

Encouraging a respectful, emotionally-anchored sense of understanding in children and young people for nature and living organisms in natural settings is a central goal of teaching the biological sciences and environmental education in both formal and non-formal contexts.
Apr 29th, 2020

Die Abteilung Ökologie und Umweltbildung der Europa-Universität Flensburg hat für Schüler der Primar- und Sekundarstufe Unterrichtsmaterial zur Biologischen Vielfalt erstell. Hier finden Sie Unterrichtsmaterialien für alle Klassenstufen und Schularten zu dem Themenbereich Erhaltung der Biodiversität.
Mar 30th, 2021

Created by: The Oceanic Project

Learn how climate change is impacting the island of Mauritius in National Geographic Young Explorer Prashant Mohesh new documentary.
Jun 10th, 2022

Join our Chief Marketing Officer as he leads you on an exclusive and comprehensive walk-through of the Canadian Museum of Nature's world-class galleries, and shares interesting stories and insights behind the exhibitions.
Apr 27th, 2020

Travis Steffens is a Conservation Ecologist who studies lemurs in Madagascar. His research is focused on looking at how lemur species respond to habitat fragmentation. He's also the founder and director of Planet Madagascar a conservation education and community development organization in Madagascar. Join Travis as he shares some of the amazing biodiversity of Madagascar, often referred to as a world in an island, because its biodiversity is so rich, with many endemic species (found nowhere else in the world). However this paradise is in jeopardy due to factors like poor economic conditions and deforestation.
May 6th, 2020

This guide offers hundreds of ideas for fun, hands-on experiences for families and teachers to connect children ages 1–6 to nature, with a focus on trees. Through indoor and outdoor activities, children explore nature through their five senses, experience trees throughout the seasons, and connect with their community.
May 3rd, 2024

Kontinuierlich aktualisierte Handreichungen zur Integration des Themas Biologische Vielfalt in den Unterricht. Themenplaner, Hintergrundtexte, Unterrichtsvorschläge, Arbeitsmaterialien, Bilderserien, Videos, Methoden.
Mar 30th, 2021

Unter dem Schlagwort "Umwelt im Unterricht" veröffentlicht das Bundesumweltministerium Unterrichtsmaterialien zu wechselnden aktuellen Umweltthemen. Alle bisher erschienenen Materialien zum Themenkomplex "Biologische Vielfalt" sind zusammengefasst.
Mar 30th, 2021

A través de este video Reforestamos y FONCET nos traen un minuto en el bosque de El Triunfo, Chiapas.
Apr 27th, 2020

Die Schüler*innen übernehmen bei einem Rollenspiel die Position von Wirtschaftsberatern*beraterinnen und beraten eine fiktive Firma. Diese steht vor der Entscheidung, Geld für Umwelt- und Klimaschutzmaßnahmen auszugeben. Auf diese Weise setzen sich die Schüler*innen mit den kurz- und langfristigen Kosten und Nutzen von Klima-Investitionen auseinander. Die Themenseiten auf Umwelt-im-Unterricht bündeln vorhandene Inhalte und liefern Anregungen, wie die Zusammenhänge anschaulich in den Sekundarstufen vermittelt werden können.
Mar 30th, 2021

Created by: IUCN

A series of tools and resources aimed at achieving positive conservation outcomes in cities and urban settings worldwide.
Feb 4th, 2021

Created by: Ocean Wise

In this game, you learn how urchins, otters, and kelp are all interconnected! Using a fun game, you can learn all about these ecosystems interactions and the interconnectedness of these species.
Apr 29th, 2020

Foglalkozások és hasznos ismeretek a hazai védett fajok mentőmunkájának bemutatására Foglalkozások és hasznos ismeretek a hazai védett fajok mentőmunkájának bemutatására
Mar 28th, 2023

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Kronotsky Federal Nature Biosphere Reserve and South-Kamchatka Federal Nature Sanctuary are known far beyond Kamchatka region and Russia for their exceptional role in the conservation of biological and landscape diversity and unique natural sites. The authors of this book have made an attempt to assess the economic value of these protected areas, including their contribution to human well being at local, regional and global scales. The book will be useful and interesting for protected area managers, economists, ecologists, Kamchatka residents and everyone who wants to look at protected areas from a different perspective.
Apr 6th, 2021

Created by: Ocean Wise

Self Directed visits are an excellent way to get your students engaged in marine life, with the flexibility to customize your day in a way that works best for you. The Vancouver Aquarium is home to over 5,000 animals of over 750 different species. This page is a asset for you to use throughout your Self Directed Visit. Here you will find resources for planning your visit, activities for your students, as well as follow up activities for your class. Students can apply what they learned during their visit by contributing to the Blogs, Discussion Boards, or Gallery.
Apr 29th, 2020

Ces vidéos mettent en lumière l’esprit d’initiative d’individus, d’organisations à but non lucratif et d’entreprises dont les réalisations ont une incidence sur le respect et les soins envers la nature au sein d’une communauté, à travers le pays ou même à l’échelle internationale.
May 1st, 2020

Explore nature in the field, in the lab, and behind the scenes with researchers from Canada’s national museum of natural history and natural sciences. This series of videos on timely subjects connects nature’s past, present and future.
Apr 27th, 2020

Explorez la nature sur le terrain, en laboratoire et dans les coulisses avec des chercheurs du Musée national de sciences et d’histoire naturelles du Canada. Cette série de vidéos sur des sujets d’actualité tisse un lien entre le passé, le présent et l’avenir de la nature.
Apr 27th, 2020

Videos, in Portuguese, about how to connect children with nature wherever they are.
May 7th, 2020

Videos/films on nature conservation: Short films (upto 15 min duration) are available for viewing online to enhance knowledge about nature conservation issues of India.
May 5th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

Aquaschool with an online-spin! Our goal is to engage students through a personalized experience that ignites their passion for conservation and incorporates their prior knowledge and interests as they learn about real-world issues. AquaSchool will equip your students with the skills to become better observers, creative critical thinkers, and youth ambassadors in a rapidly changing environment.
Apr 29th, 2020

Designed for grades 5-8 but customizable for all ages, virtual field trips allow students to travel the world and explore natural environments without leaving the classroom. Each virtual field trip contains a video, teacher guide, and student activities.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Amigos de Sian Ka'an

The Virtual Library presents documents that you can download. This is a compilation of publications made by Amigos de Sian Ka'an on science, sustainability, environmental education. Find great resources as Scientifics Paper, Scientific Disclosure, knowledge for conservation, and more...
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Conservation Optimism

Check out this Conservation Optimism guided tour showcasing some of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History’s specimens. You will get to hear about similar remarkable animals and their conservation stories. Species covered include the Mauritius kestrel, humpback whale, Wallace’s giant bee and more!
May 26th, 2020

Created by: IUCN CEC member

Shared by Firas Abd-Alhadi: On the occasion of the World Environment Day 2020, June 5th, the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication & Shutter Bugs Creative Forum hosted a webinar that covered a wide range of issues including sustainable tourism, biodiversity of the macro world in the United Arab Emirates and the avian landscape in the UAE. It also presented the basic tenets of #NatureForAll that are based on the scientifically evidenced idea that connecting with nature drives us to better care for ourselves and Earth.
Jun 8th, 2020

Created by: Sea Smart School

Sea Smart’s highly experienced team of environmental educators will deliver inquiry-based virtual school workshops (~60 minutes long) that fulfill the BC Ministry of Education’s core competencies and curriculum connections for students from Grades 2 to 12. With Virtual Sea School, we connect with teachers and students in your homes with live workshops delivered via video conference.
Aug 28th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Thanks to a partnership with Google, it is now possible to visit many Parks Canada places in Street View for Google Maps. Google Street View technology allows you to create three-dimensional panoramas of a site, from the point of view of a person who visits it. Users can virtually navigate a three-dimensional location, zoom in and out, and explore a continuous series of indoor and outdoor panoramas simulating a real visit to the place.
Apr 27th, 2020

Le producteur multimédia du Musée canadien de la nature vous guide à travers nos galeries de renommée mondiale tout en partageant des histoires et des faits intéressants se rapportant aux expositions.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

Grâce à un partenariat avec Google, il est maintenant possible de visiter de nombreux endroits de Parcs Canada dans Street View pour Google Maps.La technologie de Google Street View permet de créer des panoramas tridimensionnels d'un site, du point de vue d'une personne qui en fait la visite. Les utilisateurs peuvent naviguer virtuellement dans un lieu en trois dimensions, faire des zooms avant et arrière, et explorer une série continue de panoramas intérieurs et extérieurs simulant une visite réelle du lieu.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Este Manual de referencia curricular “Voces de la Juventud”, desarrollado en el marco del Congreso Mundial de la Naturaleza de la UICN - Hawai'i 2016 para llegar a las nuevas generaciones, pretende infundir la naturaleza en las tareas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje para ayudar a (re)conectar a los niños y los jóvenes con la naturaleza y para inspirar pasión y acción para su conservación, ahora y en el futuro.
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

Ce manuel de référence pédagogique « Voix de la jeunesse », développé dans le cadre du Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN – Hawai’i 2016 à l’attention des jeunes générations, vise à insuffler la nature dans les efforts d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, pour aider à (re)connecter les enfants et les jeunes avec la nature et leur inspirer passion et désir d’action pour sa conservation, aujourd’hui et dans le futur.
Apr 28th, 2020

An attitude forming publication about a sustainable lifestyle and the development of a less environmentally burdensome way of life.
Mar 29th, 2023

Students investigate water quality by conducting simulated and actual biological (macroinvertebrate bioassessment), chemical (pH) and physical (turbidity) assessments.
Jan 17th, 2022

"Way to the Zero Waste school" learning material
Mar 29th, 2023

Created by: Parks Canada

Du nord du Yukon aux plans d’eau du parc marin du Saguenay–Saint-Laurent, au Québec, nos webcaméras et caméras de télésurveillance captent la vie sauvage des animaux sauvages. Ces caméras sont un outil utile pour la collecte de données et la surveillance de populations fauniques. Ils permettent également de s’approcher de la faune... sans vraiment s’approcher d’elle.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Ocean Wise

A video series brought to you direct from our Ocean Wise Wet Labs! This video series explores different animals within the wet lab and takes a deep dive in the biology of these amazing critters through inquiry-based learning and the power of remote learning technology.
Apr 29th, 2020

Wetlands to the Rescue! combines extensive research on how wetlands play a role in mitigating climate change, while also making sure young people are taught climate change in a responsible way that will make them feel empowered. In this PowerPoint, students will learn the causes and consequences of climate change in Canada, examples of behaviour-based and nature-based solutions, how wetlands are helping us in the fight against climate change, and how young climate activists are changing the world.
Jul 21st, 2021

This sheet summarizes all the ways that wetlands help lessen the impacts of climate change. It corresponds with Wetlands to the Rescue! PowerPoint.  Your students will learn how wetlands provide water during droughts, store and slow water during floods, protect coastal regions from storms, provide a cooling effect, and actively fight climate change by absorbing and storing carbon.
Jul 21st, 2021

Wetlands: A Powerful Carbon Sink is a short animated video that explains how wetlands absorb and store carbon.
Jul 21st, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

Here's a blog post by Parks Canada where you can learn more about : What is it like to be a bat?
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Tony Wild

What is the cost you are leaving behind for your great-grandchild? Destroyed forests? Dried up rivers? Heaps of litter in the ocean or rivers? No Wildlife roaming freely in the savannah? Learn and practice the art of wast segregation from the household to the authorized dumpsite, and what steps you can do to help.
Jun 9th, 2020

Created by: Internet of Elephants

Wild Beauty, developed by Internet of Elephants and luxury botanical beauty brand Chantecaille, is an app that invites users to experience Africa’s most majestic and endangered wild animals (the cheetah, elephant, giraffe, lion, pangolin, and rhinoceros), by bringing them into the users world through Augmented Reality, and photograph them in action. The app is connected to a campaign to introduce their ‘Africa’s Vanishing Species Collection’ of Luminescent Eye Shades, which supports six wildlife charities.
May 8th, 2020

Aimed at both school teachers and non-formal educators like youth group and community leaders, WILD Education is a professional development program that trains educators to become certified instructors of Project WILD, Below Zero and WILD about Sports. These interdisciplinary activity guides feature interactive indoor and outdoor activities for youth that focus on wildlife and the environment. Workshop participants develop the knowledge, skills and commitment to make informed decisions and take constructive action for wildlife and the environment.
May 4th, 2020

The WILD Family Nature Club initiative was developed with help from the International Children and Nature Network. The program is designed to support volunteers like you who want to work with CWF and inspire a love of nature in others by connecting children and families to a world of outdoor play and exploration. From simple nature hikes through urban parks to surveying wildlife conservation areas with your free iNaturalist Canada app, there is no limit to the kind of nature-based activities you can incorporate into your program.
Apr 28th, 2020

You are never too young to make a difference – especially when it comes to the positive impact you can have on the natural world around you, our wildlife and the natural spaces they call home across Canada. At the Canadian Wildlife Federation, young people often ask us, “How can I get involved and what can I do to help the planet?” When you are aged 15 to 18, the answer is simple: become part of the WILD Outside program.
Apr 28th, 2020

WILD Spaces aims to connect educators and children to nature and help protect pollinators through a meaningful learning experience. This program guides teachers to empower elementary students to learn about pollinators, adapt school or community gardens to create pollinator habitat, observe and document pollinators in the garden and share their experiences with others in the program across Canada.
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Internet of Elephants

"With this game/application, you can join a crew of wildlife scientists. Data heads and science geeks are working around the clock to defend wildlife. They need your help to collect the data needed to protect the last wild spaces on earth. "
Apr 28th, 2020

Created by: Parks Canada

You can watch this video of the Wildlife Cameras of Ivvavik National Park. The northern Yukon, with its diverse vegetation, is able to support a wide range of animal life. Many mammal species move freely between vegetation zones while other animals prefer very specific habitats.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Great Eastern Ranges

The activities and lessons included in this package provides a range of suggestions for achieving Stage 3 learning outcomes across a spectrum of K-10 and K-6 syllabuses. Teaching and learning activities can be modified to suit the local needs of students and can be replaced as desired with other activities. Several extension activities have also been included in the package to further enhance learning. What the package includes: • Lesson guides • A series of colourful factsheets to assist learning • A range of interactive activities to inspire students and encourage discussion
Jul 13th, 2021

Created by: Parks Canada

From northern Yukon to the waters of Quebec’s Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park, our webcams and remote cameras capture the wild lives of wildlife. These cameras are a valuable tool in collecting data and monitoring wildlife populations. They also let people get close to wildlife… without actually getting close.
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: Take Me Outside

Every day throughout the #TMOWinterChallenge, we’ll be suggesting different activities to join in with your learners. We hope this inspires you to try something new, get creative, and get outside. But most importantly… have fun!
Feb 28th, 2023

A library of free worksheets and activities to connect the children in your life to trees and the outdoors. Each worksheet asks questions to support critical thinking and provides one or more activities for you and the children to complete together.
Apr 28th, 2020

Lesson plans and workshops for global citizenship
Jul 17th, 2020

Created by: UNEP

Materials related to World Migratory Bird Day, including posters, quizzes, videos and photos. Many of the resources are multilingual, with the poster available in more than 10 languages.
Sep 30th, 2020

Der WWF stellt Unterrichtsmaterialien und Aktionsideen zu verschiedenen Umweltthemen zur Verfügung. Neben der Artenvielfalt stehen auch die Themen Klima und Ernährung auf dem Plan. Unsere Bildungsangebote aus den Themenbereichen Klimaschutz, Ernährung und Artenvielfalt richten sich dabei an Kinder und Jugendliche sowie Erwachsene und Lehrkräfte gleichermaßen.
Mar 30th, 2021

Interactive nature-based lesson plans for middle school-age students with free guides and videos for teachers. Lessons include biological interactions, terminology, the impact of reforestation and urban trees on human health, and more.
Apr 27th, 2020

Educational resources for teachers with students in high school. Lessons cover urban runoff, biomimicry, climate change, and more! Each lesson plan comes with a free teacher's guide and video.
Apr 27th, 2020

Educational resources for teachers with students in elementary school. Lessons come with a free teacher's guide and video, and cover how dirt works, the role of pollinators, how nature filters water, and more!
Apr 27th, 2020

Created by: NatureForAll

This Youth Voices Curriculum Sourcebook developed as part of the IUCN World Conservation Congress Hawai'i 2016 to reach younger generations, aims to infuse nature into teaching and learning endeavors, to help (re)connect children and youth with nature, and to inspire their passion and action for its conservation now and into the future.
Apr 28th, 2020

Die Zukunftsschule ist eine Initiative des Instituts für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holsteins. Im Rahmen der Initiative stellt das Institut Unterrichtsmaterialien und Informationen rund um das Thema Nachhaltigkeit zur Verfügung und vermittelt jungen Menschen Kompetenzen, gemeinsam eine lebenswerte Zukunft zu gestalten.
Mar 30th, 2021

Эта книга была разработана, написана и проиллюстрирована, чтобы приблизить детей и молодежь к миру защиты растений. Это можно считать первым простым руководством по защите растений, разработанным по случаю Международного года здоровья растений 2020. Хотя эта книга адресована возрастной группе от восьми до двенадцати лет, она также может быть полезна для детей старшего возраста и преподавателей.
Jul 21st, 2020

द कॉर्बेट फाउंडेशन द्वारा प्रकाशित यह पुस्तिका कठिन जैविक तंत्र को सरल भाषा में प्रदर्शित करती है। मध्य भारत के बांधवगढ़ एवं संजय डुबरी बाघ अभ्यारण्यों तथा इन्हें जोड़ने वाले गलियारे के जीवों एवं वनस्पति की दिलचस्प जानकारी इसमें समाहित है। स्थानीय समुदायों की भागीदारी सुनिश्चित करती हुई यह पुस्तिका, प्रकृति संरक्षण एवं सतत् विकास के लिए मार्गदर्शक है।
Oct 14th, 2021

eingereicht von Susanne Brandt, - Eine Arbeitshilfe mit kreativen Ideen zum Entdecken und Mitmachen im Rahmen von „Nachhaltig erzählen“ für Familien, Einzelpersonen und Gruppen
Sep 2nd, 2020

Jul 21st, 2020

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